Begin making plans now to attend the annual meeting at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, IL, November 2-4, 1996. A preview of the meeting program is on pages 6-10 of this issue of the newsletter. Also, see the action items below. Join us in Chicago!
Please give your prompt attention to the following items contained in this issue.
ELECTION BALLOT: page 3. Please vote among the excellent candidates for leadership of the society. The ballot is due to Shawn Curley by October 28, 1996. MEETING REGISTRATION AND 1997 DUES: page 13. Please preregister for the annual meeting and make payment of your 1997 dues. Note that the form also allows you to sign up to receive OBHDP and JBDM for 1997 at the Society's discount rates. To avoid the late fee for the meeting registration, please get this form to Irwin Levin by October 22, 1996. HOTEL RESERVATION: page 15. This form can be used for the JDM meeting, as well as for the Psychonomic Society meeting. Your hotel reservation is due to the hotel by September 30, 1996.
From the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 J/DM Election Ballot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 1996 J/DM Meeting: Program Information. . . . . . . . . .6 On-Line Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Book Ad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1996 J/DM Meeting Registration and 1997 Dues. . . . . . 13 Position Announcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 More Notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1996 J/DM Meeting: Hotel Reservations . . . . . . . . . 15 Upcoming Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Barbara Mellers, President
Hal R. Arkes, President-Elect
Terry Connolly, Past President
Robyn M. Dawes, 1994-1996
Lola Lopes, 1995-1997
Elke Weber, 1996-1998
Irwin P. Levin, Secretary/Treasurer
Shawn P. Curley
Department of Info. & Decision Sciences
University of Minnesota
271 19th Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 624-6546
FAX: (612) 626-1316
Dues, Addresses & Corrections:
Irwin P. Levin
Department of Psychology
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
(319) 335-2451
The J/DM Newsletter welcomes submissions from individuals and groups. However, we do not publish substantive papers. Book reviews will be published. If you are interested in reviewing books and related materials, please write to the editor.
There are few ground rules for submissions. The best way to send your contribution is via EMAIL or in an ASCII file on a 3.5" or 5.25" diskette. If you must send hard-copy (e.g., if you are using special graphics or do not have computer access), please submit camera-ready copy. This means that the copy should be typed single-spaced on white 8« by 11 paper. If possible, use a carbon or film ribbon. Please mail flat -- do not fold.
Advertising Rates: Advertising can be submitted to the editor. Inclusion of the ad and the space given to the ad is at the editor's discretion. The current charge is $75 per page to cover production and mailing costs. Contact Shawn Curley for details. Alternatively, you can use--
Mailing Labels: Some readers may wish to send reprint lists or other material to people listed in the directory. The current charge is $100 for a set of labels. Contact Irwin Levin for details.
Address corrections: Please check your mailing label carefully. Because the J/DM Newsletter is usually sent by bulk mail, copies with incorrect addresses or which are otherwise undeliverable are neither forwarded nor returned. Therefore, we have no way of knowing if copies are delivered. Address changes or corrections should be sent to Irwin Levin.
Subscriptions: Subscriptions are available on a calendar year basis only. Requests for information concerning membership in the Society for Judgment and Decision Making should be sent to Irwin Levin.
Foreign Air Mail: Newsletters to non-US addresses are normally sent as printed matter air mail. For an additional $10 per year, non-US subscribers can have the newsletters sent letter class air mail. To obtain this service, contact Irwin Levin or include $10 and a note with your next dues payment.
All members are urged to vote in this election for new officers. The person elected as President-Elect will serve as President-Elect (1996-1997), as President (1997-1998), and as Past President (1998-1999). The person elected to the Executive Board will serve a three-year term, 1996-1999. Current officers of the Society are listed on Page 2 of this newsletter.
President-Elect (vote for one)
_____ Irwin Levin (University of Iowa)
_____ Janet Sniezek (University of Illinois)
_____ Richard Thaler (University of Chicago)
_____ Elke Weber (Ohio State University)
Executive Board (vote for one)
_____ Jonathan Baron (University of Pennsylvania)
_____ David Budescu (University of Illinois)
_____ William Goldstein (University of Chicago)
_____ Julie Irwin (New York University)
_____ George Loewenstein (Carnegie Mellon University)
_____ Jeryl Mumpower (State University of New York)
_____ Valerie Reyna (University of Arizona)
_____ R. Scott Tindale (Loyola University of Chicago)
Please mail your completed ballots to:
(You can use the self-mailer on the back of this page.)
