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Archive for 'Tools'

iStalk and Stalkberry?

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SMARTPHONE UPLOADED PHOTOS AND VIDEOS REVEAL YOUR LOCATION BY DEFAULT It wouldn’t be 2010 if people didn’t love going out, taking pictures with their iPhones and Blackberries and posting them online. It is not only a great way let your friends know what you are up to, it is a great way to unknowingly reveal […]

Tuesday’s child is full of probability puzzles

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COUNTERINTUITIVE PROBLEM, INTUITIVE REPRESENTATION Blog posts about counterintuitive probability problems generate lots of opinions with a high probability. Andrew Gelman and readers have been having a lot of fun with the following probability problem: I have two children. One is a boy born on a Tuesday. What is the probability I have two boys? The […]

Tipping heuristics

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INCREDIBLY SIMPLE CALCULATIONS MADE SIMPLE Yes, we all know how to calculate 15% or 20% exactly, but it’s fun to use tipping heuristics and even more fun to make crowded graphs of how they compare to each other. (Sorry for the junky chart. Open for suggestions, in the words of Tom Waits.) Here are a […]

Stop overeating with a turn of the wrist

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A PEPPERY COMMITMENT DEVICE Decision Science News was having dinner with Shlomo Benartzi recently, not far from his beloved Four Seasons Hotel in New York. At the end of the meal, a chocolate souffle was ordered. Halfway through the souffle, Benartzi asked “would you like any more of this?” Decision Science News declined and watched […]

How to run experiments on Mechanical Turk

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THE TECHNICAL DETAILS, TUTORIALS, WALK-THROUGHS A few posts back, we showed how classic decision making experiments are being replicated on Amazon’s insta-subject-pool otherwise know as Mechanical Turk (aka MT). After that, Steven Pinker, at the SJDM keynote, presented Mechanical-Turk-collected data on perceptions of whether the past or present is perceived as more violent. This week, […]

Amazon’s Mechanical Turk meets classic JDM experiments

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A WHOLE NEW WORLD OF EXPERIMENTS NOW POSSIBLE Gabriele Paolacci sends along the following announcement. Decision Science News is also a fan of Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (or mturk as we insiders call it), and it and its colleagues at Yahoo! Research are actively using with the evolving methodology. You are probably aware of the growing […]

Ask and answer R questions on Stackoverflow.com

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FLASH MOB #2 A SUCCESS R Flashmob #2 was a big success, increasing the number of R questions on stackoverflow.com drastically. Now’s a great opportunity to earn some “reputation” on stackoverflow.com by answering some questions tagged r. (Don’t know R yet? Learn by watching: R Video Tutorial 1, R Video Tutorial 2)

R Flashmob #2: Tuesday, 8 September 2009

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FLASH MOB #2 TO POPULATE STACKOVERFLOW.COM WITH R QUESTIONS >From: The R Flashmob Project >Subject: R Flashmob #2 > >You are invited to take part in R Flashmob, the project that makes the >world a better place by posting helpful questions and answers about the >R statistical language to the programmer’s Q & A site […]

Transition probabilities

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PROBABILISTIC INFORMATION ON WHETHER YOUR FLIGHT WILL BE LATE DSN reader Yael sends along this NY Times InTransit piece on Flight Caster, a web site that uses historical data to generate probabilities that flights will be late. DSN likes the following things: The idea of FlightCaster The idea of ubiquitous probabilistic information in the age […]

Score with scoring rules

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INCENTIVES TO STATE PROBABILITIES OF BELIEF TRUTHFULLY We have all been there. You are running an experiment in which you would like participants to tell you what they believe. In particular, you’d like them to tell you what they believe to be the probability that an event will occur. Normally, you would ask them. But […]