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April 14, 2017

Another rule of three, this one in statistics

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We wrote last week of Charles Darwin’s love of the “rule of three” which, according to Stigler “is simply the mathematical proposition that if a/b = c/d, then any three of a, b, c, and d suffice to determine the fourth.”

We were surprised to learn this is called the rule of three, as we had only heard of the rule of three in comedy. We were even more surprised when a reader wrote in telling us about a rule of three in statistics. According to Wikipedia: the rule of three states that if a certain event did not occur in a sample with n subjects … the interval from 0 to 3/n is a 95% confidence interval for the rate of occurrences in the population.

It’s a heuristic. We love heuristics!

We decided to give it a test run in a little simulation. You can imagine that we’re testing for defects in products coming off of a production line. Here’s how the simulation works:

  • We test everything that comes off the line, one by one, until we come across a defect (test number n+1).
  • We then make a confidence interval bounded by 0 and 3/n and make note of it. In the long run, about 95% of such intervals should contain the true underlying probability of defect.
  • Because it’s a simulation and we know the true underlying probability of defect, we make note of whether the interval contains the true probability of defect.
  • We repeat this 10,000 times at each of the following underlying probabilities: .001, .002, and .003.

Let’s work through and example. Suppose you watch 1,000 products come off the line without defects and you see that the 1,001st product is defective. You plug n=1000 into 3/n and get .003, making your 95% confidence interval for the probability of a defective product to be 0 to .003.

The simulation thus far assumes the testers have the patience to keep testing until they find a defect. In reality, they might get bored and stop testing before the first defect is found. To address this, we also simulated another condition in which the testing is stopped at n/2, halfway before the first defect is found. Of course, people have no way of knowing when if they are half the way to the first defective test, but our simulation can at least let us know what kind of confidence interval one will get if one does indeed stop halfway.

Here’s the result on bracketing, that is, how often the confidence intervals contain the correct value:

Across all three levels of true underlying probabilities, when stopping immediately before the first defect, we get 95% confidence intervals. However, when we stop half way to the first defect, we get closer to 100% intervals (99.73%, 99.80%, and 99.86%, respectively).

So we know that the upper bounds of these confidence intervals fall above the true probability 95% to about 99.9% of the time, but where do they fall?

In the uppermost figure of this post, we see the locations of the upper bounds of the simulated confidence intervals when we stop immediately before the first defect. For convenience, we draw blue lines at the true underlying probabilities of .001 (top), .002 (middle), and .003 (bottom). When it’s a 95% confidence interval, about 95% of the upper bounds should fall to the right of the blue line, and 5% to the left. Note that we’re zooming into to cut the X axis at .05 so you can actually see something. Keep in mind it extends all the way to 1.0, with the heights of the bars trailing off.

For comparison, let’s look at the case in which we stop halfway to the first defect. As suggested by the bracketing probabilities, here we see almost all of the upper bounds exceed the true underlying probabilities. As our applied statistician reader wrote us about the rule of three, “the weakness is that in some situations it’s a very broad confidence interval.”

A Look at the Rule of Three
B. D. Jovanovic and P. S. Levy
The American Statistician
Vol. 51, No. 2 (May, 1997), pp. 137-139
DOI: 10.2307/2685405
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2685405


levels = c(.001,.002,.003)
ITER = 10000
res_list = vector('list', ITER*length(levels))
for(true_p in levels) {
for (i in 1:ITER) {
onesam = sample(
x = c(1, 0),
size = 10*1/true_p,
prob = c(true_p, 1 - true_p),
replace = TRUE
cut = which.max(onesam) - 1
upper_bound_halfway = min(3 / (cut/2),1)
upper_bound_lastpossible = min(3/cut,1)
res_list[[index]] =
true_p = true_p,
cut = cut,
upper_bound_halfway = upper_bound_halfway,
bracketed_halfway = true_p < upper_bound_halfway,
upper_bound_lastpossible = upper_bound_lastpossible,
bracketed_lastpossible = true_p < upper_bound_lastpossible ) index=index+1 }}
df = do.call('rbind',res_list)
plot_data = rbind(
df %>% group_by(true_p) %>% summarise(bracketing_probability = mean(bracketed_halfway),type="halfway"),
df %>% group_by(true_p) %>% summarise(bracketing_probability = mean(bracketed_lastpossible),type="last possible")
aes(x=true_p,y=bracketing_probability,group=type,fill=type)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity",position="dodge") +
coord_cartesian(ylim=c(.5,1)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom",
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank()) +
labs(x="True Probability",y="Bracketing Probability")
plot_data2 = df %>%
dplyr::select(-bracketed_halfway,-bracketed_lastpossible) %>%
tidyr::gather(bound_type,upper_bound,c(upper_bound_halfway,upper_bound_lastpossible)) %>%
arrange(bound_type,upper_bound) %>%
mutate(bin = floor(upper_bound/.001)*.001) %>%
group_by(bound_type,true_p,bin) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
p=ggplot(subset(plot_data2,bound_type=="upper_bound_lastpossible"),aes(x=bin+.0005,y=count)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity",width = .0005) +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = true_p),color="blue") +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,.05)) +
labs(x="Upper Bound",y="Count") +
facet_grid(true_p ~ .) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "none")
#repeat for upper_bound_halfway
aes(x=bin+.0005,y=count)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity",width = .0005) +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = true_p),color="blue") +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,.05),ylim=c(0,1750)) +
labs(x="Upper Bound",y="Count") +
facet_grid(true_p ~ .) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "none")

April 5, 2017

Darwin, the rule of three, and little use for higher mathematics

Filed in Books ,Encyclopedia ,Ideas
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The Rule of Three: A/B = C/D

We came across an interesting passage in our former professor Stephen Stigler’s “The Seven Pillars of Statistical Wisdom.”

