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Archive for 'Research News'

Prediction markets for the 2008 US election

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POLITIMETRICS Lionel Page (University of Westminster), in conjunction with Paul Antoine Chevalier (Paris School of Economics), Dan Goldstein (London Business School & Decision Science News), Leighton Vaughan Williams (Nottingham Trent University), and Peter Urwin (University of Westminster) are pleased to bring you Politimetrics.com a Web site that uses prediction markets to forecast election outcomes and […]

Heuristics for statistics

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SIMPLE WAYS TO DETECT AND COMMUNICATE STATISTICAL EFFECTS Decision Science News is fond of heuristics and the Simonian view that for many problems organisms face, optimization is a fiction and satisficing makes us smart. Statistics is an area in which it is easy to see precision that isn’t there and find “optima” in problems that […]

Get your nerd on and win 10,000 Euros

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THE SOCIAL LEARNING STRATEGIES TOURNAMENT Kevin Laland and Luke Rendell have received funding from the European Commission to organize a major international multi-disciplinary tournament on the evolution of social learning, inspired by Robert Axelrod’s famous Prisoner’s Dilemma tournaments on the evolution of cooperation. In recent years there has been a lot of interest (spanning several […]

Reducing relative risk reduction

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CAN PSYCHOLOGISTS HELP DOCTORS MAKE BETTER DECISIONS? Gerd Gigerenzer, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, has a piece in this month’s APA Observer about helping physicians understand screening tests. Some choice quotes: Medical doctors tend to think of psychologists as therapists, useful for emotionally disturbed patients, but not for members […]

SJDM Newsletter for December 2007

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DEC 2007 SOCIETY FOR JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING NEWSLETTER PUBLISHED Society for Judgment and Decision Making Newsletter Editor Dan Goldstein reports that the final SJDM newsletter of 2007 is ready for download and that it is packed full of conference announcements and job opportunities, especially postdocs. http://www.sjdm.org/files/newsletters/07-dec.pdf Enjoy!

SJDM Newsletter Call For Content

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LAST CALL FOR 2007 The Society for Judgment and Decision-Making Newsletter, if you are not familiar with it, is a great place to go to learn about jobs, conferences, and ideas in the psychological study of decision making. Back issues here. The next issue of the Newsletter (to be issued by year’s end) is accepting […]

Biological basis of business

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OBHDP CALL FOR PAPERS: CONNECTING BIOLOGY AND BUSINESS The journal Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes has always been a home for research in Judgment and Decision Making, and its editorial board comprises quite a few of its scholars. Guest editors Colin Camerer, Drazen Prelec, and Scott Shane are announcing an exciting call for papers […]

What to do with the social Web’s data?

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DATA GEEKS REJOICE DSN recommends this workshop for decision researchers interested in the making the most of the rich social data that is increasingly available online. This workshop addresses a new online phenomenon: social data analysis, that is, collective analysis of data supported by social interaction. In the last few months a new class of […]

Swing weighting

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A NEW MEDICAL DECISION MAKING BLOG Alan Schwartz of the University of Illinois-Chicago College of Medicine has started a new blog in advance of his forthcoming book “Making Medical Decisions: A Physician’s Guide” by himself and George Bergus (Cambridge University Press, 2008). Visit the blog at Making Medical Decisions. Today, we quote an example of […]

Useful for choosing an apartment

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THE INFLUENCE OF CEILING HEIGHT DSN reports from Warsaw this week, where the SPUDM (Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making) conference is wrapping up. Much knowledge was exchanged on the last day in a symposium on experience-based decisions. In other news, always watching the journals for articles that are about to make a splash in […]