FUR: Foundations of Utility and Risk conference, June 30-July 2, 2014, Rotterdam. Deadline: March 15.
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- What: XVI FUR: Foundations of Utility and Risk Conference
- Scope: Deviations from classical decision models
- Submission deadline: March 15
- Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
- June 30 – July 2, 2014
- Website: http://www.eur.nl/ese/fur2014/
Organizing committee:
Aurelien Baillon
Han Bleichrodt
Kirsten I. M. Rohde
Peter P. Wakker
Typical of FUR
FUR is more interdisciplinary than other conferences. Participants include economists, psychologists, mathematicians, management scientists, philosophers, (non)Bayesian statisticians, and other researchers. FUR is the place to meet open-minded scholars from many disciplines.
History of FUR
When the Norwegian Ole Hagen was refused tenure in the 1970s because his work on nonexpected utility for risk was judged unpromising, he was determined to prove otherwise. Together with Maurice Allais (1988 Nobel laureate), he founded FUR in 1982. Using the momentum of Kahneman & Tversky (1979 Econometrica) and Machina (1982 Econometrica), the new models started pervading economics and related disciplines.
As a result, homo economicus has increasingly been replaced by homo sapiens, for risk and for other decision theories. This improved descriptive models and deepened the understanding of normative and prescriptive models. Further momentum came from experimental economics, which strongly improved experimental standards, exposed artifactual biases, and bolstered real ones. These developments have led to the behavioral revolution, with recent advances in nudging (Thaler) and ambiguity (Ellsberg, Gilboa, Schmeidler).
Since Oslo (1982), FUR has been held in Venice (1984), Aix-en-Provence (1986), Budapest (1988), Durham (1990), Paris (1992), Oslo (1994), Mons (1997), Marrakech (1999), Torino (2001), Paris (2004), Rome (2006), Barcelona (2008), Newcastle (2010), Atlanta (2012), and, now, Rotterdam (2014).
We bid you welcome in Rotterdam this summer!
FUR organizing committee
P.s.: Rotterdam is in the top 10 of cities that should be visited in 2014 according to the New York Times:
and also according to the Rough Guide: