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Archive for 'Ideas'

The 500 calorie meal

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One of Decision Science News’ rules of thumb for losing weight was never eat more than 500 calories at at time.

In Japan (*), they have institutionalized this at the Tanita Shokudo restaurant, which serves a daily 500 calorie meal.

Evil genius ad that uses the psychology of persuasion

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Decision Science News was creating a new account online and had to fill out the above-pictured CAPTCHA (*) to proceed. It’s an ad and a CAPTCHA in one. It gets people to spend time and effort typing the name of the brand. [If you don’t know what a CAPTCHA is see Wikipedia, or the Official CAPTCHA Site]

That time and effort should serve the advertiser well.


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A friend of Decision Science News awoke in a hotel on April 3rd of this year and found two newspapers outside the door. The Wall Street Journal used the word “scarred” in its front page headline, which was weird enough, but all was made far weirder by the USA, which used the same word, also in a front page headline, on the same day.

SJDM newsletter ready to download

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Just a reminder that the quarterly Society for Judgment and Decision Making newsletter can be downloaded from the SJDM site

Chicago: Not all that windy

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At DSN, we’ve been playing a bit with FetchClimate Explorer from Microsoft Research. It lets one define regions of the globe over which it superimposes spatial and time series data concerning temperature, precipitation, sunlight, and, pictured above, wind speed.

How to multiply numbers in your head

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Multiply numbers in your head

How to square numbers in your head

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Assume you know your multiplication tables up to 10×10. Here’s how to compute the squares of numbers from 11 to 100.

Rules of thumb for losing weight

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SIMPLE RULES FOR DIETING This is what we’ve figured out from our experiments. Live 1.5 miles from your workplace. It’s too short to drive, so you just walk. Stop deciding what to eat for a week. Worked for us. Eat the same thing for breakfast every day (source: Brian Wansink). He’s found correlational evidence for […]

Max Planck Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality, July 3-10, 2012, Berlin

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Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality

Foundations for an Interdisciplinary Decision Theory

3 – 10 July, 2012

Directed by Gerd Gigerenzer

Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition

Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany

The art and value of the essay

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We just realized something. One of those “no duh” moments.

If you are on a News site and there is a link to an article like “Tens of Thousands Protest in Moscow” and it has a little padlock symbol next to it meaning that it is for subscribers only, it is not a big deal. You can just type “thousands protest moscow” into a search engine and find out what is going on.