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Archive for 'Research News'

Advising the Advisers

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Shlomo Benartzi, Nick Barberis, Kent Daniel, Dan Goldstein, Noah Goldstein, John Payne and Richard Thaler make up the Academic Advisory Board of the Allianz Global Investors Center for Behavioral Finance. Based on interviews with this set, the Center has released a white paper entitled “Behavioral Finance in Action Psychological challenges in the financial advisor/client relationship, and strategies to solve them”. It is basically advice for financial advisers, written with the conviction that if advisers know more about psychology, they’ll be able to provide better advice.

SJDM March 2011 Newsletter is ready for download

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Society for Judgment and Decision Making Newsletter Editor Dan Goldstein reports that the final SJDM newsletter of 2010 is ready for download.

SJDM newsletter is out

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SOCIETY FOR JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING NEWSLETTER Society for Judgment and Decision Making Newsletter Editor Dan Goldstein reports that the final SJDM newsletter of 2010 is ready for download. http://www.sjdm.org/files/newsletters/ Enjoy!

Publish your social media research

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JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING SPECIAL ISSUE ON SOCIAL MEDIA CALL FOR PAPERS Journal of Interactive Marketing Special Issue Social Media: Issues and Challenges Submission deadline: March 15, 2011 Special Issue Co-Editors Donna L. Hoffman (donna.hoffman@ucr.edu) and Thomas P. Novak (tom.novak@ucr.edu) University of California, Riverside The Journal of Interactive Marketing announces a call for papers on […]

A Guide to Conducting Behavioral Research on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk

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FASTER, CHEAPER, EASIER BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH ONLINE One thing Decision Science News particularly enjoys about being at Yahoo! Research is the brilliant colleagues. This week, two of them, Winter Mason and Sid Suri, presented us with this manuscript which is a guide to conducting research on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Manuscript? Manuscript from heaven, we say, for […]

What is the field of Judgment and Decision-Making (JDM)?

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WHAT MAKES JDM DISTINCT? A friend of Decision Science News, who is co-organizing a session on JDM (judgment and decision making research) for students, recently emailed a handful of JDM researchers: Those of us in the JDM session are doing quite different research and couldn’t really see how we were more “JDM” than, say, someone […]

Small investors flee the stock market

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THE POTENTIAL FOR A BOND BUBBLE Small investors have been a lot of fun to watch for quite some time now. In the 1930s, doing the opposite of the small investors (the so-called “odd lot” crowd because they could not afford to trade in amounts as large as standard units) was a popular contrarian strategy. […]

Birds of a feather shop together

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PREDICTING CONSUMER BEHAVIOR FROM SOCIAL NETWORKS This week, Decision Science News is doing a special cross-posting with Messy Matters. The post below is by Sharad Goel and describes work that he and your Decision Science News editor Dan Goldstein are jointly undertaking at Yahoo! Do you know what the #$*! your social media strategy is? […]

Decision Science News of the week August 27, 2010

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DSN OF THE WEEK In response to last week’s post, Mike DeKay sent in this paper, which PNAS is good enough to let you down load for free. CITATION Attari, S. Z., DeKay, M. L., Davidson, C. I., & Bruine de Bruin, W. (in press). Public perceptions of energy consumption and savings. Proceedings of the […]

Should you believe what smart people believe about climate change?

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EVALUATING THE CREDIBILITY OF ENDORSERS AND DOUBTERS OF CLIMATE CHANGE In science, you are not supposed to believe something simply because other people believe it, even if those other people are really smart. Like the Hollywood narrator, we can think of examples where “one man (1), in a world of doubters, stands up for what […]