Charles Darwin had little use for higher mathematics. He summed up his view in 1855 in a letter to his old friend (and second cousin) William Darwin Fox with a statement that Karl Pearson made famous: “I have no faith in anything short of actual measurement and the Rule of Three.” In 1901, Pearson adopted this as the motto for the new journal Biometrika … it was as close to an endorsement of mathematics as Pearson could find in Darwin’s writing.

Darwin was surely right in valuing actual measurement, but his faith in the Rule of Three was msiplaced. The Rule of Three that Darwin cited would have been familiar to every English schoolboy who had studied Euclid’s book 5. It is simply the mathematical proposition that if a/b = c/d, then any three of a, b, c, and d suffice to determine the fourth. For Darwin, this would have served as a handy tool for extrapolation, just as it had for many other before him … In the 1600s, John Graunt and William Petty ahd used such rations to estimate population and economic activity; int he 1700s and early 1800s, so, too, did Pierre Simon Laplace and Adolphe Quetelet.

Neither Darwin nor anyone before him realized what weak analytical support the Rule of Three provides. The rule works well in prorating commercial transactions and for the mathematical problems of Euclid; it fails to work in any interesting scientific question where variation and measurement error present …

1) The rule of three. Who knew it had that name? Could be a good way to get your kids interested in it.
2) The other rule of three we know is in comedy, where it’s pretty darn important.
2) Who knew that Darwin and Pearson had little faith in fancy math? Wonder what they’d make of modern statistical methods.

March 29, 2017

Call for nominations: 5th Exeter Prize for Research in Experimental Economics, Decision Theory, and Behavioral Economics

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Call for nominations: 5th Exeter Prize for Research in Experimental Economics, Decision Theory, and Behavioral Economics

The University of Exeter Business School will award a prize of £2,000 for the most outstanding article published in a refereed journal in 2016 from the following fields:

-Experimental Economics
-Decision Theory
-Behavioral Economics

Papers can qualify under any one of the following categories:
1. Any paper that involves either lab or field experiments.
2. Any purely theoretical paper that involves “behavioral” theory (for example, non-expected utility).
3. Any empirical work that shows evidence for behavioral models (that fit under 2) or tests/rejects models (that fit under 2).

In addition to the monetary prize, the author or representative from the authors of the winning paper will be invited to present that paper and related research at the University of Exeter in the Fall of this year.

We would like to invite you to nominate a paper. To qualify it must be published in 2016 and in one of the above-mentioned fields. The date must be the in-print date rather than the on-line date. You may send the nomination via an email to the following address: feelmail at exeter.ac.uk. Please write ‘Exeter Prize Nomination’ in the subject field. Note that you are allowed to nominate your own papers.

We will generate a shortlist of papers from the nominations. The shortlist will be evaluated by a panel, who will then decide the winner. This year our panel members are:

– Glenn Harrison (Georgia State University)
– Michael Mandler (Royal Holloway University of London)
– Michel Regenwetter (University of Illinois)

The deadline for submitting a nomination is May 1, 2017

The winner of the 2016 Exeter Prize was “Identifying Expertise to Extract the Wisdom of Crowds” by David Budescu and Eva Chen, published in Management Science.

The winner of the 2015 Exeter Prize was “Experimental games on networks: underpinnings of behavior and equilibrium selection” by Gary Charness, Francesco Feri, Miguel Melendez, and Matthias Sutter, published in Econometrica.

The winner of the 2014 Exeter Prize was “Temporal Resolution of Uncertainty and Recursive Models of Ambiguity Aversion” by Tomasz Strzalecki, published in Econometrica.

The winner of the 2013 Exeter Prize was “A Continuous Dilemma” by Daniel Friedman and Ryan Oprea, published in the American Economic Review.

The winner of the 2012 Exeter Prize was “Transitivity of Preferences” by Michel Regenwetter, Jason Dana, and Clintin P. Davis-Stober, published in Psychological Review.

For more details on the prize see:

March 22, 2017

Process Tracing Studies Conference, Galway, Ireland, June 22-24, 2017

Filed in Conferences
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What: 36th meeting of the European Group of Process Tracing Studies in Judgment and Decision Making Conference (EGPROC)
When: June 22-24, 2017
Where: University of Ireland Galway

Submissions and registrations for the meeting are open until April 18th via http://tiny.cc/egproc2017

We are delighted to host the 36th meeting of the European Group of Process Tracing Studies in Judgment and Decision Making (EGPROC) from the 22nd to the 24th of June 2017 at the National University of Ireland Galway in Ireland. This meeting is sponsored by the European Association for Decision Making (EADM).

The deadline for abstract submission is the 18th of April, 2017.

