SOFTWARE TO DEAL WITH ULTIMATELY UNDESRIABLE INTERTEMPORAL PREFERENCE SHIFTS Ever find yourself frittering away the day responding to email after email? Ever think that if you’d just spent 8 hours working on that project, you’d be done and still have time to answer those emails in front of the TV later that night? Sure, we […]
FIREFOX USERS CAN HELP SET A WORLD RECORD ** NOTE: Please wait until the release time to download: 10 AM LA, 1PM New York, 6PM London, 7PM Paris ** What do browsers have to do with decision making? They are an excellent illustration of the power of defaults. The default home page within a browser […]
24th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF THE BRUNSWIK SOCIETY, NOV 13-14, 2008 Call for Papers and Participation Dear friends and colleagues, The 24th Annual International Meeting of the Brunswik Society will be held on Thursday and Friday, November 13-14, 2008 in Chicago, Illinois, at the Hilton Chicago. The program begins at 12:00 noon on Thursday afternoon, […]
TEST YOUR SOCCER PREDICTION SKILLS Stefan Herzog over in Basel lets us know about a short online study (15 – 20 minutes) on how people predict outcomes in the context of football (soccer). Anybody can participate; this study is explicitly not just for people who are interested or an expert in football. You can optionally […]
SMDM 2008, OCTOBER 19-22, 2008, PHILADELPHIA We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract to the 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, being held in Philadelphia this October. The meeting theme is “Comparative Effectiveness Research.” Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present their work at the SMDM […]