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Archive for 'Conferences'

Max Planck Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality, July 3-10, 2012, Berlin

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Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality

Foundations for an Interdisciplinary Decision Theory

3 – 10 July, 2012

Directed by Gerd Gigerenzer

Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition

Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany

SJDM newsletter ready to download

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The Society For Judgment and Decision Making hereby announces that
the newsletter is ready for download and is sorry about it being a bit

BDRM 2012 Boulder

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The 2012 Behavioral Decision Research in Management Conference is held biennially and brings together the best of behavioral research within, but not limited to, the areas of consumer behavior, organizational behavior, negotiation, managerial decision making, behavioral finance, experimental and behavioral economics, decision analysis, behavioral strategy, behavioral operations research, behavioral accounting, and medical and legal decision making.

SCP goes to Florence, Italy: June 29-July 1, 2012

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The aim of this Society for Consumer Psychology First International Conference is to foster the exchange of innovative theories and findings among psychologists and consumer researchers coming from different parts of the world. The small size of the conference (max120 attendees), the intimate Villa La Pietra location, the stunning Florence background, and the inspiring keynote speeches from Anne Maass (University of Padova) and Peter Gollwitzer (New York University), should facilitate idea generation and new collaborations.

2012 Boulder Summer Conference on Consumer Financial Decision Making

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What: 2012 Boulder Summer Conference on Consumer Financial Decision Making
When: June 24-26, 2012
Where St. Julien Hotel, Boulder, Colorado
Deadline for Submitting Abstracts: Dec. 15, 2011

SJDM Newsletter and Conference Program are ready for download

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This weekend (Nov 4-7, 2011) is the annual Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference. Find the preliminary program for the conference in the current SJDM newsletter available for download here.

It’s not too late to make a spontaneous decision to attend the conference. Here are the facts.

WHERE: Sheraton Seattle Hotel & Washington State Conference Center, 1400 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA
WHEN: Nov 4-7, 2011
REGISTRATION: It’s is too late to register early, do it once there

JDM 2011 Seattle: Novermber, 5-7, 2011

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JDM 2011 Seattle: Novermber, 5-7, 2011. Now might be a good time to get a hotel reservation and flight to this year’s JDM conference. The Sheraton Seattle Hotel (map) is offering a discounted rate to the Psychonomics Society Meeting attendees, which JDM attendees can take advantage of (hotel rate information).

Decision Science News will see you in Seattle!

2011 guide to the American Marketing Association job market interviews for aspiring professors

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PhD students in Marketing, Psychology, and Economics should have sent their “packets” out by the fourth of July in the hopes of lining up interviews at the annual AMA Summer Educator’s Conference. Each year DSN reprints this sort of “what to expect while you’re applying” guide, first published here by Dan Goldstein in 2005.

SJDM 2011, Seattle, Nov 5-7, 2011

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The Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) invites abstracts for symposia, oral presentations, and posters on any interesting topic related to judgment and decision making. Completed manuscripts are not required. Details are available here: http://www.sjdm.org/programs/2011-cfp.html

SPUDM 2011. Aug 21-25, 2011, London, UK

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SPUDM 2011. Aug 21-25, 2011, London, UK