The EGPROC meeting is an annual gathering of researchers interested in process tracing research in the area of Judgment and Decision Making where participants present and discuss recent research and ideas in an open and relatively informal atmosphere. Process tracing approaches include eye tracking, mouse cursor tracking, verbal protocols, neurological correlates of decision making to name a few. Such approaches are technical, so, in addition to presenting the latest advances in the field, the meeting aims to facilitate the transfer of best practice and “lab lore” across laboratories to support the development of the next generation of process tracing researchers.

This year, we are delighted to host Professor Neil Stewart of Warwick University as our keynote speaker. In addition, we will have a panel discussion on the first day of the conference facilitated by Dr KongFatt Wong-Lin of Ulster University, a Moore Institute Visiting Fellow, discussing neural plausibility of decision-making models. These events will allow attendees to discuss decision theoretic concepts with the architects of two influential decision models.

March 17, 2017

How many digits into pi do you need to go to find your birthday?

Filed in Ideas ,R
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It was Pi Day (March 14, like 3/14, like 3.14, get it?) recently and Time Magazine did a fun interactive app in which you can find your birthday inside the digits of pi.

1) They only used one format of birthday, in which July 4th would be 704. But there are other ways to write July 4. Like 0704 or 74. And those must be investigated, right?
2) Our friend Dave Pennock said he wanted to see the locations of every possible birthday inside pi.

So here they are. Enjoy! And R code below if you are interested. Plot and other stuff use Hadley Wickham’s Tidyverse tools.

And what the heck, have a spreadsheet of fun (i.e., spreadsheet with all the birthdays and locations in it). And here are 100,000 digits of pi, too.

Just for completeness, let’s redo that plot using 100,000 random numbers instead of the digits of pi.

Yep, pretty similar!

