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June 12, 2019

Behavioral economics conference at Villanova (near Philadelphia) Oct 4-5, 2019

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Behavioral and Experimental Economists of the Mid-Atlantic (BEEMA) Conference

Call for papers

The conference aims to bring together Mid-Atlantic behavioral and experimental economists. Researchers engaged in experimental, theoretical, or empirical work are encouraged to contribute.

Researchers in all stages of their career, including students, are encouraged to apply.

This conference will be hosted by Villanova University on Friday October 4 and Saturday October 5, 2019.

We request a $75 registration fee for faculty, $20 for presenting students, and the registration is free for non-presenting students.

Researchers interested in participating in the meeting should send a completed paper or an abstract to: beemagroup at gmail.com. Upon submission, also indicate if you are not available on either of the dates and your t-shirt size.

For more preliminary work, a shorter, discussion-intensive presentation time slot is also available. Upon submission, indicate if you prefer this shorter, discussion-intensive presentation time slot.

Deadline for submission: August 1, 2019, or as space is available

Notification of acceptance: August 8, 2019

Preliminary schedule available in early September

The conference is organized by BEEMA. For more information on BEEMA, see this link

June 7, 2019

Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference, Nov 15 -18, 2019, Montreal

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The Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) invites abstracts for oral presentations and posters on any interesting topic related to judgment and decision making. Completed manuscripts are not required. Oral presentations are highly competitive; excellent submissions that are not accepted as full oral presentations due to space constraints may be invited to give five minute flash-talks (a short form oral presentation) on Monday morning instead.


The 2019 meeting will take place in Montreal, November 15-18, 2019. The conference will open Friday evening with the Women in SJDM networking event. Featured events include keynote speaker Tom Griffiths, a presidential address by Nina Mazar, and monday morning flash talk sessions, featuring rapid fire five minute talks on groundbreaking new research areas.


The deadline for submissions is June 20, 2019, (the last day of spring). Submissions for oral presentations, and posters should be made through the SJDM website at http://sjdm.org/abstract-review/htdocs Technical questions can be addressed to the webmaster, Jon Baron, at baron@upenn.edu. All other questions can be addressed to the program chair, Danny Oppenheimer (oppenheimer@cmu.edu).


At least one author of each presentation must be a member of SJDM. Joining at the time of submission will satisfy this requirement. You may join SJDM at http://sjdm.org/join.html. An individual may give only one talk and present only one poster, but may be a co-author on multiple talks and/or posters. Please note that both the membership rule and the one-talk/one-poster rule will be enforced.


Travelers from certain countries may need extra lead time to obtain travel documents. Although we are unable to accept talks early, we can provide notification of an “accepted presentation.” This means that you would at least be guaranteed a poster. We can do this because posters are typically evaluated only for content and most are accepted. If you submit for a talk, you would receive a notice of an accepted presentation immediately, and a decision on your talk at the usual time. To take advantage of this option, you should still submit through the regular process, and also send a request to the program chair, Danny Oppenheimer (oppenheimer@cmu.edu). Please note that as this conference takes place in Montreal, United States citizens will need to have a valid passport to attend this event.


The Best Student Poster Award is given for the best poster presentation whose first author is a student member of SJDM.

The Hillel Einhorn New Investigator Award is intended to encourage outstanding work by new researchers. Applications are due June 21, 2019. Further details are available at http://sjdm.org/awards/einhorn.html.

The Jane Beattie Memorial Fund subsidizes travel to North America for a foreign scholar in pursuits related to judgment and decision research, including attendance at the annual SJDM meeting. Further details will be available at http://sjdm.org/awards/beattie.html.


Danny Oppenheimer, Abby Sussman, Barbara Fasolo, Oleg Urminksy, Bettina von Helversen, Hengchen Dai, Irene Scopelliti, and Dan Schley.

May 29, 2019

Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making (SPUDM), August 18-22, 2019, Amsterdam

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Once every two years scientists interested in judgment and decision making research meet in an European city to participate in a scientific conference called SPUDM, which stands for Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making.

