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Archive for 'Research News'

Be a Russell Sage Foundation Visiting Scholar

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The Foundation annually awards up to 17 residential fellowships to select scholars in the social sciences. Applications for the 2016-2017 RSF Visiting Scholar Fellowship are due by June 30, 2015

Put your model where your mouth is: a choice prediction competition

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You are invited to enter a competition among models that capture classical choice anomalies (including Allais, St. Petersburg, and Ellsberg paradoxes, and loss aversion) .

Those annoying animated ads may cost more than they are worth to websites

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A Journal of Marketing Research article finds that annoying ads may cost more money than they are worth

Do NYC cab drivers quit too early when it rains?

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Do cab drivers miss opportunities to make more money when it rains?

What size will you be after you lose weight?

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REDDITORS’ BEFORE AND AFTER MEASUREMENTS ANALYZED Click to enlarge How many pounds do you need to lose in order to reduce your waistline by one inch? How many kilos do you need to lose to reduce your waistline by one centimeter? We wanted to find out. We were having trouble finding published data (though we […]

Student data science presentations on Citibikes and Stop and Frisk

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This summer, researchers at Microsoft Research NYC launched the Data Science Summer School outreach program (DS3 for short), an 8 week hands-on course to impart skills and increase diversity in computer science.

A better way to teach? Professors take note.

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With technology, old ways of doing things give way to simply better alternatives. We no longer need to pick up a phone to buy a plane ticket or hail a cab. We no longer need to carry cash around to pay for most things. Soon, students may not need to listen to traditional lectures to learn science and math because technology can make most STEM lessons participatory. But will the new model of instruction be as effective as traditional lecturing? In what its authors call “the largest and most comprehensive meta-analysis of undergraduate STEM education published to date”, the answer seems to be yes.

A bunch of papers about the widsom of smaller, smarter crowds

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It has come to our attention that a number of papers, all making similar points have been produced at about the same time. Here they are.

Changing the riskiness of bets to make hot hands happen

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A new paper by Juemin Xu and Nigel Harvey called “Carry on winning: The gamblers’ fallacy creates hot hand effects in online gambling” is fascinating.

Preston McAfee joins Microsoft as Chief Economist

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Preston McAfee, decade-long editor of the American Economic Review, Caltech professor, and all around economist extraordinaire starts today as Chief Economist of Microsoft.