Birthday location Shorter form location Shortest form loc
01-01 2563 1-01 853 1-1 95
01-02 6599 1-02 164 1-2 149
01-03 25991 1-03 3487 1-3 111
01-04 1219 1-04 270 1-4 2
01-05 3982 1-05 50 1-5 4
01-06 1011 1-06 1012 1-6 41
01-07 23236 1-07 1488 1-7 96
01-08 16216 1-08 2535 1-8 425
01-09 4555 1-09 207 1-9 38
01-10 3253 1-10 175 1-10 175
01-11 19627 1-11 154 1-11 154
01-12 4449 1-12 710 1-12 710
01-13 362 1-13 363 1-13 363
01-14 4678 1-14 2725 1-14 2725
01-15 27576 1-15 922 1-15 922
01-16 5776 1-16 396 1-16 396
01-17 6290 1-17 95 1-17 95
01-18 7721 1-18 446 1-18 446
01-19 494 1-19 495 1-19 495
01-20 43172 1-20 244 1-20 244
01-21 6305 1-21 711 1-21 711
01-22 660 1-22 484 1-22 484
01-23 27847 1-23 1925 1-23 1925
01-24 8619 1-24 1081 1-24 1081
01-25 15458 1-25 1351 1-25 1351
01-26 4372 1-26 2014 1-26 2014
01-27 9693 1-27 298 1-27 298
01-28 1199 1-28 149 1-28 149
01-29 2341 1-29 500 1-29 500
01-30 5748 1-30 745 1-30 745
01-31 5742 1-31 1097 1-31 1097
02-01 9803 2-01 245 2-1 94
02-02 7287 2-02 1514 2-2 136
02-03 3831 2-03 1051 2-3 17
02-04 28185 2-04 375 2-4 293
02-05 12631 2-05 1327 2-5 90
02-06 9809 2-06 885 2-6 7
02-07 14839 2-07 2374 2-7 29
02-08 6141 2-08 77 2-8 34
02-09 24361 2-09 54 2-9 187
02-10 9918 2-10 1318 2-10 1318
02-11 4353 2-11 94 2-11 94
02-12 30474 2-12 712 2-12 712
02-13 524 2-13 281 2-13 281
02-14 10340 2-14 103 2-14 103
02-15 24666 2-15 3099 2-15 3099
02-16 4384 2-16 992 2-16 992
02-17 546 2-17 547 2-17 547
02-18 2866 2-18 424 2-18 424
02-19 716 2-19 717 2-19 717
02-20 15715 2-20 1911 2-20 1911
02-21 17954 2-21 1737 2-21 1737
02-22 1889 2-22 1736 2-22 1736
02-23 25113 2-23 136 2-23 136
02-24 12782 2-24 536 2-24 536
02-25 3019 2-25 1071 2-25 1071
02-26 6742 2-26 965 2-26 965
02-27 18581 2-27 485 2-27 485
02-28 4768 2-28 2528 2-28 2528
02-29 6707 2-29 186 2-29 186
03-01 1045 3-01 493 3-1 1
03-02 1439 3-02 818 3-2 16
03-03 15339 3-03 195 3-3 25
03-04 4460 3-04 4461 3-4 87
03-05 29985 3-05 366 3-5 10
03-06 3102 3-06 116 3-6 286
03-07 3813 3-07 65 3-7 47
03-08 35207 3-08 520 3-8 18
03-09 5584 3-09 421 3-9 44
03-10 7692 3-10 442 3-10 442
03-11 11254 3-11 846 3-11 846
03-12 11647 3-12 2632 3-12 2632
03-13 858 3-13 859 3-13 859
03-14 3496 3-14 1 3-14 1
03-15 8285 3-15 314 3-15 314
03-16 13008 3-16 238 3-16 238
03-17 4778 3-17 138 3-17 138
03-18 7291 3-18 797 3-18 797
03-19 4530 3-19 1166 3-19 1166
03-20 3767 3-20 600 3-20 600
03-21 18810 3-21 960 3-21 960
03-22 12744 3-22 3434 3-22 3434
03-23 8948 3-23 16 3-23 16
03-24 16475 3-24 2495 3-24 2495
03-25 12524 3-25 3147 3-25 3147
03-26 7634 3-26 275 3-26 275
03-27 9208 3-27 28 3-27 28
03-28 24341 3-28 112 3-28 112
03-29 16096 3-29 3333 3-29 3333
03-30 2568 3-30 365 3-30 365
03-31 13852 3-31 1128 3-31 1128
04-01 19625 4-01 1198 4-1 3
04-02 17679 4-02 1368 4-2 93
04-03 4776 4-03 724 4-3 24
04-04 1272 4-04 1273 4-4 60
04-05 10748 4-05 596 4-5 61
04-06 39577 4-06 71 4-6 20
04-07 4258 4-07 2008 4-7 120
04-08 5602 4-08 146 4-8 88
04-09 33757 4-09 340 4-9 58
04-10 11495 4-10 163 4-10 163
04-11 9655 4-11 2497 4-11 2497
04-12 20103 4-12 297 4-12 297
04-13 6460 4-13 1076 4-13 1076
04-14 3756 4-14 385 4-14 385
04-15 7735 4-15 3 4-15 3
04-16 10206 4-16 1709 4-16 1709
04-17 15509 4-17 1419 4-17 1419
04-18 7847 4-18 728 4-18 728
04-19 4790 4-19 37 4-19 37
04-20 3286 4-20 702 4-20 702
04-21 16028 4-21 93 4-21 93
04-22 4796 4-22 1840 4-22 1840
04-23 8220 4-23 2995 4-23 2995
04-24 1878 4-24 1110 4-24 1110
04-25 5716 4-25 822 4-25 822
04-26 1392 4-26 1393 4-26 1393
04-27 36946 4-27 630 4-27 630
04-28 910 4-28 203 4-28 203
04-29 4514 4-29 1230 4-29 1230
04-30 4619 4-30 519 4-30 519
05-01 21816 5-01 1344 5-1 49
05-02 25156 5-02 32 5-2 173
05-03 19743 5-03 838 5-3 9
05-04 9475 5-04 1921 5-4 192
05-05 36575 5-05 132 5-5 131
05-06 2094 5-06 1116 5-6 211
05-07 683 5-07 684 5-7 405
05-08 14658 5-08 1122 5-8 11
05-09 17171 5-09 1147 5-9 5
05-10 10274 5-10 49 5-10 49
05-11 444 5-11 395 5-11 395
05-12 2294 5-12 1843 5-12 1843
05-13 597 5-13 110 5-13 110
05-14 42236 5-14 2118 5-14 2118
05-15 10458 5-15 1100 5-15 1100
05-16 5367 5-16 3516 5-16 3516
05-17 24365 5-17 2109 5-17 2109
05-18 751 5-18 471 5-18 471
05-19 17096 5-19 390 5-19 390
05-20 20247 5-20 326 5-20 326
05-21 19553 5-21 173 5-21 173
05-22 2041 5-22 535 5-22 535
05-23 4317 5-23 579 5-23 579
05-24 15635 5-24 1615 5-24 1615
05-25 3233 5-25 1006 5-25 1006
05-26 3984 5-26 613 5-26 613
05-27 7300 5-27 241 5-27 241
05-28 18917 5-28 867 5-28 867
05-29 6373 5-29 1059 5-29 1059
05-30 367 5-30 368 5-30 368
05-31 26607 5-31 2871 5-31 2871
06-01 2400 6-01 1218 6-1 220
06-02 14854 6-02 291 6-2 21
06-03 9019 6-03 264 6-3 313
06-04 1172 6-04 1173 6-4 23
06-05 5681 6-05 750 6-5 8
06-06 13163 6-06 311 6-6 118
06-07 10861 6-07 287 6-7 99
06-08 13912 6-08 618 6-8 606
06-09 3376 6-09 128 6-9 42
06-10 13704 6-10 269 6-10 269
06-11 7448 6-11 427 6-11 427
06-12 11585 6-12 220 6-12 220
06-13 7490 6-13 971 6-13 971
06-14 2887 6-14 1612 6-14 1612
06-15 25066 6-15 1030 6-15 1030
06-16 6017 6-16 1206 6-16 1206
06-17 886 6-17 887 6-17 887
06-18 14424 6-18 1444 6-18 1444
06-19 6351 6-19 843 6-19 843
06-20 14967 6-20 76 6-20 76
06-21 2819 6-21 2820 6-21 2820
06-22 30206 6-22 185 6-22 185
06-23 51529 6-23 456 6-23 456
06-24 5491 6-24 510 6-24 510
06-25 5971 6-25 1569 6-25 1569
06-26 16707 6-26 21 6-26 21
06-27 5424 6-27 462 6-27 462
06-28 72 6-28 73 6-28 73
06-29 11928 6-29 571 6-29 571
06-30 10902 6-30 1900 6-30 1900
07-01 10640 7-01 167 7-1 40
07-02 544 7-02 545 7-2 140
07-03 10108 7-03 408 7-3 300
07-04 9882 7-04 2670 7-4 57
07-05 9233 7-05 561 7-5 48
07-06 5134 7-06 97 7-6 570