SPUDM represents an international and interdisciplinary forum for scientists dealing with modelling, analysing and aiding decision processes. It covers fundamental as well as applied research, attracting contributions from various disciplines such as psychology, economics, medicine, law, management science, philosophy, and computer science.

The program for SPUDM 2019 is now available online and can be found at http://www.spudm2019.com

May 22, 2019

Summer School in Collective Intelligence: Theories and Applications, Sept 9-13, 2019, Bari Italy

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What: Summer School in Collective Intelligence: Theories and Applications
When: September 9-13, 2019
Where: Palace Hotel, via F. Lombardi, 13, 70122 Bari, Italy

The last decade has seen a rapid growth of the number of studies on the collective intelligence of complex systems. It concerns a form of distributed intelligence, which emerges from collaboration and competition of many interconnected entities, whose behavioral rules are often also very simple. From groups of animals, such as schools of fishes, colonies of ants, flocks of birds, to human groups, such as teams and organizations, to networks such as economies, neuronal networks, scientist networks, and financial systems, all these systems show the ability to reach higher performance than single entities, exploiting the power of social relationships and multiple connections.

Research has currently proposed theories to understand the building blocks and the basic mechanisms of collective intelligence as well as developed applications of intelligent artificial systems, inspired by this property. What emerges is that the topic spans beyond the borders of single fields of study and embraces multiple disciplines, such as biology, cognitive science, physics, computer science, management, and economics. Applications refer to different contexts, from robotics to industrial optimization, politics, and artificial intelligence.

The main aim of this Summer School is to provide an updated overview of the topic, both on theories and applications, according to this multidisciplinary perspective. To pursue this goal, the School offers a collection of topical lectures in multiple fields, given by leading international scholars from high-ranked academia and research centers.

The Summer School is mainly addressed to PhD students and young researchers, who would like to improve their knowledge about mechanisms and dynamics of collective behaviors of complex systems, from animals to individuals, to economies. PhD students attending the school will receive 6 ECTS certification.

The registration fee is 350 EUR. The fee includes coffee breaks, lunches, and social dinner. The fee is waived for PhD students enrolled at Politecnico di Bari.

Registration should be made within the end of August fulfilling the registration form. Please send the registration form together with a copy of the bank transfer to ilaria.giannoccaro at
poliba.it and renata.martinelli at poliba.it.

Website with more information

Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/loloieg/269285076/

May 15, 2019

Decision Analysis Society Publication Award

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We are accepting nominations for the Decision Analysis Society’s Publication Award. Papers or books published in 2017 are eligible. Please submit your nomination(s) through this link: https://mcdonough.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1Y3Jylr9s4pcBZX

A complete nomination consists of the following:

  • Author’s name(s)
  • Full journal citation or book title
  • Copy of the publication, preferably in electronic form
  • Strongly encouraged: A short statement (1 page or less) summarizing why the publication should be considered for the award
  • Optional: Testimonials by those who have benefited from the work

Self-nominations are permissible. The Publication Award Committee is chaired by Canan Ulu and Enrico Diecidue. For more details on the award, see below.

The Decision Analysis Society Publication Award is given annually to the best decision-analysis journal article or book published in the second preceding calendar year, as judged by an award committee. For example, publications appearing in the year 2017 are eligible for consideration in the year 2019. For this award, decision analysis is defined as a prescriptive approach to provide insight for decision making based on axioms that are logically consistent with the axioms of von Neumann and Morgenstern and of Savage. Key constructs of decision analysis are utility (to quantify one’s risk preferences) and probability (to quantify the state of one’s knowledge).

The intent of the award is to recognize the best publication in decision analysis. Contributions could include, but are not limited to, theoretical, methodological, and procedural contributions to decision analysis, descriptions of applications, and experimental studies. Publications addressing behavioral aspects of decision making are eligible if the relevance to the theory or practice of prescriptive decision analysis is clear.