J/DM Election
c/o Shawn Curley
Department of Information & Decision Sciences
University of Minnesota
271 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Election Ballot Mailer
(fold, seal, and stamp before mailing)
Lobbying Efforts
Some years ago, the Judgment and Decision Making Society decided to join the Federation to help ensure funding in the behavioral and social sciences. We currently pay the Federation $10 per regular US member (i.e., not including students and non- US members) for lobbying efforts. Federation dues are now going up to $11 per regular US member, an amount that is more than half of our annual society dues ($20)! For some time, a number of JDM members have been voicing their concerns about the Federation and discussing alternative uses for our lobbying dollars. Because of these concerns and the recent increase in Federation dues, the JDM Board has been exploring other possibilities. One idea that we have had is to support the lobbying efforts of APS, a group that is currently not a member of the Federation, rather than supporting the Federation, at least on a trial basis. The Board supports this idea of switching to APS and paying a reduced rate. We would like to hear your views on this subject.
Unfortunately, we do not feel we can give brief summaries of the pros and cons of these alternatives because the issues are rather complex. If you are interested, we will send you materials from both the Federation and APS. Please send requests for information and/or your opinions about lobbying to Shawn Curley, Editor of the Newsletter (addresses on p. 2), and he will forward them to the JDM Board. We look forward to hearing from you!
In the August 1996 issue of ORMS Today, a publication of INFORMS, Dennis Buede surveyed a number of decision analysis software packages. This is the third survey that Dennis has done for the journal. In the article, Dennis presents information for 29 titles of decision analysis software. (The article is NOT a review.) Those who are interested but are not members of INFORMS might contact Dennis who is a member of the J/DM Society. His address: Dennis M. Buede, Department of Systems Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22091, <>.
Note that the first 11" x 17" page was placed in the directory upside down. Thus, the first two pages should appear in the back of the directory, and the last two pages should go to the front of the directory. My apologies for the inconvenience of the error.
The Society for Judgment and Decision Making Highlights of the Upcoming 1996 Meeting Chicago Hyatt Regency, November 2-4, 1996
(Please remember that all information provided is tentative and subject to change.)
This year's meeting promises to be exciting, informative, and of great value to those interested in all kinds of issues associated with judgment and decision making. To catch all the action, you may want to arrive as early as Friday evening since the Psychonomic Society sessions on judgment and decision making begin promptly at 8:00 am Saturday morning. (Abstracts of the papers at these sessions were not available in time for this issue; they will be included in the next issue of the JDM Newsletter.)
Also, don't forget to sign up for this year's SOCIAL EVENT. We'll be heading for the famous Second City Comedy Club on Saturday night for the 8:00 pm show!
Here are some highlights from this year's program:
Invited Speaker
"Game Theory and Reciprocity in Extensive Form Games."
Vernon L. Smith is Regents' Professor of Economics at the University of Arizona. Known as the father of experimental market economics, he is the founder of the University of Arizona's Economic Science Laboratory, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and winner of the 1995 Adam Smith Award.
Invited Speaker
Professor Cass Sunstein is Karl N. Llewellyn Distinguished Service Professor of Jurisprudence, University of Chicago Law School and Department of Political Science, and Co-Director, Center on Constitutionalism in Eastern Europe. He is the author most recently of "Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict," and is a frequent contributor to "The New Republic" and "The New York Times Book Review."
Symposium organized by Valerie Reyna and Baruch Fischhoff
One of the many ways in which Amos Tversky profoundly influenced our field was through his mentoring of students. In this symposium, we honor the memory of Amos Tversky by describing this influence, while highlighting different aspects of Amos's life and work.
SYMPOSIUM: Effects of Task, Context, and Processing Goals on the Construction of Preferences in Judgment and Choice
Chair: Gregory Fischer
Alan Cooke and Barbara Mellers, New Ways to Reverse Preferences Ziv Carmon and Itamar Simonson, Consumer Assessments of Value in Choice and in Matching Gregory Fischer, Dan Ariely, Ziv Carmon, & Gal Zauberman Goal-based Construction of Preferences
Discussant: Baruch Fischhoff
SYMPOSIUM: Models of Satisficing Inference
Chair: Gerd Gigerenzer
Gerd Gigerenzer Introducing Satisficing Models of Inference and How They Affect Our Notions of Sound Reasoning and Rationality Jean Czerlinski How Accurate and Robust Are Fast and Frugal Algorithms for Making Inferences in Real-World Environments? Daniel Goldstein Recognition as a Fundamental Heuristic for Inference: How Organisms Exploit Their Own Lack of Knowledge to Make Fast and Accurate Inferences Ralph Hertwig A Satisficing Mechanism of Memory Reconstruction and How It Accounts for Hindsight Bias
SYMPOSIUM: Naturalistic Decision Making
Chair: Rebecca Pliske
Gary Klein What Is the Naturalistic Decision Making Framework All About? Lee Beach Image Theory: Decisions in the Workplace Judith Orasanu Naturalistic Decision Making in Aviation: A Dynamic and Complex Domain Jim Shanteau NDM vs. JDM: Cooperation or Competition?