07-07 3815 7-07 755 7-7 560
07-08 8111 7-08 3061 7-8 67
07-09 3641 7-09 121 7-9 14
07-10 3169 7-10 681 7-10 681
07-11 4250 7-11 1185 7-11 1185
07-12 7695 7-12 243 7-12 243
07-13 36438 7-13 627 7-13 627
07-14 9546 7-14 610 7-14 610
07-15 5668 7-15 344 7-15 344
07-16 10242 7-16 40 7-16 40
07-17 15743 7-17 568 7-17 568
07-18 2988 7-18 2776 7-18 2776
07-19 8664 7-19 541 7-19 541
07-20 44221 7-20 1009 7-20 1009
07-21 756 7-21 650 7-21 650
07-22 2375 7-22 2140 7-22 2140
07-23 3300 7-23 1632 7-23 1632
07-24 8811 7-24 302 7-24 302
07-25 16244 7-25 140 7-25 140
07-26 288 7-26 289 7-26 289
07-27 12328 7-27 406 7-27 406
07-28 4879 7-28 1584 7-28 1584
07-29 4078 7-29 771 7-29 771
07-30 6892 7-30 898 7-30 898
07-31 2808 7-31 785 7-31 785
08-01 9508 8-01 3418 8-1 68
08-02 18639 8-02 1993 8-2 53
08-03 8283 8-03 85 8-3 27
08-04 1284 8-04 775 8-4 19
08-05 2292 8-05 957 8-5 172
08-06 9289 8-06 968 8-6 75
08-07 15787 8-07 451 8-7 306
08-08 4545 8-08 106 8-8 35
08-09 3009 8-09 1003 8-9 12
08-10 3207 8-10 206 8-10 206
08-11 10884 8-11 153 8-11 153
08-12 147 8-12 148 8-12 148
08-13 10981 8-13 734 8-13 734
08-14 4274 8-14 882 8-14 882
08-15 25257 8-15 324 8-15 324
08-16 1601 8-16 68 8-16 68
08-17 4857 8-17 319 8-17 319
08-18 30399 8-18 490 8-18 490
08-19 12786 8-19 198 8-19 198
08-20 4787 8-20 53 8-20 53
08-21 12923 8-21 102 8-21 102
08-22 5149 8-22 135 8-22 135
08-23 11957 8-23 114 8-23 114
08-24 10358 8-24 1196 8-24 1196
08-25 828 8-25 89 8-25 89
08-26 4294 8-26 2059 8-26 2059
08-27 619 8-27 620 8-27 620
08-28 24614 8-28 2381 8-28 2381
08-29 1123 8-29 335 8-29 335
08-30 816 8-30 492 8-30 492
08-31 25355 8-31 237 8-31 237
09-01 658 9-01 659 9-1 250
09-02 2074 9-02 715 9-2 6
09-03 6335 9-03 357 9-3 15
09-04 8107 9-04 909 9-4 59
09-05 23683 9-05 3191 9-5 31
09-06 8297 9-06 1294 9-6 181
09-07 2986 9-07 543 9-7 13
09-08 7828 9-08 815 9-8 81
09-09 12077 9-09 248 9-9 45
09-10 17009 9-10 2874 9-10 2874
09-11 6125 9-11 1534 9-11 1534
09-12 29379 9-12 483 9-12 483
09-13 17515 9-13 1096 9-13 1096
09-14 249 9-14 250 9-14 250
09-15 3413 9-15 1315 9-15 1315
09-16 5930 9-16 3370 9-16 3370
09-17 341 9-17 342 9-17 342
09-18 4731 9-18 2220 9-18 2220
09-19 2127 9-19 417 9-19 417
09-20 328 9-20 329 9-20 329
09-21 422 9-21 423 9-21 423
09-22 7963 9-22 687 9-22 687
09-23 23216 9-23 63 9-23 63
09-24 5122 9-24 1430 9-24 1430
09-25 4008 9-25 337 9-25 337
09-26 5380 9-26 6 9-26 6
09-27 1177 9-27 977 9-27 977
09-28 5768 9-28 2192 9-28 2192
09-29 7785 9-29 1854 9-29 1854
09-30 1494 9-30 194 9-30 194
10-01 15762 10-01 15762 10-1 853
10-02 6740 10-02 6740 10-2 164
10-03 12292 10-03 12292 10-3 3487
10-04 3849 10-04 3849 10-4 270
10-05 2881 10-05 2881 10-5 50
10-06 3481 10-06 3481 10-6 1012
10-07 4076 10-07 4076 10-7 1488
10-08 8281 10-08 8281 10-8 2535
10-09 1817 10-09 1817 10-9 207
10-10 853 10-10 853 10-10 853
10-11 3846 10-11 3846 10-11 3846
10-12 8618 10-12 8618 10-12 8618
10-13 8271 10-13 8271 10-13 8271
10-14 2781 10-14 2781 10-14 2781
10-15 2564 10-15 2564 10-15 2564
10-16 9987 10-16 9987 10-16 9987
10-17 8041 10-17 8041 10-17 8041
10-18 1224 10-18 1224 10-18 1224
10-19 15483 10-19 15483 10-19 15483
10-20 9808 10-20 9808 10-20 9808
10-21 2750 10-21 2750 10-21 2750
10-22 6400 10-22 6400 10-22 6400
10-23 6771 10-23 6771 10-23 6771
10-24 12736 10-24 12736 10-24 12736
10-25 12926 10-25 12926 10-25 12926
10-26 14679 10-26 14679 10-26 14679
10-27 164 10-27 164 10-27 164
10-28 3242 10-28 3242 10-28 3242
10-29 8197 10-29 8197 10-29 8197
10-30 20819 10-30 20819 10-30 20819
10-31 3495 10-31 3495 10-31 3495
11-01 2780 11-01 2780 11-1 154
11-02 12721 11-02 12721 11-2 710
11-03 3494 11-03 3494 11-3 363
11-04 23842 11-04 23842 11-4 2725
11-05 175 11-05 175 11-5 922
11-06 13461 11-06 13461 11-6 396
11-07 21819 11-07 21819 11-7 95
11-08 7450 11-08 7450 11-8 446
11-09 3254 11-09 3254 11-9 495
11-10 22898 11-10 22898 11-10 22898
11-11 12701 11-11 12701 11-11 12701
11-12 12702 11-12 12702 11-12 12702
11-13 3504 11-13 3504 11-13 3504
11-14 23209 11-14 23209 11-14 23209
11-15 27054 11-15 27054 11-15 27054
11-16 3993 11-16 3993 11-16 3993
11-17 154 11-17 154 11-17 154
11-18 14376 11-18 14376 11-18 14376
11-19 984 11-19 984 11-19 984
11-20 3823 11-20 3823 11-20 3823
11-21 710 11-21 710 11-21 710
11-22 12018 11-22 12018 11-22 12018
11-23 6548 11-23 6548 11-23 6548
11-24 25705 11-24 25705 11-24 25705
11-25 1350 11-25 1350 11-25 1350
11-26 12703 11-26 12703 11-26 12703
11-27 4252 11-27 4252 11-27 4252
11-28 14719 11-28 14719 11-28 14719
11-29 4450 11-29 4450 11-29 4450
11-30 9107 11-30 9107 11-30 9107
12-01 244 12-01 244 12-1 711
12-02 19942 12-02 19942 12-2 484
12-03 60873 12-03 60873 12-3 1925
12-04 11885 12-04 11885 12-4 1081
12-05 3329 12-05 3329 12-5 1351
12-06 3259 12-06 3259 12-6 2014
12-07 7511 12-07 7511 12-7 298
12-08 3714 12-08 3714 12-8 149
12-09 4729 12-09 4729 12-9 500
12-10 3456 12-10 3456 12-10 3456
12-11 50289 12-11 50289 12-11 50289
12-12 711 12-12 711 12-12 711
12-13 47502 12-13 47502 12-13 47502
12-14 4560 12-14 4560 12-14 4560
12-15 11942 12-15 11942 12-15 11942
12-16 6986 12-16 6986 12-16 6986
12-17 11078 12-17 11078 12-17 11078
12-18 9167 12-18 9167 12-18 9167
12-19 1426 12-19 1426 12-19 1426
12-20 36498 12-20 36498 12-20 36498
12-21 8732 12-21 8732 12-21 8732
12-22 17882 12-22 17882 12-22 17882
12-23 9550 12-23 9550 12-23 9550
12-24 661 12-24 661 12-24 661
12-25 9417 12-25 9417 12-25 9417
12-26 964 12-26 964 12-26 964
12-27 484 12-27 484 12-27 484
12-28 5183 12-28 5183 12-28 5183
12-29 30418 12-29 30418 12-29 30418
12-30 7146 12-30 7146 12-30 7146
12-31 9451 12-31 9451 12-31 9451


