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Archive for 'SJDM-Conferences'

The summer neuroscience meets decision making

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SUMMER WORKSHOP ON DECISION NEUROSCIENCE The University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and INSEAD will jointly host a Summer Workshop entitled “Decision Neuroscience: How Neuroscience Can Inform Behavioral Decision Making Research – Overview, Methods & Applications”. The workshop is co-organized by Jim Bettman, Joe Kable, Hilke Plassmann and Carolyn Yoon, and will be held […]

Opt-out for charity?

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DEFAULTS IN BRUSSELS Last week, Decision Science News spoke at a European Commission conference on “How Can Behavioural Economics Improve Policies Affecting Consumers?“, which was terrifying, as it meant addressing a large room of people with name cards and microphones and simultaneous translators behind glass walls. The DSN editor tried to emphasize how one must […]

JDM @ SPSP Feb 5th, 2009

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JDM PRE-CONFERENCE AT SPSP IN TAMPA The 4th Annual Judgment and Decision Making Pre-Conference at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) will be held February 5, 2009 in Tampa, FL. *Poster deadline has been extended until Monday, December 1st.*  Poster presentation submissions are now being accepted via our website http://www.socialthinking.org/jdm.html […]

SJDM and Brunswik Conferences Next Week (Nov 2008)

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SOCIETY FOR JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING (SJDM) AND BRUNSWIK CONFERENCES 2008 It’s not too late to hit the SJDM conference in Chicago (reception Nov 14, conference 15-17th, 2008). If you’re in town early enough (Nov 13-14th, 2008), you may be able to get into the Brunswik Society. Where: The Chicago Hilton, Chicago, IL 720 South […]

Using human nature to improve human life

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CALL FOR PAPERS: SJDM 2008 PRE-CONFERENCE. DEADLINE SEPT 1, 2008 Society for Judgment and Decision Making Preconference 2008: Using Human Nature to Improve Human Life. November 14, 2008. Gleacher Center, Chicago, IL. The University of Chicago’s Center for Decision Research announces that it will host a preconference to this year’s SJDM Annual Meeting, featuring research […]

There is no c in Brunswik, but both are in Chicago (one twice)

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24th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF THE BRUNSWIK SOCIETY, NOV 13-14, 2008 Call for Papers and Participation Dear friends and colleagues, The 24th Annual International Meeting of the Brunswik Society will be held on Thursday and Friday, November 13-14, 2008 in Chicago, Illinois, at the Hilton Chicago. The program begins at 12:00 noon on Thursday afternoon, […]

Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) 30th Annual Meeting

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SMDM 2008, OCTOBER 19-22, 2008, PHILADELPHIA We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract to the 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, being held in Philadelphia this October. The meeting theme is “Comparative Effectiveness Research.” Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present their work at the SMDM […]

JDM 2008, November 15-17, Chicago

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ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING The Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) invites abstracts for symposia, oral presentations, and posters on any interesting topic related to judgment and decision making. Completed manuscripts are not required. LOCATION, DATES, AND PROGRAM SJDM’s annual conference will be held at the Chicago Hilton […]

Harness that social networking and user-generated content data

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SYMPOSIUM ON STATISTICAL CHALLENGES IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH 2008 Symposium on Statistical Challenges in eCommerce Research Call for Papers We invite submissions to the Fourth Symposium on Statistical Challenges in eCommerce Research (SCECR 08) to be hosted in New York City by NYU Stern’s Center for Digital Economy Research, on May 18th and 19th, 2008. […]

SPSP 2008 Pre-Conference on JDM

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JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING AT SPSP, ALBUQUERQUE, NM, 2008 The Society for Personality and Social Psychology will again this year host a host of preconferences, including one on the world’s greatest topic, judgment and decision making (JDM). The program features some fine speakers: Sheena Iyengar Nicholas Epley Jennifer Aaker Alexander Todorov David Dunning Jennifer Beer […]