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Archive for 'Ideas'

Behavioral Science and Policy Association PolicyShop Blog

Filed in Ideas ,Research News
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Decision Science News readers may be interested in the Behavioral Science and Policy Association’s PolicyShop blog.

How many calories should you eat per day?

Filed in Ideas ,R
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How many calories should you eat per day, based on your age, sex, and activity level? Here are the US government’s recommendations.

R is now the number two statistical computing program in scholarly use

Filed in Encyclopedia ,Ideas ,R ,Research News
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We were surprised to see that R has passed SAS for scholarly use. We were surprised because we assumed this would have happened years ago.

Can’t compute the standard deviation in your head? Divide the range by four.

Filed in Encyclopedia ,Ideas ,R
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Suppose you divide the range by four instead of taking the standard deviation. How accurate will you be?

Hemingway app forces you to write more simply

Filed in Ideas ,Tools
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Here’s a tool that encourages simple, forceful writing.

2016 guide to the American Marketing Association (AMA) job market interviews for aspiring professors

Filed in Conferences ,Gossip ,Ideas ,Jobs
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PhD students in Marketing, Psychology, and Economics should send their “packets” out by the fourth of July in the hopes of lining up interviews at the annual AMA Summer Conference. Each year DSN reprints this sort of “what to expect while you’re applying” guide, first published here by Dan Goldstein in 2005.

Should you only be allowed to publish five papers before tenure?

Filed in Gossip ,Ideas
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What if people could only publish five papers before tenure? Some people hate this idea, but it might help with some problems.

John Oliver on scientific studies

Filed in Ideas ,Research News
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If you have not seen John Oliver’s hilarious rant about bad science from his program Last Week Tonight, you should do so for it is hilarious.

Correlation between risk aversion and loss aversion

Filed in Articles ,Ideas ,Research News
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Have some free data on the correlation between loss aversion and risk aversion

The thing that matters most about coffee is the temperature at which you drink it

Filed in Ideas ,Tools
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We experimented with every aspect of making coffee. What we found surprised us.