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Archive for 'Conferences'

2007 JDM Conference. Nov 17-19, 2007. Long Beach, CA.

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ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING The Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) invites abstracts for symposia, oral presentations, and posters on any interesting topic related to judgment and decision making. Completed manuscripts are not required. LOCATION, DATES, AND PROGRAM SJDM’s annual conference will be held at the Westin Hotel […]

Society for Medical Decision Making 2007 Conference

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SMDM 2007 PITTSBURGH OCTOBER 20-24, 2007 The 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making will take place October 20-24, 2007 in the Sheraton Station Square Hotel in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. This year’s meeting will focus on exploring the science of decisions and consumer-driven, individualized health care. Visit www.smdm.org to learn more about […]


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NEURAL SYSTEMS OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOR CONFERENCE, AUSTIN, 11-13 MAY 2007 The the Neural Systems of Social Behavior conference will take place in Austin, TX, May 11-13th. The schedule is available and registration is now open. Information on registration, hotel, and transportation can be found here Online registration is now open and will remain open until […]

Come for the Elvis, stay for the consumer research

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ASSOCIATION FOR CONSUMER RESEARCH (ACR) CONFERENCE MEMPHIS: OCT 25-28, 2007 The 2007 North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research will be held at the elegantly refurbished Peabody Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee, from Thursday October 25 through Sunday October 28, 2007. As in past years, the conference will provide a forum for scholarly presentations, […]

SPUDM 2007. Warsaw August 19-22.

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SUBJECTIVE PROBABILITY, UTILITY AND DECISION MAKING CONFERENCE The bi-annual SPUDM Conference run by the European Association of Decision Making will take place in Warsaw, Poland between 19th and 23rd August 2007. Researchers and students interested in any in any area of decision making or in a related field are invited to participate in the SPUDM […]

Inspiring Scholarship for Collective and Personal Well-Being

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TRANSFORMATIVE CONSUMER RESEARCH The Association for Consumer Research, in conjunction with the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and the Marketing Science Institute, are sponsoring a conference next July 6 – 8 (2007) entitled Transformative Consumer Research: Inspiring Scholarship for Collective and Personal Well-Being. Its goals are (1) to motivate increased consumer research that […]

Patients as decision makers

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SUMMER INSTITUTE IN INFORMED PATIENT CHOICE Patients make decisions about a matter that is very important to them, their health. New findings on the representation of information can improve decision making, and new tools, such as the Distribution Builder, put these findings to work. It is a bright new era of informed patient choice.This coming […]

Houston, we have a Society For Judgment and Decision Making conference

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SJDM 27TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE NOV 17-20, 2006 HOUSTON It’s on. The 27th (can you believe it?), JDM conference program starts Saturday morning. As usual, Decision Science News will be in attendance, covering both the judgment and the decision-making action. CONFERENCE TOOLS Program – print pages 2 to 6 to get your bearings once you land […]

Personality and Social Psychology, meet Judgment and Decision Making

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PRECONFERENCE ON JDM @ SPSP 2007 The Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual conference will host its second-ever judgment and decision making preconference Thursday, January 25, 2007 in Memphis, the home of Elvis Presley. While we are dropping names we should mention that the speakers are: Elke Weber Nira Liberman Max Bazerman Linda Babcock […]

How to do (better) Web-based research

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ONLINE BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH ROUNDTABLE AT ACR Photo courtesy of Matt Coats (click for video). Collecting data over the Internet seems like a solution to all an experimentalist’s problems. Responses can be collected from the far corners of the world, from people in all walks of life. Experiments that would take months can now be carried […]