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Archive for 'Jobs'

In Tilburg, they really know how to live

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TWO PROFESSORSHIPS IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY IN TILBURG, NETHERLANDS Decision Science News recently visited the Marcel Zeelenberg, Diederik Stapel, Gideon Keren and the gang (which is a very impressive gang indeed) at Tilburg in the Netherlands. It left with the impression that its other visitors (another very impressive gang) had–that this is a first rate place […]

Three years of funding reduces the fundamental uncertainty of the world

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MAX PLANCK POSTDOCS IN DECISION MAKING IN ECONOMICS, LAW, OR PSYCHOLOGY The International Max Planck Research School on Adapting Behavior in a Fundamentally Uncertain World (Uncertainty-School) combines approaches from Economics, Law and Psychology to explain human decisions under uncertainty more effectively and to better design institutional responses. The Uncertainty- School is jointly hosted by the […]

OPIM professorship at Wharton

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DEPARTMENT OF OPERATIONS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PROFESSORSHIP Department of Operations and Information Management The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania The Operations and Information Management Department at the Wharton School is home to faculty with a diverse set of interests in decision-making, information technology, information-based strategy, operations management, and operations research. We are seeking applicants for a […]

These people will pay you to do research

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DECISION RESEARCH JOBS, SEPTEMBER 2009 Research Associate for Empirical Research on the Neurobiology of Decision-Making: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Behavioral Experiments Requirements Demonstrated skills and experience in behavioral neuroscience research and in programming (Matlab and Eprime). Demonstrated ability to do work independently and having the necessary social skills and positive attitude to interact with […]


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POSTDOC IN DECISION MAKING AT DUKE FUQUA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Since the job market for business school profs may be lousy this year, grad students might want to take note of this posdoctoral opportunity at Duke. Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business invites applications for a two year Postdoctoral Fellowship in the area of Behavioral […]

Update on the job market for Marketing professors

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SURVEY RESULTS ON MARKETING PROFESSOR HIRING FOR THE 2010-2011 ACADEMIC YEAR Decision Science News loves Marketing (the academic discipline). Chris Janiszewski and Geeta Menon have continued the wonderful tradition (previously carried out by Peter Dickson) of surveying the world’s marketing departments and finding out how many candidates are on the market, how many schools are […]

Dos Postdocs

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DOS OPORTUNIDADES DE EMPLEO Los puentes In honor of Cinco de Mayo, Decision Science News is adopting a Spanish language theme which, as it turns out, has nothing to do with the following postdocs. Vamos a Basel: The Economic Psychology Lab at the Department of Psychology of the University of Basel, Switzerland, is seeking applicants […]

Guide to the American Marketing Association job market interviews for aspiring professors

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EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE AMA INTERVIEWS (2009 edition) PhD students in Marketing, Psychology, and Economics are now gearing up to get their “packets” ready to mail out by the fourth of July in the hopes of lining up interviews at the annual AMA Summer Educator’s Conference. Each year DSN reprints this […]

Not too late to get a good decision making job for ’09

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POSTDOCTORAL OPPORTUNITIES IN BERLIN, BOULDER, AND NYC If you are like most Decision Science News readers, you have a PhD or are fast on your way to earning one. It only follows that if you are like most Decision Science News readers, you are eligible to apply for a postdoc. Here are a few it’s […]

OPIM Professorships at Wharton

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OPT-IN TO OPIM The OPIM Department at the Wharton School is home to faculty with a diverse set of interests in decision-making, information technology, information strategy, operations management, and operations research. We are seeking applications for tenure-track positions starting in the 2009-2010 academic year. Applicants must have the potential for excellence in research and teaching […]