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Archive for 'Gossip'

Decision Science News acquires domain name

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LEGERDEMAIN Last year, DSN was grateful when the eight-figure-endowment Decision Science News Foundation won the bidding war for Decision Science News Tower (pictured). This year, we are pleased to announce that The Foundation has extended additional funds to provide a private domain name: decisionsciencenews.com News readers who use newsreaders will be glad to know there […]

The Society for Neuroeconomics

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THE SOCIETY FOR NEUROECONOMICS The Society for Neuroeconomics promotes the research and dissemination of knowledge in neuroeconomics. The society was incorporated in 2005 after meeting informally at workshops and other meetings over the last five years. What is Neuroeconomics? Neuroeconomics is a multidisciplinary research field incorporating neuroscience, economics, and psychology aimed at developing an understanding […]

Fame at last

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FAST AND FRUGAL IN THE NEW YORKER The catchiest of the concepts I’ve coined, “fast and frugal reasoning”, has made the New Yorker! The Unpolitical Animal by Louis Menand The author doesn’t use it quite correctly, but one can’t ask for everything I suppose. The fast and frugal heuristics I came up with do reason […]