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Archive for 'Jobs'

SJDM March 2011 Newsletter is ready for download

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Society for Judgment and Decision Making Newsletter Editor Dan Goldstein reports that the final SJDM newsletter of 2010 is ready for download.

SJDM newsletter is out

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SOCIETY FOR JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING NEWSLETTER Society for Judgment and Decision Making Newsletter Editor Dan Goldstein reports that the final SJDM newsletter of 2010 is ready for download. http://www.sjdm.org/files/newsletters/ Enjoy!

Credible postdocs in decision architecture

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COLUMBIA OR DUKE, TAKE YOUR PICK Thanksgiving is the time to eat with family, to attend homecoming games, and to find postdoctoral positions. (International readers may ignore this paragraph, except for the idea that late November is a fine season to hunt postdocs). In a Decision Science News first, one (1) Center is offering two […]

Two professorships in Risk Science @ Michigan

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MICHIGAN SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH OFFERING TWO JOBS: DEC 1 DEADLINE University of Michigan School of Public Health Two Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Positions in Risk Science The University of Michigan Risk Science Center (http://www.sph.umich.edu/riskcenter) is seeking applicants for two tenure track positions, to be appointed at the Assistant Professor level in the School of Public […]

In Tilburg, they (still) know how to live

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TWO PROFESSORSHIPS: ECONOMIC, ORGANIZATIONAL OR SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Party! Party! Recall what DSN recently said about Tilburg: Decision Science News recently visited the Marcel Zeelenberg, Diederik Stapel, Gideon Keren and the gang (which is a very impressive gang indeed) at Tilburg in the Netherlands. It left with the impression that its other visitors (another very impressive […]

Professorships at Yale Management and Carnegie Mellon SDS

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ONE POST, TWO JOBS The YALE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT is seeking additional faculty members at all levels in the areas of economics and organizational behavior. Ph.D. or equivalent is required; research and teaching interest in theory and application preferred, as well as an interdisciplinary orientation. Appointments will be made for the 2011 – 2012 academic […]

OPIM Professorship at Wharton

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DEPARTMENT OF OPERATIONS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PROFESSORSHIP The Operations and Information Management Department at the Wharton School is home to faculty with a diverse set of interests in decision-making, information technology, information-based strategy, operations management, and operations research. We are seeking applicants for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position. Applicants must have a Ph.D. (expected completion […]

2010 guide to the American Marketing Association job market interviews for aspiring professors

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2010 guide to the American Marketing Association job market interviews for aspiring professors

Four post-docs, two pre-docs

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JOBS FOR THE PRE- AND POST-DOCTORAL OF THE WORLD Those job-seeking, PhD-wielding, DSN-reading, decision-making researchers will be happy to know that we’ve got four post-doctoral positions, hot off the griddle. Have everything but the PhD? We have two pre-doctoral opportunities for you this week as well. – – – University of Colorado-Boulder The University of […]

Statistics, statistics, location, and statistics

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SKILLS FOR AN INCREASINGLY MEASURABLE WORLD In the movie The Graduate, the advice given to a young Dustin Hoffman was “plastics”. Today, another word is being touted as the key to the kingdom: statistics. Decision Science News found the New York Times article For Today’s Graduate, Just One Word: Statistics to be an inspiration. It […]