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Jane Beattie Award 2019: Call for Applications

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In 2006, the European Association for Decision Making (www.eadm.eu) was pleased to announce the creation of the Jane Beattie Scientific Recognition Award to honor the memory of our late colleague, Jane Beattie. The award is to be made every two years and is intended for researchers who have recently completed the first stages of their careers – defined operationally by those who are 5 to 10 years post-PhD (see below).

The award is bestowed in recognition of “innovation in decision research”, as broadly understood within the Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making (SPUDM) tradition. In practical terms, this means that candidates should submit to the committee (a) a statement of 1,000 words or less that makes the case for their innovation; (b) one paper in which the innovation is presented for a scientific audience; and (c) a copy of their curriculum vitae. Candidates should also provide a statement as to when, and from where they received their PhDs.

The winner will receive a prize of 1,000 EUR, a certificate, and be asked to make a presentation at SPUDM 2019 in Amsterdam (www.spudm2019.com).

To be eligible for this award, candidates must have completed their PhDs no sooner than 5 years before the end of the most recent SPUDM meeting and no more than 10 years before the same date. Thus, to be eligible for the seventh award that will be presented at SPUDM in August 2019, candidates should have received their PhDs between August 2007 and August 2012.

The papers will be evaluated by a committee appointed by the Board of EADM consisting of Andreas Glöckner (University of Cologne, chair), Mehdi Moussaid (MPI Berlin, previous award winner), Arndt Bröder (University of Mannheim), Peter Ayton (University of London), and Cilia Witteman (Radboud University Nijmegen). To be considered for this award, papers and statements should be submitted before March 31, 2019 to: andreas.gloeckner@uni-koeln.de


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