pistring = read_file("pi.txt")
#choose 2016 b/c it's a leap year
dayvec = seq(as.Date('2016-01-01'), as.Date('2016-12-31'), by = 1)
dayvec = str_sub(dayvec, start = 6, end = 10)
shorterdayvec = sub("0(.-.)", "\\1", dayvec)
shortestdayvec = sub("(.-)0(.)$", "\\1\\2", shorterdayvec)
df = data.frame(
birthday = dayvec,
loc = str_locate(pistring, gsub("-", "", dayvec))[, 1],
shorter_bday = shorterdayvec,
shorter_loc = str_locate(pistring, gsub("-", "", shorterdayvec))[, 1],
shortest_bday = shortestdayvec,
shortest_loc = str_locate(pistring, gsub("-", "", shortestdayvec))[, 1]
write.csv(df, file = "birthdays_in_pi.csv", row.names = FALSE)
long_df = df %>% gather(key, location, loc, shorter_loc, shortest_loc)
p = ggplot(long_df, aes(x = location, fill = key))
p = p + geom_density(alpha = .3)
p = p + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 40000))
p = p + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
plot = p,
file = "birthdays_in_pi.pdf",
height = 4,
width = 4
#now repeat with random numbers
randstring = paste(replicate(100000, {
floor(10 * runif(1))
}), collapse = "")
#check our work
df_rand = data.frame(
birthday = dayvec,
loc = str_locate(randstring, gsub("-", "", dayvec))[, 1],
shorter_bday = shorterdayvec,
shorter_loc = str_locate(randstring, gsub("-", "", shorterdayvec))[, 1],
shortest_bday = shortestdayvec,
shortest_loc = str_locate(randstring, gsub("-", "", shortestdayvec))[, 1]
long_df_rand = df_rand %>% gather(key, location, loc, shorter_loc, shortest_loc)
p = ggplot(long_df_rand, aes(x = location, fill = key))
p = p + geom_density(alpha = .3)
p = p + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 40000))
p = p + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
plot = p,
file = "birthdays_in_random.png",
height = 4,
width = 4

