USING GRAPHICAL DISPLAYS TO COMMUNICATE TERRORISM RISKS Jon Baron sent over this timely article I like the way the author suggests visual representations (as above) to make the point. That particular representation seems vaguely familiar. I wonder if the author knows there’s been quite a bit of research done on it. 1) Sedlmeier, P., & Gigerenzer, […]
INCENTIVES TO STATE PROBABILITIES OF BELIEF TRUTHFULLY We have all been there. You are running an experiment in which you would like participants to tell you what they believe. In particular, you’d like them to tell you what they believe to be the probability that an event will occur. Normally, you would ask them. But […]
ARE WE IN CONTROL OF OUR OWN DECISIONS? Society for Judgment and Decision Making president Dan Ariely gave a TED talk on decision making, which they recently posted on their site. The decision making society president gives a talk on decision making: What could be more relevant for Decision Science News, which, after all is […]
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MAKING LUCK WORK FOR YOU Decision Science News was just at the ESMT Annual Forum in Berlin where we spoke in a session with Martin Weber, Gerd Gigerenzer, Stephan Meier, Luc Wathieu and Robin Hogarth and suddenly remembered that Hogarth, along with INSEAD’s Spyros Makridakis and Anil Gaba, has a new book out called Dance […]