Organizers: Jay Russo & Paul Schoemaker
How does teaching JDM to managers differ from teaching it to college students? Managers care about skills not credentials; they want "take aways" with immediate value; and they learn better from activities than from lectures. This session will illustrate an activity-based teaching format.
Organizer: Barb DeFilippo
Wondering what you're going to do after the dissertation? Come talk to recent and not-so-recent graduates about the transitions into and opportunities in research, government, and business, as well as academia. It's a great opportunity to meet other graduate students as well!
If you are a "recent or not-so-recent graduate" and you would like to participate by sharing your experiences and views with current graduate students, please contact:
Barb DeFilippo 1523 Lawrence St. Eugene, OR 97401 (541)
This award, given in honor of the late Hillel Einhorn, goes to a
recently graduated scholar marking their early contribution to the
field. The award winner will present a synopsis of their recent
There will be dozens of excellent poster presentations Sunday
midday and then again Sunday evening.
Don't miss our trip to the hilarious Second City Comedy
Club on Saturday evening! Space is limited, so reserve
your seat now. The cost of tickets is $15.50. To sign
up, include the amount of the ticket with your registration
Jonathan Baron, Mark Spranca, Julia Kalmanson, & Julie Irwin
Protected Values
Terry Connolly, Lisa Ordonez, & Richard Coughlan
Regret and Responsibility in the Evaluation of Decision Outcomes
Alan Cooke
Preferences with Missing Information: Exploring the Inference Process
Ravi Dhar & Klaus Wertenbroch
Hedonic Loss Aversion and the Behavioral Economics of Pleasure
Ido Erev, Gilly Naheer, & Eran Elias
On the Decisions of Basketball Referees and the Advantage of Left-Side Offense Outside the USA
David Fetherstonhaugh, Paul Slovic, Steven Johnson, & James Friedrich
Insensitivity to the Value of Human Life: A Study of Psychophysical Numbing
Charles Gettys, Michael Dougherty, & Eve Ogden
The Pieces Put Together: An Umbrella Theory for Likelihood Judgments Called MINERVA3
Oswald Huber
Win-rate and Cost of Protection in a Multistage Investment Task: Intra- vs. Inter-individual Variation
Peter Juslin & Henrik Olsson
Thurstonian and Brunswikian Origins of Uncertainty in Judgment: A Sampling Model of Confidence in Sensory Discrimination
Jonathan Leland
Decision Making by Similarity: Toward a Theory of Anomalies
George Loewenstein, Drazen Prelec, & Catherine Shatto
A Visceral Account of ImpulsivityKathleen Mosier, Linda Skitka, Mark Burdick, & Susan Heers
Decision Making in a High-Tech World: Automation Bias and Countermeasures
Amnon Rapoport & Darryl Seale
Coordination Success and Adaptive Learning in Market Entry Games with Asymmetric Players
Maurice Schweitzer & Leslie Gomberg
The Impact of Alcohol on Negotiated Outcomes: Experimental Evidence
Karl Teigen
When the Unreal Is More Likely Than the Real: Post hoc Probabilities and Counterfactual Closeness
J. Frank Yates & Paul Estin
Training Good Judgment
Chicago Hyatt Regency
(Please remember that all information provided is tentative and
subject to change.)
SATURDAY, November 2, Grand Ballroom F
8:00 am- 9:30 am Psychonomic Society JDM Session I 9:40 am-12:00 pm Psychonomic Society JDM Session II 12:00 pm- 1:30 pm Psychonomic Society Poster Session 12:00 pm-12:30 pm Society for Judgment & Decision Making Announcements and Registration 1:30 pm- 3:40 pm Psychonomic Society JDM Session III 3:50 pm- 5:35 pm Psychonomic Society JDM Session IV 5:35 pm- 6:00 pm Society for Judgment & Decision Making Announcements and Registration 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm Psychonomic Society Poster Session (including JDM topics) 8:00 pm- ??? SOCIETY for JDM SOCIAL EVENT: Second City Comedy Club Show
SUNDAY, November 3, Comiskey Room (and Water Tower)
8:00 am- 8:30 am Registration 8:30 am-10:00 am TRIBUTE TO AMOS TVERSKY 10:00 am-10:30 am Break (with continuing registration) 10:30 am-12:15 pm Parallel sessions (2 sess. x 4 papers) 12:15 pm- 1:00 pm Lunch (Everyone's on their own.) 1:00 pm- 2:30 pm Poster Session #1 2:30 pm- 4:00 pm Parallel sessions: Satisficing Symposium Naturalistic Decision Making Symposium 4:00 pm- 4:30 pm Break 4:30 pm- 5:30 pm Invited Speaker: VERNON SMITH 5:30 pm- 7:00 pm Poster Session #2 9:00 pm-10:30 pm Grad Student symposium & social hour
MONDAY, November 3, Rooms TBA
8:00 am- 9:15 am Breakfast and Business Meeting 9:30 am-10:30 am Invited Speaker: CASS SUNSTEIN 10:30 am-11:00 am Break 11:00 am-12:15 pm Parallel sessions: Teaching Symposium Construction of Preferences Symposium 12:15 pm- 1:45 pm Lunch and Presidential Address 1:45 pm- 3:35 pm Parallel sessions (2 sess. x 4 papers)
We welcome suggestions and comments about new features.