Nominated publications will be judged for significance, relevance, originality, and readability. The award includes an honorarium of $750 and a plaque. Please contact us if you have any questions.

2019 INFORMS Decision Analysis Society (DAS) Publication Award Co-Chairs

Canan Ulu
McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University
E-mail: cu50@georgetown.edu

Enrico Diecidue
E-mail: enrico.diecidue@insead.edu

May 7, 2019

Hillel Einhorn New Investigator Award for 2019

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The Society for Judgment and Decision Making is inviting submissions for the Hillel Einhorn New Investigator Award. The purpose of this award is to encourage outstanding work by new researchers. Individuals are eligible if they have not yet completed their Ph.D. or if they have completed their Ph.D. within the last five years (on or after July 1, 2014). To be considered for the award, please submit a journal-style manuscript on any topic related to judgment and decision making.

In the case of co-authored papers, if the authors are all new investigators they can be considered jointly; otherwise, the new investigator(s) must be the primary author(s) and should be the primary source of ideas. Submissions in dissertation format will not be considered, but articles based on a dissertation are encouraged. Both reprints of published articles and manuscripts that have not yet been published are acceptable. We ask for submissions with names, affiliations, and author notes removed for blind review.

A given paper can only be submitted for consideration once. Thus, papers submitted in any prior year may not be submitted this year. Previously submitted papers that have been modified with a new title, a change in the author list, or additional studies added to the previous manuscript will not be eligible. You must be an SJDM member at the time of submission. You need your member password to submit. If you are not a member, you must join by 17 June 2019, to allow adequate time for your membership to be processed and for you to receive your password.

Submissions will be judged by a committee appointed by the Society. To be considered, submissions must be received by 21 June, 2019 (11:59 PM, Pacific Time). The committee will announce the results to the participants by 9 October 2019. The award will be announced and presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. The winner must be available to accept the award at the annual meeting and will be invited to give a presentation of their paper. Do not submit a paper if you know that you cannot attend this year’s annual meeting. If the winner cannot obtain full funding from his/her own institution to attend the meeting, an application may be made to the Society for supplemental travel needs.

Submission instructions and the submission portal are available here: http://www.sjdm.org/awards/einhorn.html

May 1, 2019

JDM 2019: Society for Judgment and Decision Making annual conference, Montreal, Nov 15-18, 2019

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The Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) invites abstracts for oral presentations and posters on any interesting topic related to judgment and decision making. Completed manuscripts are not required. Oral presentations are highly competitive; excellent submissions that are not accepted as full oral presentations due to space constraints may be invited to give five minute flash-talks (a short form oral presentation) on Monday morning instead.

The 2019 meeting will take place in Montreal, November 15-18. The conference will open Friday evening with the Women in SJDM networking event. Featured events include keynote speaker Tom Griffiths, a presidential address by Nina Mazar, and Monday morning flash talk sessions, featuring rapid fire five minute talks on groundbreaking new research areas.

The deadline for submissions is June 20, 2019, (the last day of spring). Submissions for oral presentations, and posters should be made through the SJDM website at http://sjdm.org/abstract-review/htdocs Technical questions can be addressed to the webmaster, Jon Baron, at baron@upenn.edu. All other questions can be addressed to the program chair, Danny Oppenheimer (oppenheimer@cmu.edu).

At least one author of each presentation must be a member of SJDM. Joining at the time of submission will satisfy this requirement. You may join SJDM at http://sjdm.org/join.html. An individual may give only one talk and present only one poster, but may be a co-author on multiple talks and/or posters. Please note that both the membership rule and the one-talk/one-poster rule will be enforced.

Travelers from certain countries may need extra lead time to obtain travel documents. Although we are unable to accept talks early, we can provide notification of an “accepted presentation.” This means that you would at least be guaranteed a poster. We can do this because posters are typically evaluated only for content and most are accepted. If you submit for a talk, you would receive a notice of an accepted presentation immediately, and a decision on your talk at the usual time. To take advantage of this option, you should still submit through the regular process, and also send a request to the program chair, Danny Oppenheimer (oppenheimer@cmu.edu). Please note that as this conference takes place in Montreal, United States citizens will need to have a valid passport to attend this event.

