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February 2, 2009

The summer neuroscience meets decision making

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The University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and INSEAD will jointly host a Summer Workshop entitled “Decision Neuroscience: How Neuroscience Can Inform Behavioral Decision Making Research – Overview, Methods & Applications”.

The workshop is co-organized by Jim Bettman, Joe Kable, Hilke Plassmann and Carolyn Yoon, and will be held in Ann Arbor, Michigan from August 21-23, 2009.

The aim of the workshop is to provide an introduction to the field of decision neuroscience/neuroeconomics for graduate students interested in neuroscience and behavioral decision making, with a particular focus on those interested in marketing and consumer behavior. The workshop will feature lectures and presentations by top researchers in fields related to decision neuroscience, and will also provide opportunities for networking and discussions among faculty and students.

Applications are due February 23, 2009.

If you’re interested in more information, please see

Photo credit: http://flickr.com/photos/jacobkearns/318221213/sizes/m/

January 26, 2009

Query Theory

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Those who will attend tomorrow’s Economics of Behaviour and Decision Making Seminar Series are in for a treat as Elke Weber, of Columbia University’s Psychology Department and Graduate School of Business, will present “When do we want it? Now! A Query Theory process account of Intertemporal Choice.”

Tuesday January 27th, 2009
Location: Westminster Business School seminar room MR2
Time: 17h30-19h00

Psychologists and behavioral economists agree that many of our preferences are constructed, rather than innate or pre-computed and stored. Little research, however, has explored the implications that established facts about human attention and memory have when people marshal evidence for their decisions. This talk provides an introduction to query theory, a psychological process model of preference construction, and uses it to explain a range of phenomena in intertemporal choice, including our impatience when we are asked to delay consumption. Behavioral data in combination with neuroscience evidence (fMRI and TMS) will be provide support for query theory’s assumptions about the processes underlying intertemporal preference construction.

A paper on the theory can be found here.

Londoners who are not hip to the Economics of Behaviour and Decision Making Seminar Series can join the email list by visiting http://tinyurl.com/yvw2sr to opt in. You can easily unsubscribe anytime. Please pass this message on to those who may be interested in joining the email list.

January 19, 2009

Design a nudge. Win five grand. Change the world.

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Richard Thaler writes

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is sponsoring a contest to come up with ideas for improvements in choice architecture, or “nudges”, that can improve health, broadly defined. You can find a description of it on our nudging blog or at http://www.changemakers.net/en-us/designingforbetterhealth

This initiative might be interesting to JDMers at two levels. First, it is a contest to come up with ideas of the sort that JDMers are good at so feel free to enter. Second, the idea of using a contest to generate solutions to societal problems is of interest in and of itself. The prizes for the winners are nominal, $5000, (unlike the X prize, for example), but the Foundation has funds to pour significant resources behind winning ideas. So the idea is that you can get lots of clever people to think about an important problem by dangling a modest bit of fame and fortune and you might come up with something that could change the world. Cool huh?

Read about it on the Nudge blog
Read about it on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation site
Read about it at the Changemakers site

They have some nice tips on designing nudges in the articles How To Nudge and Nudge Your Customers Toward Better Choices.

January 12, 2009

R gets some -E-S-P-E-C-T

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(click to view movie)

It is no secret that Decision Science News is crazy about the R language for statistical computing. Find out why R is so great in this New York Times article. Then start to teach yourself R with our short series of video tutorials.

Addendum: Check out the hordes of R supporters in this comments of this Freakonomics blog post, correcting an assumption by Ayers that happens to be 180 degrees in the wrong direction.

Animation credit: Friend of Decision Science News Yihui Xie.

January 6, 2009

Medical Decision Movies and an Interactive Experiment

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The 2008 annual meetings of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) and the Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) included a “symposium exchange.” A symposium by SJDM members was presented at SMDM 2008 (Pennsylvania, PA) and a symposium by SMDM members was presented at SJDM 2008 (Chicago, IL). Support for these symposia was provided by the National Science Foundation (grants SES-0817831 and SES-0820329 to Alan Schwartz and J. Sanford Schwartz).

Click here to watch the talks, featuring JDMers Hal Arkes, Benjamin Djulbegovic, Elke Weber, Anirban Basu, Joe Johnson, Leslie John & Valerie Reyna.

