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Monthly Archive September, 2015

Obama issues executive order directing Federal agencies to apply behavioral insights

Filed in Research News
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President Obama signed an Executive Order that directs Federal agencies to use behavioral science insights to better serve the American people. The Executive Order directs Federal agencies to identify programs in which applying behavioral science insights can yield substantial improvements; develop strategies for applying behavioral science insights to programs, and, where possible, for rigorously testing and evaluating the impact of these insights; recruit behavioral science experts to join the Federal Government; and strengthen agency relationships with the research community.

The counterfactual GPS hits XKCD

Filed in Gossip ,Ideas
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In 2010, we proposed a counterfactual GPS. Today, XKCD had the same idea.

The Foundations of Utility and Risk (FUR) Conference, June 27-30, 2016

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The Foundations of Utility and Risk Conference 2016 (FUR 2016) invites extended abstracts (of about 500 words) for presentations and posters. The deadline is December 15, 2015.

JDM Pre-Conference at SPSP, January 28, 2016

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The 11th annual Judgment and Decision Making Pre-Conference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual meeting will be held from 8:30am to 4:30 pm on January 28th, 2016 in San Diego. The pre-conference highlights the emerging nexus of social, personality, judgment, and decision making research.