March 7, 2017

Learn some statistics this summer

Filed in Programs ,SJDM
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An important part of our stats education was Stephen Stigler’s lesson on the Quincunx

Alan Reifman maintains a list of summer statistics and methods courses that would be of interest to those looking to refresh or expand upon their skills.

Here is the list for 2017. Enjoy!


Image credit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bean_machine

March 1, 2017

Two jobs at Columbia University

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Decision Science News started at Columbia University. In fact, it was a postdoc at the Center for the Decision Sciences (position 2) below. Maybe you can get one of these jobs and become a decision science blog too?


Rank Tenured Associate or Full Professor Position at Columbia University, Department of Psychology

Columbia University Department of Psychology invites applications for a position at the rank tenured associate or full professor to begin July 1, 2018. While applicants in other areas of research will be considered, we are especially interested in individuals with expertise in cognitive science whose research focuses on the psychological and brain bases of decision-making.

Responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate teaching and the development of a vigorous research program. Moreover, we seek applicants who are interested in taking a leadership role in the department and in this program area as we maintain the excellence of a strong decision-making program through the department and University.

For more information about the Department of Psychology please visit: https://psychology.columbia.edu. Please note that all applications must be submitted through the online application site:

Review of applications will begin on March 15, 2017 and will continue until the position is filled.

Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. The University is especially interested in qualified candidates whose record of achievement will contribute to the diversity goals of the institution.


Post-Doctoral Researcher, Center for Decision Sciences, Columbia University

The Center for Decision Sciences (CDS), is seeking an outstanding researcher for a Post-Doctoral Researcher position starting in the Fall of 2017, or later. CDS is an interdisciplinary center that facilitates research and understanding on consumer behavior, the implications of decision making on public policy, and the neurological underpinnings of judgment and decision making. This appointment will be in Columbia’s Graduate School of Business.

The post-doctoral researcher will report to the center’s Director Eric J. Johnson, and will collaborate with other center researchers, post-docs, and graduate students across disciplines. The post-doc will assist in planning and carrying out web-based surveys, lab research, and field studies, and analyzing general patterns of responses as well as individual and cultural differences. S/He we will be expected to employ a combination of approaches, from the identification and analysis of existing real-world data sets arising as the result of natural experiments, to the design and analysis of field or lab intervention studies that collect process and outcome measures related to decision making in various domains. We are particularly interested in candidates with computational modeling and strong statistical skills.

Other duties include contribution to other ongoing center projects, preparation of and participation in CDS workshops, and drafting reports and papers for publication.

*Required qualifications*:
* Ph.D. in psychology (cognitive, social, or other relevant subdisciplines), consumer behavior, behavioral economics, decision sciences, or another relevant discipline.
* Familiarity with normative and descriptive theories of decision making.
* Skilled in the use of laboratory-based experiments.
* Data analysis and modeling skills using statistical software packages
(preferably R) and econometrics.
* Proficiency in web-based computer programming (online experimentation
and surveys).

*Desired qualifications*:
* Publications
* Experience working as a member of interdisciplinary teams.
* Some familiarity with econometrics and modeling.
* Proficiency in use of process tracing software (e.g., MouseLab/Web and/or eye-movement packages).

*Duration*: This is a one-year position with the possibility of renewal for a second year conditional on performance.

Please submit applications electronically to Brian Huh at brian@decisionsciences.columbia.edu

*Application Materials*:
– Cover letter
– CV
– 2 publications or writing samples
– 2 recommendation letters (to be submitted directly by references)

Columbia University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action — Disability/Veterans employer.

February 21, 2017

Advances in Decision Analysis 2017 Conference Austin, TX, June 26-27, 2017

Filed in Conferences
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We are pleased to announce Advances in Decision Analysis 2017, a conference organized by the Decision Analysis Society. This conference-the second of its kind-will be held June 26-27, 2017 at The University of Texas at Austin in Austin, Texas.

The conference aims to develop and promote work fit for the Decision Analysis areas in Management Science and Operations Research and the Decision Analysis journal. The conference will provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussions and will include talks by researchers in statistics, economics, psychology, and other decision-making related disciplines with a prescriptive focus.

We are also pleased to announce that Professor Jim Dyer of the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin will offer the opening plenary. A second plenary talk will be given by Bill Klimack of Chevron.

Details on abstract submission and registration are available on the conference site. (See the links on the lower left of the page.)

We hope you will join us at the Advances in Decision Analysis 2017 Conference to enjoy the research talks and take in the sights of Austin TX!

General Chair: Casey Lichtendahl (University of Virginia).
Local Chair: John Butler (UT-Austin).
Steering Committee: Bob Winkler (Duke University), Detlof Von Winterfeldt (University of Southern California), Manel Baucells (University of Virginia), and Ali Abbas (University of Southern California).
Organizing Committee: General and Local Chairs, Eric Bickel (UT-Austin), Jason Merrick (VCU), Joe Hahn (UT-Austin), and Yael Grushka-Cockayne (University of Virginia).

