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Archive for 'Conferences'

Get to know the Society for Medical Decision Making

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AN INTRO TO SMDM This week, Alan Schwartz and Valerie Reyna provide a bit of information to Decision Science News readers, and people familiar with the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) about the Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM). As a result of strengthening ties between the Society for Judgment and Decision Making […]

Guide to the American Marketing Association job market interviews for aspiring professors

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EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE AMA INTERVIEWS (2009 edition) PhD students in Marketing, Psychology, and Economics are now gearing up to get their “packets” ready to mail out by the fourth of July in the hopes of lining up interviews at the annual AMA Summer Educator’s Conference. Each year DSN reprints this […]

SPUDM, 23 – 27 August 2009, Rovereto, Italy

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SUBJECTIVE PROBABILITY UTILITY AND DECISION MAKING CONFERENCE 2009 Decision Science News will attend the Subjective Probability Utility and Decision Making (SPUDM22) conference, which will be held in Rovereto (Italy) from Sunday, the 23rd till Thursday, the 27th of August 2009. The deadline for the online submission of abstracts for papers/posters/symposia is April 10, 2009. Visit the […]

ACR 2009 Pittsburgh Oct 22-25

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ASSOCIATION FOR CONSUMER RESEARCH CONFERENCE, PITTSBURGH, PA, OCT 22-25 2009 Decision Science News will return to the city of its birth for this year’s Association for Consumer Research (ACR) conference. Will you? What:The Association for Consumer Research Annual North American Conference When: October 22 – 25, 2009 Where: Westin Convention Center Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA, USA […]

Medical Decision Movies and an Interactive Experiment

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JDM TALKS AT THE SOCIETY FOR MEDICAL DECISION MAKING CONFERENCE The 2008 annual meetings of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) and the Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) included a “symposium exchange.” A symposium by SJDM members was presented at SMDM 2008 (Pennsylvania, PA) and a symposium by SMDM members was presented […]

Stand for something political at Stanford

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THE 2009 SUMMER INSTITUTE IN POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY, JULY 12-31, 2009 Those interested in Political Psychology should read Andrew Gelman’s blog postings, and also consider attending this: Stanford University is very pleased to announce that it will host the 2009 Summer Institute in Political Psychology, continuing an annual tradition that was started by Margaret Hermann at […]

Opt-out for charity?

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DEFAULTS IN BRUSSELS Last week, Decision Science News spoke at a European Commission conference on “How Can Behavioural Economics Improve Policies Affecting Consumers?“, which was terrifying, as it meant addressing a large room of people with name cards and microphones and simultaneous translators behind glass walls. The DSN editor tried to emphasize how one must […]

JDM @ SPSP Feb 5th, 2009

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JDM PRE-CONFERENCE AT SPSP IN TAMPA The 4th Annual Judgment and Decision Making Pre-Conference at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) will be held February 5, 2009 in Tampa, FL. *Poster deadline has been extended until Monday, December 1st.*  Poster presentation submissions are now being accepted via our website http://www.socialthinking.org/jdm.html […]

SJDM and Brunswik Conferences Next Week (Nov 2008)

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SOCIETY FOR JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING (SJDM) AND BRUNSWIK CONFERENCES 2008 It’s not too late to hit the SJDM conference in Chicago (reception Nov 14, conference 15-17th, 2008). If you’re in town early enough (Nov 13-14th, 2008), you may be able to get into the Brunswik Society. Where: The Chicago Hilton, Chicago, IL 720 South […]

Gerd Gigerenzer to speak in London, Sept 23rd, 2008

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GERD GIGERENZER ON IGNORING INFORMATION FOR BETTER DECISIONS Who: Gerd Gigerenzer, Director, Max Planck Institute, Berlin What: The Rationality of Heuristics: Ignoring Information for Better Decisions Where: Westminster Business School, Hogg Lecture Theatre When: 17h15-19h The academic year in London will get off to a stimulating start as one of Psychology’s leading intellectuals, Gerd Gigerenzer, […]