13th TIBER Symposium on Psychology and Economics (2014)
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Job Krijnen, Ilja van Beest, Rik Pieters, Jan Potters, and Marcel Zeelenberg write:
TIBER, the Tilburg Institute for Behavioral Economics Research, is happy to announce the 13 th Tiber Symposium on Psychology and Economics, to be held on August 22, 2014 at Tilburg University. The symposium aims to bring together Economists, Psychologists, Marketing researchers and others who work on Behavioral Decision Making, either in individual or interdependent settings. The symposium consists of two keynotes, a number of parallel sessions with presentations of about 20-30 minutes, and a poster session.
We are proud to have Richard Zeckhauser of Harvard University and Shane Frederick of Yale University as this year’s keynote speakers.
The goal of this series of symposia is to establish contact and discussion between researchers of the different fields. We look for empirical contributions from diverse fields, such as Individual Decision Making, Consumer Behavior, Bargaining, Social Dilemmas, Experimental Games, Emotions, Fairness and Justice, Rational Choice, and related subjects.
If you would like to contribute to TIBER by presenting your research, we invite you to submit an abstract of max. 250 words via our website www.tilburguniversity.edu/tiber13. On the basis of these abstracts we will select presenters for the symposium.IMPORTANT DATES
1st of April Call for abstracts
18th of May Deadline for submission of abstracts
1st of June Selection of speakers
22nd of August Symposium at Tilburg UniversityMore information about the program of the symposium and the keynote speakers, as well as the location of the symposium and the registration forms will soon be available at
If you have any questions regarding the symposium, please contact Job Krijnen
(j.m.t.krijnen@tilburguniversity.edu). Please use subject: ‘TIBER 13