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Archive for 'Gossip'

Your flight is moving …

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THE VALUE OF NOT FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS As Shane Frederick has noted, if you say “A bat and a ball cost $1.10. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much is the ball?”, you will notice that the vast majority of your friends will say “10 cents” instead of the correct “5 cents”, because […]

Decision Science News subscriptions exhibit upward trend

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DECISION SCIENCE NEWS HEADING TOWARD 1000 SUBSCRIBERS This 100 day moving average of RSS subscriptions to Decision Science News seems to suggest that readership is up, though one cannot know for sure without conducting elaborate significance tests. The site currently gets 3000 hits per day. Decision Science News was created  in 2004 as a kind […]

Chart criticism

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DE GUSTIBUS NON EST DISPUTANDUM? This post got us thinking about chart critique. Charts are things we like to judge, as graph rating systems, and the name of the blog Junk Charts suggest. What we wonder is will science ever be able to separate chart opinions from chart knowledge? Chart doxa from chart episteme? Consider […]

Software vs. procrastination

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SOFTWARE TO DEAL WITH ULTIMATELY UNDESRIABLE INTERTEMPORAL PREFERENCE SHIFTS Ever find yourself frittering away the day responding to email after email? Ever think that if you’d just spent 8 hours working on that project, you’d be done and still have time to answer those emails in front of the TV later that night? Sure, we […]

Today, June 17th 2008, is Firefox Download Day

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FIREFOX USERS CAN HELP SET A WORLD RECORD ** NOTE: Please wait until the release time to download: 10 AM LA, 1PM New York, 6PM London, 7PM Paris ** What do browsers have to do with decision making? They are an excellent illustration of the power of defaults. The default home page within a browser […]

Are statistics books impossible to understand?

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OPTIMAL SHOULDER STANDING Decision Science News has long been influenced by Phil Greenspun’s observations, such as this one: Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp. which is known as Greenspun’s Tenth Rule. Trivia buffs will know that there weren’t 9 before it.  […]

If you can get through this, you can be a marketing professor

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EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE AMA INTERVIEWS (2008 edition) PhD students in Marketing, Psychology, and Economics are now gearing up to get their “packets” ready to mail out by the fourth of July in the hopes of lining up interviews at the annual AMA Summer Educator’s Conference. Each year DSN reprints this […]

Whose mind is it anyway?

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PSYCHOLOGISTS ON ECONOMISTS AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR There’s an interesting exchange on the SJDM mailing list. It started with a query: I agreed to give a talk to the University Economics Society here next week with the title: “Why Psychologists know more about Economic Behaviour than Economists”. Any suggestions JDMers might have would be interesting. and […]

2007 AMA interviews: The Marketing-Professor job market is here

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EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE AMA INTERVIEWS FOR THE ACADEMIC MARKETING JOB MARKET Today at DSN we re-publish a piece Dan Goldstein first published here in 2005. WHY AM I WRITING THIS? I’ve seen the Marketing job market turn happy grad students into quivering masses of fear. I want to share my […]

A new and different kind of journal

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APPLIED ECONOMICS RESEARCH BULLETIN Decision Science News looks with intrigue bordering on fascination at a new chimera called Applied Economics Research Bulletin. Some of the unusual features: Happy being a rest stop on the way to established journals – As they say “We expect that manuscripts published in the Applied Economics Research Bulletin will, in […]