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Archive for 'R'

R video tutorial number 2

Filed in Encyclopedia ,R
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READ TEXT FILES, RUN MODELS The Decision Science News R video tutorials continue with number 2. (If you missed that last one, you will want to watch R Video Tutorial Number 1 first.) The Goldstein pedometer dataset can be downloaded from http://www.dangoldstein.com/flash/Rtutorial2/pedometer.csv High Res Version: http://www.dangoldstein.com/flash/Rtutorial2/Rtutorial2.html Topics covered this week include: Tricking R into starting […]

R video tutorial number 1

Filed in Encyclopedia ,R
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LEARN R BY JUST WATCHING For this week, Decision Science News has created a video tutorial on how to get started using the R Language for Statistical Computing. (The tutorial is best viewed in your browser’s full-screen mode, try pressing F11 in Windows). R is free and open source, and constantly being improved upon by […]

The Difference Between Significant and Not Significant is Not Statistically Significant

Filed in Articles ,Encyclopedia ,R
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MINDLESS SIGNIFICANCE TESTING Some well-made points grow old while no one pays attention to them. One of the most embarrassing for social science is its categorical perception of p-values. Tender of kindred Web site Andrew Gelman and Hal Stern have an article whose name says it all: The Difference Between “Significant” and “Not Significant” is […]

Learn about R

Filed in R ,Research News
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R STATISTICAL LANGUAGE MULTI-SITE SEARCH Image (C) R Foundation, from http://www.r-project.org Decision researchers and fellow bloggers Jon Baron and Andrew Gelman are big fans and supporters of the R project for statistical computing. Searching for information on R can be difficult (though Baron’s R search tool is a great help), so DSN has put together […]