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Archive for 'Ideas'

A rough guide to spotting bad science

Filed in Ideas ,Research News
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A rough guide to spotting bad science

Irrational behavior returns

Filed in Ideas ,Programs
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Dan Ariely wanted to let you know is running his free online course A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior for the second time, starting on March 11th. He would be delighted to have you (and all your friends and family).

Citation cartels

Filed in Articles ,Ideas ,Research News
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Someone smart said something like ‘when you invent a system, you invent the game that plays that system’.

Dutch streetlights: Dimmed by default

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New streetlights brighten up only when someone is around, saving electricity and reducing light pollution.

Kahneman interview

Filed in Encyclopedia ,Ideas ,Profiles ,Research News
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When was saw this interview featuring two JDM giants, Richard Thaler and Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman, we knew we had to run it.

Why does printing cover pages save paper?

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Our internal studies have shown that when banner pages are disabled, print volumes increase 15% to 17%

Behavioral Science and Policy Association (BSPA)

Filed in Ideas ,Programs ,Research News
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DSN readers take note of new association, the Behavioral Science & Policy Association (BSPA), and a new journal, Behavioral Science & Policy

Do Americans need to bring their passports to the Toronto SJDM conference?

Filed in Conferences ,Ideas
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Do Americans need to bring their passports on trips to and from Canada?

Skipping breakfast and everything causing cancer

Filed in Ideas ,Research News
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The New York Times had an article on the widespread confusion about whether skipping breakfast causes you to gain or lose weight. Turns out there’s no real scientific evidence that skipping breakfast has any effect on obesity.

Every day is a big day

Filed in Ideas
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Our friend Pete McGraw often says “today is a big day”. When people ask why, he says that every day is a big day.