For questions: please contact Casey Lichtendahl (lichtendahlc at darden.virginia.edu) or John Butler (John.Butler2 at mccombs.utexas.edu).

Submitting Conference Abstracts
We are now accepting abstracts focusing on statistics, economics, psychology, and other decision-making related disciplines with a prescriptive focus. Submissions will undergo a peer-review process. Those not selected for presentation may be invited to present a poster.

* Submission deadline: Monday, March 3, 2017
* Notification of acceptance: March 26, 2017
* Please submit in PDF format both a short abstract (not to exceed 200 characters) and a one-page extended abstract (about 500 words). If you choose, you can upload a full paper in PDF format, instead of the one-page abstract, but this is not required.
* You are permitted only one abstract as a presenting author (speaker)
* You can be a co-author on other abstracts.
* As the presenting author, you are expected to present the work at the conference.

Submit Your Abstract Online (link)

Register for the Conference (link)
Note: all attendees must register and pay the registration fee. Early registration deadline is 6/2/2017.

Venue and Hotels

The conference will be held in the UT Alumni Center at 2110 San Jacinto Blvd, Austin, TX 78712. See https://www.etterharbinalumnicenter.com/. The two closest hotels are

AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center (0.5 miles)
1900 University Ave, Austin, TX 78705

Hampton Inn & Suites (0.7 miles)
1701 Lavaca St, Austin, TX 78701

February 15, 2017

2017 Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality, Berlin, June 6-14, 2017

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We are delighted to announce that the 2017 Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality will take place on June 06–14th, 2017, at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Germany.

The Summer Institute brings together talented young researchers and renowned scientists from around the globe and aims to spark a dialogue on human decision making.

It offers a forum for young scholars from various disciplines to share their approaches, discuss their research, and be inspired.
The program will cover the fundamentals, methodology, and recent findings on bounded rationality. This year’s Summer Institute focuses on how and why simple models of bounded rationality make accurate predictions in an uncertain world.

On behalf of the directors of the Summer Institute, Gerd Gigerenzer and Ralph Hertwig, we invite young decision-making scholars from all fields to apply. Participation will be free, accommodation will be provided, and travel expenses will be partly reimbursed.

Applications are open until March 12, 2017.

Apply here: bit.ly/SI2017_apply

Please feel free to email any questions you might have to si2017 at mpib-berlin.mpg.de

To pass on this call for applications, you can find a pdf-version here: bit.ly/SI2017_cfa

February 9, 2017

NIPS 2017 Call for Competitions. Deadline March 15, 2017

Filed in Conferences
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We invite competition proposals for the 2017 Neural Information Processing Systems 2017 conference in Long Beach, CA. NIPS has had traditionally a demonstration track with competition for best demo (also available for NIPS 2017). The call for competitions corresponds to a completely new NIPS track/special session.

We solicit competition proposals on any topic of interests to the NIPS community. We especially encourage competition proposals that are stemmed from emerging new fields or new application domains related to NIPS. Interdisciplinary topics that could attract a significant cross- section of the community are highly valued.

There will be two kinds of competitions:

Standard data science driven competitions, where participants will compete to obtain the best score on a machine learning problem of interest to the NIPS community based on a problem and data defined and released by the organizers of the competition.
Live competitions, which will be held in a science-fair manner at NIPS: Participants will present demos at NIPS which apply NIPS methodology in a particular application domain defined by the organizers of the Live competition.

There will be time slots during NIPS or the workshops where competition results can be discussed and presented. Organizers will propose a tentative schedule for the presentation of the competition and its results based on the assigned time slot. The main conference will provide coffee breaks and, if necessary, poster facilities. For any additional questions please contact the competition chairs.

Both competition organizers and participants will be invited to contribute with a book chapter for inclusion in the upcoming NIPS 2017 Competition book, within the Springer Series on Challenges in Machine Learning (pending acceptance, we have contacted Springer to arrange for proceedings).


Regular data science driven competition proposals must be sent to the competition chairs, with email subject “NIPS17 Competition Proposal: [title of your competition]”. Please carefully follow the available “CompNIPS2017” template to apply for the competition.

Live competition proposals must be sent to the competition chairs, with email subject “NIPS17 Live Competition Proposal: [title of your competition]”. Please follow the available “LiveNIPS2017” template to apply for the Live competition. A very important requirement for the Live competition acceptance is the plan for recruiting participants.

Competition proposal submission deadline
15th March, 2017

Acceptance notification
1st April, 2017

Book chapter submission from organizers and participants to the Springer Series on Challenges in Machine Learning: NIPS 2017 Competitions volume
15th January, 2018

Book chapter acceptance notification
15th March, 2018

Camera ready submission
15th April, 2018

Tentative publication of the book
1st July, 2018


In case your proposal contains a “regular data science” track and a “Live” track, please submit both available templates for revision. It may happen that only one of them is accepted.

Competition organizers should propose a timeline for running the competition to ensure participants to have enough time to contribute with a high quality solution. It is recommended the whole competition to be finished as late by the end of October, 2017.

Proposers with a competition proposal that may require help/suggestions regarding the competition platform to run the competition can contact the competition chairs for advice.


Dr. Sergio Escalera, sergio.escalera.guerrero@gmail.com
Dr. Markus Weimer, markus@weimo.de