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Archive for 'Ideas'

Put the size of countries in perspective by comparing them to US states

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Wouldn’t it be cool for US readers to see how big foreign countries are by comparing them to presumably familiar US states?
Wouldn’t it be cool for non-US readers to see how big US states are by comparing them to presumably familiar countries?

How to get a no-nonsense weather forecast

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How to get your own no-nonsense local weather forecast graph for people who understand graphs and probability.

Put your model where your mouth is: a choice prediction competition

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You are invited to enter a competition among models that capture classical choice anomalies (including Allais, St. Petersburg, and Ellsberg paradoxes, and loss aversion) .

Choose a frequent flier program – 2015 Edition

Filed in Ideas ,Programs ,Tools
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We present the new “choose an airline loyalty program” tool for 2015. It has graphical hotness.

Those annoying animated ads may cost more than they are worth to websites

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A Journal of Marketing Research article finds that annoying ads may cost more money than they are worth

Do NYC cab drivers quit too early when it rains?

Filed in Ideas ,Research News
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Do cab drivers miss opportunities to make more money when it rains?

What size will you be after you lose weight?

Filed in Ideas ,R ,Research News
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REDDITORS’ BEFORE AND AFTER MEASUREMENTS ANALYZED Click to enlarge How many pounds do you need to lose in order to reduce your waistline by one inch? How many kilos do you need to lose to reduce your waistline by one centimeter? We wanted to find out. We were having trouble finding published data (though we […]

When to fly to get there on time? Six million flights analyzed.

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We analyzed over six million flights to help you decide on the best time to travel to avoid delays.

Getting old in baseball

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We look at how batting average changes with age

Rules of thumb to predict how long you will live

Filed in Encyclopedia ,Ideas ,R
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Figure out how long you will live with these rules of thumb.