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Archive for 'Jobs'

5 Ivy League Jobs

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WHARTON / BROWN / CORNELL / PRINCETON / HARVARD HIRING If you like ivy and decision-making, it may be a good time to dust off your CV. Decision Science News has new announcements from Wharton and Brown this week, and links to previous posts at Cornell, Princeton, and Harvard. I. Wharton The OPIM Department at […]

Judgment and decision-making types welcome

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JOINT APPOINTMENT IN PSYCH AND PUBLIC POLICY @ PRINCETON Princeton’s campus is easy on the eyes and Princeton’s psych department is easily among the best. You, dear reader, might be the policy-relevant psychologist they are looking for. Princeton University’s Department of Psychology anticipates making an appointment at the associate or full professor level. The position […]

Have a ball in Bale (Suisse)

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DECISION SCIENCE POSTDOC IN BASEL SWITZERLAND Decision Science News has been to visit the Center for Cognitive and Decision Sciences in Basel and can vouch for it as a center of excellence. Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research scientist at the Center for Cognitive and Decision Sciences at the Psychology Department of the University […]

Ask not what your school of government can do for you

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PROFESSORSHIPS AT HARVARD’S KENNEDY SCHOOL The Kennedy School of Government seeks to appoint exceptional scholars to tenure-track positions at the nexus of psychology, public policy and public leadership We especially seek individuals with research interests related to public policy and public leadership from the fields of social psychology, organizational behavior, personality psychology, behavioral decision research, […]

Jobs at UCSD

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UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO, HIRING MARKETING PROFESSORS UCSD’s business school is small but growing fast, and is already home to decision researchers such as On Amir, David Schkade, Uri Gneezy, Craig McKenzie. The Marketing area is hiring. Since Marketing is JDM with teeth, Decision Science News readers may be interested: The Rady School of […]

2007 AMA interviews: The Marketing-Professor job market is here

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EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE AMA INTERVIEWS FOR THE ACADEMIC MARKETING JOB MARKET Today at DSN we re-publish a piece Dan Goldstein first published here in 2005. WHY AM I WRITING THIS? I’ve seen the Marketing job market turn happy grad students into quivering masses of fear. I want to share my […]

Work in behavioral economics

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PAID INTERNSHIP AT FIDELITY INVESTMENTS DSN is noticing a rise in the number of private-sector behavioral economics jobs over the past year. For those eager to get in at the ground floor, Fidelity is offering a paid internship in its Center for Applied Behavioral Economics in Boston. The purpose of the Center is to apply […]

Postdoc at Columbia’s Center For The Decision Sciences

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COGNITIVE AND NEURO EXPERTISE SOUGHT When Decision Science News was born, it was born at Columbia’s Center for the Decision Sciences. Now CDS is hiring again. Columbia University’s Center for the Decision Sciences anticipates hiring a postdoctoral research scientist for a period of up to three years, with a starting date of August 2007. The […]

Postdoc at Stanford – Deadline Feb 28, 2007

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POSTDOC IN SOCIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AT STANFORD The Graduate School of Business at Stanford University anticipates appointing a Postdoctoral Fellow in Social and Organizational Behavior for a period of one to two years, with a starting date of September 2007. The Postdoctoral Fellow will serve as Co-director of the Behavioral Laboratory along with another […]

Chicago Center for Decision Research Job

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RESEARCH SCIENTIST POSTDOC AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO The University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, Center for Decision Research anticipates hiring a Postdoctoral Fellow for a period of one to two years, with a starting date of July 2007. The Postdoctoral Fellow will serve as research scientist funded by a grant from the Templeton […]