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Archive for 'Research News'

First of two JDM special issues on the Recognition Heurisitic

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SPECIAL ISSUE: RECOGNITION PROCESSES IN INFERENTIAL DECISION MAKING The journal Judgment and Decision Making today published a special issue on “Recognition processes in inferential decision making” edited by Julian N. Marewski, Rüdiger F. Pohl and Oliver Vitouch. The special issue turns out to be the first of two special issues, something the editors had not […]

Navigate the Bermuda Triangle of Mediation Analysis

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MYTHS AND TRUTHS ABOUT AN OFTEN-USED, LITTLE-UNDERSTOOD STATISTICAL PROCEDURE If you go to a consumer research conference, you will hear tales of how experiments have undergone particular statistical rites: the attainment of the elusive crossover interaction, the demonstration of full mediation through Baron and Kenny’s sacred procedure, and so on. DSN has nothing against any […]

Oxytocin and defensiveness

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HORMONE LINKED TO IN-GROUP GOODNESS, OUT-GROUP BADNESS Who doesn’t like oxytocin? Who could dislike any substance referred to as a cuddle chemical? The answer may be you, if you are not in with the crowd feeling the effects of the hormone. Carsten de Dreu and a super-long list of co-authors (listed below), have administered oxytocin to […]

What’s your planner score?

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QUIZ YOUR LOVED ONES ABOUT THEIR PROPENSITY TO PLAN John Lynch, Richard Netemeyer, Stephen Spiller, Alessandra Zammit have recently published in the Journal of Consumer Research this article on the propensity to plan and financial well being ABSTRACT Planning has pronounced effects on consumer behavior and intertemporal choice. We develop a six-item scale measuring individual […]

I can read minds, you know

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GUESSING WHAT PEOPLE ARE THINKING ABOUT BASED ON BRAIN ACTIVATION You know how in cheesy 80s movies and TV shows there will be a romantic scene, like two young people on a date, and the guy will say something like “I can read minds, you know” and the girl will say “Ok” and scrunch up […]

Some novel ideas to assist retirement investing

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IMAGINING THE FUTURE TO HELP PREPARE FOR IT The New York Times just ran a piece called Some Novel Ideas for Improving Retirement Income about having people read Victorian novels in order to increase their retirement savings rates. Actually, that is not true. But it did feature some newer ideas from Psychology and Behavioral Finance […]

You won, but how much was luck and how much was skill?

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In baseball, what are the chances the winner will win again against the same opponent the very next day?

Predict a lot (and that’s an understatement)

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PICK NCAA WINNERS WITH THE LARGEST COMBINATORIAL PREDICTION MARKET EVER Tracking 9.2 quintillion outcomes, Predictalot offers something for everyone. Dave Pennock sits behind the Decision Science News editor at Yahoo! Research (a kind of academic department sitting inside a company). Much more importantly, he has lead a team that has built what is probably the […]

New types of articles invited by the Journal of Consumer Research

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FINDINGS PAPERS AND CONCEPTUAL CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOMED This week, we post an editorial from the Journal of Consumer Research, an “A” Marketing journal that publishes quite a bit of quality judgment and decision-making research. JCR is now welcoming shorter findings papers and longer conceptual papers. In the past, some folks felt that JCR was leaning too […]

Money to study nudges in medicine

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GET $7,500,000 TO INVESTIGATE NUDGES IN MEDICINE People who have suffered heart attacks can improve their chances by taking aspirin and other medicines. There is a great deal of research on this, yet, we still don’t see 100% of hospitals prescribing these drugs, and the rate of prescription varies from region to region. In general, […]