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Archive for 'Gossip'

Baseball, basketball, and (not) getting better as time marches on

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PROS ARE NOT GETTING BETTER AT FREE THROWS Rick Larrick recently told Decision Science News that baseball players have been getting better over the years in a couple ways. First, home runs and strikeouts have increased. The careless or clueless reader might note that this is curious, for from the batter’s perspective home runs are […]

Tipping heuristics

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INCREDIBLY SIMPLE CALCULATIONS MADE SIMPLE Yes, we all know how to calculate 15% or 20% exactly, but it’s fun to use tipping heuristics and even more fun to make crowded graphs of how they compare to each other. (Sorry for the junky chart. Open for suggestions, in the words of Tom Waits.) Here are a […]

2010 guide to the American Marketing Association job market interviews for aspiring professors

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2010 guide to the American Marketing Association job market interviews for aspiring professors

The difference between SPSP and SJDM

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DECISION MAKING OR SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY? There are those who consider the field of Judgment and Decision Making to be much like the field of Social Psychology, and others who find them as similar as vodka and water. How can we, as the French say, prĂ©ciser la diffĂ©rence? Decision Science News has taken it upon itself […]

Stop overeating with a turn of the wrist

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A PEPPERY COMMITMENT DEVICE Decision Science News was having dinner with Shlomo Benartzi recently, not far from his beloved Four Seasons Hotel in New York. At the end of the meal, a chocolate souffle was ordered. Halfway through the souffle, Benartzi asked “would you like any more of this?” Decision Science News declined and watched […]

Don’t cry for London Business School, rest of world

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MISPLACED SYMPATHY Decision Science News knows that when faculty from London Business School travel abroad, they are frequently asked “how are things at the London School of Economics?” When the London Business School faculty members say politely that they are at LBS and not LSE, the askers suddenly look sympathetic, as if they’d inquired about […]

In Tilburg, they really know how to live

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TWO PROFESSORSHIPS IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY IN TILBURG, NETHERLANDS Decision Science News recently visited the Marcel Zeelenberg, Diederik Stapel, Gideon Keren and the gang (which is a very impressive gang indeed) at Tilburg in the Netherlands. It left with the impression that its other visitors (another very impressive gang) had–that this is a first rate place […]

Ask and answer R questions on Stackoverflow.com

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FLASH MOB #2 A SUCCESS R Flashmob #2 was a big success, increasing the number of R questions on stackoverflow.com drastically. Now’s a great opportunity to earn some “reputation” on stackoverflow.com by answering some questions tagged r. (Don’t know R yet? Learn by watching: R Video Tutorial 1, R Video Tutorial 2)

R Flashmob #2: Tuesday, 8 September 2009

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FLASH MOB #2 TO POPULATE STACKOVERFLOW.COM WITH R QUESTIONS >From: The R Flashmob Project >Subject: R Flashmob #2 > >You are invited to take part in R Flashmob, the project that makes the >world a better place by posting helpful questions and answers about the >R statistical language to the programmer’s Q & A site […]

Guide to the American Marketing Association job market interviews for aspiring professors

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EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE AMA INTERVIEWS (2009 edition) PhD students in Marketing, Psychology, and Economics are now gearing up to get their “packets” ready to mail out by the fourth of July in the hopes of lining up interviews at the annual AMA Summer Educator’s Conference. Each year DSN reprints this […]