The Best Student Poster Award is given for the best poster presentation whose first author is a student member of SJDM.

The Hillel Einhorn New Investigator Award is intended to encourage outstanding work by new researchers. Applications are due June 21, 2019. Further details are available at http://sjdm.org/awards/einhorn.html

The Jane Beattie Memorial Fund subsidizes travel to North America for a foreign scholar in pursuits related to judgment and decision research, including attendance at the annual SJDM meeting. Further details will be available at http://sjdm.org/awards/beattie.html

Danny Oppenheimer, Abby Sussman, Barbara Fasolo, Oleg Urminksy, Bettina von Helversen, Dan Schley, Hengchen Dai, and Irene Scopelliti.

April 24, 2019

Satellite Symposium of the Annual Conference of the Society for Neuroeconomics, Dublin, 3 Oct 2019

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The 8th Consumer Neuroscience Satellite Symposium of the Annual Conference of the Society for Neuroeconomics is taking place at the University College Dublin Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, Ireland, on October 3, 2019, 11:30-7:00pm.

The purpose of the symposium is to take stock of the current knowledge at the intersection of business school research and neuroscience, provide ideas for future research, and allow interested researchers to meet and discuss research ideas.

For more information and submission go to:


Keynote Speakers “Prediction of Real-World Behavior: From Individuals to Markets to Societies”:

  • Laurette Dube, Marketing Department, McGill University, Canada
  • Brian Knutson, Psychology Department, Stanford University, USA
  • Dilip Soman, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada

The submission for abstracts for oral and poster presentations is now open:

  • Presentation submission deadline is July 8, 2019.
  • Late Breaking Poster submission deadline is August 23, 2019.

Registration: The event is free but the number of seats is limited; submission and registration will open in April:


The event is sponsored by the University College Dublin Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School (GOLD SPONSOR) and Desautels Faculty of Management, INSEAD, Ross School of Business (SLIVER Sponsors)

We look forward to seeing you in Dublin,

  • Laurette Dube, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Canada
  • Aiqing Ling, INSEAD & University College Dublin Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, Ireland
  • Hilke Plassmann, INSEAD, France
  • Julie Schiro, University College Dublin Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, Ireland
  • Carolyn Yoon, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, USA

April 17, 2019

HCOMP 2019: The Seventh AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing Oct 28-30, 2019

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WHAT: HCOMP 2019: The Seventh AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing
WHEN: Oct 28–30, 2019
WHERE: Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Washington, USA


    • June 3, 2019: Abstract submission
    • June 5, 2019: Full papers due
    • August 2, 2019: Notification of acceptance
    • August 22, 2019: Final camera-ready papers due
    • October 28–30, 2019: Conference

The 7th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2019) will be held Oct 28–30 at Skamania Lodge in Washington State near the Columbia Gorge River, just 45 minutes from Portland, Oregon. This year is the 10-year anniversary of the very first HCOMP workshop in Paris, and to celebrate, there will be special events, talks, and panels throughout the conference.

HCOMP is the premier venue for disseminating the latest research findings on human computation and crowdsourcing. While artificial intelligence (AI) and human-computer interaction (HCI) represent traditional mainstays of the conference, HCOMP believes strongly in inviting, fostering, and promoting broad, interdisciplinary research. The field is particularly unique in the diversity of disciplines it draws upon and contributes to, ranging from human-centered qualitative studies and HCI design, to computer science and artificial intelligence, to economics and the social sciences, all the way to digital humanities, policy, and ethics. We promote the exchange of advances in human computation and crowdsourcing not only among researchers, but also engineers and practitioners, to encourage dialogue across disciplines and communities of practice. Submissions may present principles, studies, and/or applications of systems that rely on programmatic interaction with individual people or crowds, or where human perception, knowledge, reasoning, or physical activity and coordination contributes to the operation of computational systems, applications, or services.