Also, if you like things that are animated (and who doesn’t) you may get a kick of participating in this interactive experiment on retirement income by Issac Gonzalez and William Sharpe. Internet Explorer only (I know, I know…).

December 31, 2008

Not too late to get a good decision making job for ’09

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If you are like most Decision Science News readers, you have a PhD or are fast on your way to earning one. It only follows that if you are like most Decision Science News readers, you are eligible to apply for a postdoc. Here are a few it’s still not too late to apply for, even on the last day of 2008.

Here’s one in Berlin:

Postdoctoral Fellowships and Visiting Graduate Fellowships in Cognition And Decision Making

The Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, under the direction of Gerd Gigerenzer, is seeking applicants for up to 3 two-year Postdoctoral Fellowships (with the possibility of third year) and up to 2 one-year Visiting Graduate Fellowships beginning on or after September 1, 2009, but earlier or later start dates are possible. The Visiting Graduate Fellowships are intended for students currently enrolled in graduate programs.

Candidates should be interested in studying the cognitive mechanisms underlying bounded, social, and ecological rationality in real-world domains. Current and past researchers in our group have had training in psychology, cognitive science, economics, mathematics, biology, and computer science to name but a few. The Center provides excellent resources, including support staff and equipment for conducting experiments and computer simulations, generous travel support for conferences, and, most importantly, the time to think.

For more information about our group and other funding possibilities for graduate students please visit our homepage at www.mpib-berlin.mpg.de/en/forschung/abc/ . The working language of the center is English, and knowledge of German is not necessary for living in Berlin and enjoying the active life and cultural riches of this city. We strongly encourage applications from women, and members of minority groups. The Max Planck Society is committed to employing more disabled individuals and especially encourages them to apply.

Please submit applications (consisting of a cover letter describing research interests, curriculum vitae, up to five reprints, and 3 letters of recommendation) by January 10th, 2009 to ensure consideration. However, applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. The preferred method of submission is a single PDF file for the cover letter and CV, plus PDF copies of the reprints e-mailed to fellowships2009(at)mpib-berlin.mpg.de. Letters of recommendation and questions can be emailed to the same address. Under exceptional circumstances applications can be mailed to Ms. Wiebke Moeller, Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Lentzeallee 94, 14195 Berlin, Germany.

Here’s one at Colorado

University of Colorado
Leeds School of Business and Department of Psychology
Research Associate

The University of Colorado at Boulder anticipates hiring a research associate in a new interdisciplinary Center for Research on Consumer Financial Decision Making. Basic research in judgment and decision making, psychology, consumer research, and behavioral economics can inform our understanding of financial decisions such as choosing a mortgage, saving for retirement, decumulating savings, using credit cards, and paying for health care. The Center will conduct basic research and more applied work to inform public policy.

The research associate position would be for two-years, with a start date of August 1, 2009. The associate will conduct research with Professor John Lynch in the Leeds School of Business and Professor Leaf Van Boven in the Department of Psychology at the University of Colorado. Van Boven is co-Director of the Judgment, Emotion, Decision, and Intuition (JEDI) lab and Director of the Center for Research on Judgment and Policy. Lynch (coming to CU from Duke University) studies consumer decision-making. Please see these websites for descriptions of their ongoing research programs:



The ideal candidate would be an accomplished psychology PhD who has demonstrated research and teaching abilities and who is interested in seeking a faculty position in consumer research and marketing. Many leading Marketing departments hire researchers with Psychology PhDs whose work has implications for consumer behavior. They seek scholars who can publish in the top journals both in marketing / consumer research and allied basic disciplines such as social psychology, cognitive psychology, and judgment and decision making. Marketing departments also require that these scholars demonstrate that they can teach effectively in a business school setting.

This position is designed to help the scholar achieve these interdisciplinary goals. In conjunction with this research associate appointment, the appointee will also hold a 10% instructor appointment and will be expected to teach one undergraduate course per year in the Leeds School of Business under John Lynch’s supervision. The research associate will work in labs in both psychology and business; collaborate on research aimed at journals in both psychology and consumer research.

This position is open to candidates with behavioral research experience, data analysis and modeling skills, and training in judgment and decision making, social psychology, cognitive psychology, or a related discipline, who have recently earned a PhD or who are expecting their doctorate in by July 2009, on a topic relevant to the research programs of Lynch and Van Boven and to issues in financial decision making, broadly defined. Salary is competitive.

