OPTIMAL SHOULDER STANDING Decision Science News has long been influenced by Phil Greenspun’s observations, such as this one: Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp. which is known as Greenspun’s Tenth Rule. Trivia buffs will know that there weren’t 9 before it. […]
INTERVIEW WITH BRUNO FREY, PART II Here we continue last week’s Bruno Frey interview that Lionel Page and Dan Goldstein conducted before Frey’s Economics of Behaviour and Decision Making presentation at London Business School. Lionel Page – I was thinking of what you said before about the negative effect of the Nobel prize. What do […]
BRUNO FREY INTERVIEW, PART I A few weeks ago, Lionel Page and your Decision Science News editor had Bruno Frey come to speak at the Economics of Behaviour and Decision Making series in London. Realizing that it is not every day someone of such stature comes to town, we decided to profiter (as French people […]
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EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE AMA INTERVIEWS (2008 edition) PhD students in Marketing, Psychology, and Economics are now gearing up to get their “packets” ready to mail out by the fourth of July in the hopes of lining up interviews at the annual AMA Summer Educator’s Conference. Each year DSN reprints this […]