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Archive for 'Programs'

Software vs. procrastination

Filed in Gossip ,Programs
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SOFTWARE TO DEAL WITH ULTIMATELY UNDESRIABLE INTERTEMPORAL PREFERENCE SHIFTS Ever find yourself frittering away the day responding to email after email? Ever think that if you’d just spent 8 hours working on that project, you’d be done and still have time to answer those emails in front of the TV later that night? Sure, we […]

Nobel Laureate Vernon Smith at bounded rationality summer school

Filed in Conferences ,Programs ,SJDM
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7TH MAX PLANCK SUMMER INSTITUTE ON BOUNDED RATIONALITY ANNOUNCEMENT The 7th Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality in Psychology and Economics will introduce graduate students and early career researchers from different disciplines to the study of bounded and ecological rationality. This novel approach to human decision making examines the simple processes and cognitive mechanisms that enable […]

A new seminar series in London, first talk by Nassim Taleb

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THE IMPACT OF THE HIGHLY IMPROBABLE Decision Science News, the new Economics of Behaviour and Decision-Making Seminar, and the London Business School Centre for Marketing invite you to an Evening Seminar on: “The Impact of the Highly Improbable” with Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Visiting Professor, London Business School) At this evening seminar, we are delighted to […]

Master London: A World-Leading City for Decision Research

Filed in Programs ,SJDM
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MASTERS IN COGNITIVE AND DECISION SCIENCES Decision Science News is based out of London. And you could be, too. University College London and Birkbeck are launching a new MSc in Cognitive and Decision Sciences (to start in Sept 2007). This program studies the cognitive processes underlying human thought and decision making. Key topics include: probabilistic […]