Applications (cover letter, vita, two letters of recommendation, pdfs of three research papers) should be submitted on line to https://www.jobsatcu.com/. Click on Search Postings and enter the job posting number 806125. In your cover letter, please describe your research expertise, data analysis skills, and computer skills.

Penultimately, Columbia

Center for Research on Environmental Decisions, Columbia University Post-Doctoral Researcher

The Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED), is seeking an outstanding researcher for a Post-Doctoral Researcher position starting in September, 2009. CRED studies individual and group decision making under climate uncertainty and decision making in the face of environmental risk. We are an interdisciplinary center conducting laboratory and field research in the United States and around the world, involving collaboration between researchers (economists, anthropologists, psychologists, hydrologists, climate scientists, etc) and decision makers (water managers, farmers, etc.). CRED is affiliated with Columbia’s Earth Institute and the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP). This appointment will be in Columbia’s Psychology Department. For more information please visit: www.cred.columbia.edu

The post-doctoral researcher will report to the center’s co-directors David H. Krantz and Elke U. Weber and will collaborate with other center researchers, post-docs, and graduate students across disciplines.

The post-doc will conduct research on temporal discounting of social goals. More specifically, this project looks at how discount rates vary across different goal categories (money, health, safely, belonging, status, well being of others, environment) in order to analyze the long-term benefits of public policies relating to health, safety, and environment. The incumbent will be responsible for planning and carrying out lab research, field studies, and analysis, including development of methods for measuring temporal discount factors, establishment of baseline effects, quantitative comparison of discount rates for a variety of social and economic goals; analyses of both general pattern of responses, as well as individual and cultural differences. He/She we will be expected to employ a combination of distribution games, social dilemmas, and hypothetical scenarios about real life social, monetary and environmental outcomes. Aside from basic research, our work is also concerned with practical applications in policy and other real-world decision contexts. In an effort to apply theory and findings to a real socio-temporal dilemma, the post-doc will work on an energy conservation field study.

Other duties include contribution to other ongoing center projects; grant proposal writing; preparation of and participation in CRED workshops; drafting reports and papers for publication.

Required qualifications:
* Ph.D. in psychology (social, cognitive), behavioral economics, decision sciences, or other relevant discipline.
* Familiarity with theory of decision making in social and group contexts.
* Strong interest in climate and/or environmental science.
* Skilled in the use of laboratory-based experiments involving multi-player decisions and familiarity with various forms of field work (survey and interview techniques)
* Experience working as a member of interdisciplinary teams.
* Excellent skills in use of statistical software package (SPSS, R, STATA, SAS, or equivalent)
* Proficiency in computer programming (experimental games and online surveys).

Preferred qualifications:
* Publications
* Grant writing experience

Duration: This is a one-year position with possibility of renewal for a
second year conditional on performance and funding.

Please submit applications electronically to Jenn Logg at: jl3371 at columbia.edu

Applications should include the following: Cover letter, CV, 2 publications or writing samples, 2 recommendation letters (to be submitted directly by references)

And yet another at Columbia, once held by yours truly …

Columbia University’s Center for the Decision Sciences (CDS) anticipates hiring a postdoctoral fellow to serve as Associate Director for a period of a minimum of one year, renewable for one or two more years, with a start date of June or July 2009.

The Associate Director will carry out research, administer the Center and run the CDS Online Virtual Laboratory server. S/he should have a reasonable level of computer sophistication.

The main responsibility will be to carry out research related to cognition and memory with an emphasis on decision making and the construction of preferences across the lifespan, under the supervision of Professors Eric Johnson, Elke Weber, and Yaakov Stern. This position is open to candidates with behavioral research experience, data analysis and modeling skills, and training in cognitive psychology or a related discipline, who have recently earned their PhD or who are expecting their doctorate in 2009, on a topic relevant to the psychology of decision making broadly defined. Training in neuropsychology as well as neuroscience and fMRI research would be a particularly valuable skill. Additionally experience with health- and cognitive function screening of older adults and experience with on-line research is also a plus.

The candidate should be comfortable running a Linux Web server as well as coding HTML and dynamic scripting languages such as PHP and JavaScript. Experience with SQL, databases, SAS and lightweight UNIX systems administration and security is very much recommended but not essential.