This year, we especially encourage work that generate new insights into the “human computation” side of HCOMP, such as new understandings about human cognition, human-in-the-loop intelligence systems, human-AI interaction and collaboration, algorithmic and interface techniques for augmenting human abilities to perform tasks, and other issues that affect how humans collaborate with AI systems (such as bias, fairness, and interpretability).

Topics of interest include:

– Crowdsourcing applications and techniques, including but not limited to: citizen science, collective action, collective knowledge, crowdsourcing contests, crowd creativity, crowd funding, crowd ideation, crowd sensing, crowdsourcing in computer vision, crowdsourcing in health, disaster response and relief, fact verification, gaming and gamification, incentives in crowdsourcing, knowledge bases, microtasks, prediction markets, wisdom of crowds

– Techniques that enable and enhance human-in-the-loop systems, making them more efficient, accurate, and human-friendly

– Studies that inform our understanding about the future of work, distributed work, the freelancer economy, and open innovation

– User studies about how people perform tasks individually, in groups, or as a crowd, including those drawing on techniques from human-computer interaction, social computing, computer-supported cooperative work, design, cognitive and behavioral sciences (psychology and sociology), economics, etc.

– Topics at the intersection of HCI and AI, including human-AI interaction, human-AI collaboration, AI interpretability, explainable AI, etc.

– Fairness, accountability, transparency, ethics, and policy implications for crowdsourcing and human computation


Authors are invited to submit papers of up to 8 pages, plus any number of additional pages containing references only. Please see “Publication” below for number of allowed pages in the final proceedings.

All submitted papers must represent original work, not previously published or under simultaneous peer-review for any other peer-reviewed, archival conference or journal.

Papers must be formatted in AAAI two-column, camera-ready style; please refer to the AAAI 2019 Author Kit (http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Templates/AuthorKit19.zip) for details. Papers must be in trouble-free, high-resolution PDF format, formatted for US Letter (8.5″ x 11″) paper, using Type 1 or TrueType fonts. The AAAI copyright block is not required on submissions, but must be included on final accepted versions.

Electronic abstract and paper submission through the HCOMP-19 EasyChair paper submission site (available March 29, 2019) is required on or before the deadlines listed above. We cannot accept submissions by e-mail or fax. Authors will receive confirmation of receipt of their abstracts or papers, including an ID number, shortly after submission. HCOMP will contact authors again only if problems are encountered with papers. Inquiries regarding paper receipt must be made no later than June 12, 2019.

All papers must be anonymized (include no information identifying the authors or their institutions) for double-blind peer-review.

Authors are invited, but not required, to include supplemental materials such as executables and data files so that reviewers can reproduce results in the paper, images, additional videos, related papers, more detailed explanations, derivations, or results. These materials will be viewed only at the discretion of the reviewers, who are only obligated to read your paper itself.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference to present the work or acceptance will be withdrawn.


Accepted full papers will be allocated eight (8) pages in the conference proceedings; up to two (2) additional pages may be used at a cost to the authors of $275 per page. Final papers found to exceed page limits and or otherwise violating the instructions to authors will not be included in the proceedings. Authors will be required to transfer copyright of their paper to AAAI. Accepted full papers will be published in the HCOMP conference proceedings and included in the AAAI Digital Library.


Edith Law, University of Waterloo
Jennifer Wortman Vaughan, Microsoft Research

April 11, 2019

So you think you can graph?

Filed in Ideas ,Programs
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Introducing a competition for graph design! Can you design a graph that BEST conveys the magnitude of the difference between two groups? Enter your graph into the contest! Details can be found here (Deadline April 14, 2019):


Please distribute to other groups and individuals who may be interested in participating. If the “first season” of this competition goes well and is fun, the organizers will have future graph competitions.