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Archive for 'Research News'

Ariely on Decision Making at TED

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ARE WE IN CONTROL OF OUR OWN DECISIONS? Society for Judgment and Decision Making president Dan Ariely gave a TED talk on decision making, which they recently posted on their site. The decision making society president gives a talk on decision making: What could be more relevant for Decision Science News, which, after all is […]

Wisdom compensates for cognitive decline?

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OLDER AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS: EQUAL RESULTS, FEWER UNNECESSARY COMMANDS Decision Science News recently had a birthday and took up an interest in age-related cognitive decline. Some good news on this front comes from a recent study on air traffic controllers, which finds that while older controllers show the usual side-effects of aging, they make up […]

Marketing Science is good

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TIMELY, LIVELY, AND CREATIVE Decision Science News just received the new copy of Marketing Science in the mail and must confess, it is great. Where to start: Timely: It kicks off with an editorial that connects the science of marketing to the financial crisis, addressing a topic that is on the mind of many readers. […]

Is the brain green?

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HOW WE THINK ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL DECISIONS Decision Science researchers Elke Weber and Dave Krantz of Columbia University feature prominently in the recent New York Times article Why Isn’t The Brain Green?. Excerpt: Over the past few decades a great deal of research has addressed how we make decisions in financial settings or when confronted with […]

Obama sends defaults to the rescue

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AUTOMATIC INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS The New York Times has an interesting article called Savings Accounts for All: Simple but not Easy, which talks of the Obama administration’s plans to set up an automatic IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts) for workers in the USA. This is clearly policy in the behavioral economics / Nudge tradition, which is […]

Why do people continue to buy treadmills and exercise bikes?

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HOW TO MAKE MORE REALISTIC ESTIMATES OF FUTURE BEHAVIOR The Journal of Consumer Research is getting awfully good at getting articles picked up in the New York Times. The JCR Web site has directed our attention to an article by Robin Tanner and Kurth Carlson that looks people’s forecasts of their own future exercise behavior. […]

The summer neuroscience meets decision making

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SUMMER WORKSHOP ON DECISION NEUROSCIENCE The University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and INSEAD will jointly host a Summer Workshop entitled “Decision Neuroscience: How Neuroscience Can Inform Behavioral Decision Making Research – Overview, Methods & Applications”. The workshop is co-organized by Jim Bettman, Joe Kable, Hilke Plassmann and Carolyn Yoon, and will be held […]

Query Theory

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ELKE WEBER TO SPEAK IN LONDON JAN 27, 2009 Those who will attend tomorrow’s Economics of Behaviour and Decision Making Seminar Series are in for a treat as Elke Weber, of Columbia University’s Psychology Department and Graduate School of Business, will present “When do we want it? Now! A Query Theory process account of Intertemporal […]

Design a nudge. Win five grand. Change the world.

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DESIGNING FOR BETTER HEALTH Richard Thaler writes The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is sponsoring a contest to come up with ideas for improvements in choice architecture, or “nudges”, that can improve health, broadly defined. You can find a description of it on our nudging blog or at http://www.changemakers.net/en-us/designingforbetterhealth This initiative might be interesting to JDMers […]

R gets some -E-S-P-E-C-T

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NEW YORK TIMES STORY ON THE APPEAL OF R (click to view movie) It is no secret that Decision Science News is crazy about the R language for statistical computing. Find out why R is so great in this New York Times article. Then start to teach yourself R with our short series of video […]