To apply, please send a CV, two letters of recommendation, reprints of published papers, and a cover letter describing your research interests. In your cover letter, please describe your research expertise, data analysis and modeling skills, neuropsychological and neuroscience skills, and computer skills (including any experience with online research).

Review of applications will start December 15 and continue until the position is filled. Electronic applications (all parts as attachments to a single email) should be submitted to Amy Krosch, ak2562 at columbia.edu.

December 24, 2008

We Should Be Able to Reduce the Wait-List to Death

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Eric Johnson and Dan Goldstein have voiced an opinion on defaults as they relate to organ donation in today’s Wall Street Journal.

Your Dec. 17 editorial “Wait-Listed to Death” fails to mention an alternative to paying organ donors. This alternative, common in Europe, eliminates costs while producing an appreciable increase in transplanted organs: Simply change the national default, so that people are in the organ donor pool by default, instead of out of it. Since most Americans support organ donation, why place the burden of opting in on the majority?

An enlightened view would ask only the minority who does not wish to donate to opt out.

Academic studies, including our research, show that changing the default produces a significant increase in life-saving transplantation operations. We do not object to Sen. Arlen Specter’s proposal for reimbursing donors for expenses. But a simple change, consistent with the beliefs of the majority of people, would also prevent unnecessary deaths and let those who would rather not donate easily state their preference.

Eric J. Johnson
Columbia Business School
Columbia University
New York

Daniel G. Goldstein
London Business School

(*) There’s nothing inherently Canadian about this post, but Decision Science News is generally fond of Canada and its vintage posters.

December 15, 2008

Disabuse yourself of the MPG illusion

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In the US, 2008 was the year in which the results of bad decisions hit (the economy), the year people voted for change (the election) and the year that policymakers started to acknowledge that the effects of choice architecture are too strong to ignore.

Keeping with the theme of helping consumers make better choices, the wunderduo of Larrick and Soll have created an online calculator to help people easily see the monetary tradeoffs they are making when choosing one car over another. It all comes down to gas mileage (or should we now say mile gassage). Check it out here.

See also, the MPG illusion.

December 10, 2008

Stand for something political at Stanford

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Those interested in Political Psychology should read Andrew Gelman’s blog postings, and also consider attending this:

Stanford University is very pleased to announce that it will host the 2009 Summer Institute in Political Psychology, continuing an annual tradition that was started by Margaret Hermann at Ohio State University in 1991 and moved to Stanford in 2005.

The Summer Institute will offer 3 weeks of training in political psychology for up to 60 participants, including graduate students, faculty, professionals, and advanced undergraduates. The activities will include lectures by world-class faculty, discussion groups, research/interest group meetings, group projects, and an array of social activities.

Political psychology is an exciting and thriving sub-disciplinary specialty that explores the origins of political behavior and the causes of political events, with a special focus on the psychological mechanisms at work. The principal contributors to the field include political scientists, psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists, and other researchers who cross bridges between disciplines in efforts to enrich their scholarship.

For detailed information and to apply, visit this website:


For the best chance to be admitted, submit your application as soon as possible.

December 5, 2008

Opt-out for charity?

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Last week, Decision Science News spoke at a European Commission conference on “How Can Behavioural Economics Improve Policies Affecting Consumers?“, which was terrifying, as it meant addressing a large room of people with name cards and microphones and simultaneous translators behind glass walls.

The DSN editor tried to emphasize how one must consider the cause of default effects when setting policies that govern which defaults should be prohibited, as discussed in a recent HBR article (Goldstein, Daniel G., Eric J. Johnson, Andreas Herrmann, and Mark Heitmann (2008).
Nudge Your Customers Toward Better Choices. Harvard Business Review, 86(12), 99-105.).

As he was checking into the Sheraton Brussels Airport Hotel, he received a brochure with his key card, stating that unless one opted out, a donation to UNICEF would be added to  the hotel bill.

Would you please allow us to add an extra US $1 to your room bill in aid of UNICEF? If you agree, you need do nothing. A US $1 – or approximate equivalent in local currency – donation to UNICEF will be added to your room bill (if you wish to donate more, please tell us). If you prefer, however, not to take part in Check Out for Children, please inform our staff at reception and this donation will be removed

Since most people would probably not choose to make a charitable donation if asked, and since it inconveniences (and probably shames) people to stop by the reception to opt out, Decision Science News wonders if this is pushing things a bit too far. On the other hand, the program has raised $20 million so far …