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Archive for 'Conferences'

One summer school, three spring and summer workshops

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MAX PLANCK SUMMER INSTITUTE ON BOUNDED RATIONALITY This week, Decision Science News brings you a summer school and a few spring workshops. The summer school is the one at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin, brought to you by Gerd Gigerenzer and Nobel laureate Smith and will feature a lecture by Ariel Rubenstein. Now, those […]

ACR 2010, Jacksonville. Deadline soon: March 1, 2010

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The difference between SPSP and SJDM

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DECISION MAKING OR SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY? There are those who consider the field of Judgment and Decision Making to be much like the field of Social Psychology, and others who find them as similar as vodka and water. How can we, as the French say, préciser la différence? Decision Science News has taken it upon itself […]

SCP 2010 Conference, St Pete Beach, Florida, Feb 25-27, 2010

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SOCIETY FOR CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY ANNUAL WINTER CONFERENCE Decision Science News will attend the SCP 2010 conference. It’s taking place, as it has in the past, in balmy St. Pete Beach, Florida (think Tampa / St. Petersburg) and is sure to offer a bevy of consumer behavior theories and crossover interactions. What:  SCP 2010 Conference Where: […]

Boulder financial decision making conference, abstracts due Dec 15, 2009

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FIRST ANNUAL BOULDER SUMMER CONFERENCE ON CONSUMERS’ FINANCIAL DECISION MAKING What: First Annual Boulder Summer Conference on Consumers’ Financial Decision Making When: June 27-29, 2010 Where: Hotel Boulderado, Boulder, Colorado Deadline: Abstract SubmissionDecember 15, 2009 Decision Science News was at the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado in Boulder last week, had […]

SJDM 2009 Boston. November 20-23, 2009.

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2009 MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING Just a reminder that the annual Society For Judgment and Decision Making Conference, the conference most in line with the interests of the readers of this blog, is just around the corner. When: November 21-23, 2009. Early registration and welcome reception will take place the […]

JDM News a go go

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SJDM NEWSLETTER / CONFERENCES / SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY NETWORK Some assorted news this week. 1) The current Society for Judgment and Decision Making Newsletter is ready for download at http://www.sjdm.org/newsletters/09-sep.pdf _______________________________________ 2) The SJDM’s annual conference will be held at the Sheraton Boston Hotel in Boston, MA during November 21-23, 2009. Early registration and welcome reception […]

Not your ordinary conference cancellation announcement

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2009 BRUNSWIK SOCIETY MEETING CANCELLED, THOUGHTFUL ESSAY EXPLAINS Egon Brunswik Ken Hammond wrote this conference cancellation notice / thoughtful essay. If you are concerned with current directions in Brunswikian research, it may be the most interesting conference cancellation notice you ever read. [Edited for length – Ed] Dear Participants in the Brunswik Society As many […]

Transition probabilities

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PROBABILISTIC INFORMATION ON WHETHER YOUR FLIGHT WILL BE LATE DSN reader Yael sends along this NY Times InTransit piece on Flight Caster, a web site that uses historical data to generate probabilities that flights will be late. DSN likes the following things: The idea of FlightCaster The idea of ubiquitous probabilistic information in the age […]

Ariely on Decision Making at TED

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ARE WE IN CONTROL OF OUR OWN DECISIONS? Society for Judgment and Decision Making president Dan Ariely gave a TED talk on decision making, which they recently posted on their site. The decision making society president gives a talk on decision making: What could be more relevant for Decision Science News, which, after all is […]