Alan Cooke <> Alan Schwartz <>
Electronic Mailing Lists
To subscribe, send a message of the form:
subscribe mailing-list YOUR FULL NAME to the following address:
where mailing-list is
jdm-society for members of the society in general jdm-grads for graduate students (Note: This is a sublist of the entire mailing list. Graduate students receive messages to both lists.)
To send a message to all subscribers (including graduate students), send the message to:
To send a message only to graduate students, send the message to:
To cancel your subscription, send a message to the same address as for subscriptions of the form:
unsubscribe mailing-list YOUR FULL NAME
Reference Archive
The system allows users to store and retrieve book and chapter references related to the fields of judgment and decision making. The archive is located at:
For more information send the message "help" to this address.
World-Wide Web
The J/DM Society now has a set of pages on the World-Wide Web, providing information about the Society and Society Membership, upcoming events, all our electronic services (including easy-to-use forms for subscribing to SJDM mailing lists, and help with the reference archive), links to related Web sites that may be of interest to members, copies of the JDM Newsletter (for society members), and the SJDM directory with links to members' home pages. The URL (uniform resource locator) for the Web page is:
Internet Subject Cooperative
This service allows researchers to fill out each other's questionnaires and surveys, for pilot studies or real data. Contact Jon Baron, the moderator of the effort
Society Newsletters On-line
The SJDM newsletters are available on-line and through email. If you would like to receive text-only versions of the newsletter via e-mail, subscribe to the "jdm-newsletter" mailing list. Send mail to:
The message should say:
subscribe jdm-newsletter YOUR FULL NAME You must be a member of the society in good standing to subscribe to this mailing list.
****************cut-and-paste here*****************
Book advertisement for
Experimental Psychology: Contemporary Methods and
Irwin P. Levin & James V. Hinrichs, University of Iowa
with contributions by: Don C. Fowles, John F. Knutson, &
Edward A. Wasserman
1995 600 pp. 12794-X
Brown & Benchmark Publishers
(800) 338-5371
This form allows you to: (1) register for the November 2-4 annual meeting, (2) pay your 1997 dues, and (3) order two decision making journals for 1997 at a member discount rate. You may use the form for any one of these; but, doing all at once saves paperwork and should be more convenient for you.
Name: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) E-Mail: Address: City: State/Country: Zip: Address on label This is a _____ is correct _____ new address MEMBER STUDENT* NON_MEMBER Meeting registration fee $80.00 $40.00 $ 90.00 Late registration (After Oct. 22) $90.00 $45.00 $100.00 1997 Dues (including Newsletter) $20.00 $ 5.00 Past dues (please check label for the last year for which you paid) ______ ______ Social Event: Second City (Sat., 11/2) $15.50 $15.50 $ 15.50 TOTAL $______ $______ $______
Note: Registration includes coffee breaks and reception and the Monday lunch. Dues are separate from registration fees. If you want to subscribe to either of the following journals for 1997, just check the appropriate space(s). Do NOT send your journal fees, you will be billed for the amount by the publishers. Please DO send your Society membership dues and meeting registration money.
I wish to subscribe to the following for 1997: [The journal will bill you later for the price of subscription at the special Society rate. The rates for 1996 are shown to give an indication of the approximate amounts.]
______ Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (12 issues, 1996 prices: $144 US & Canada, $170 elsewhere) ______ Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (4 issues, 1996 price: $75)
Return this form with your check to:
Irwin Levin Department of Psychology University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242
Will you be attending the Psychonomic Society meeting, Nov. 1-3, 1996?
( ) Yes ( ) No
*Students must have the endorsement of a faculty member:
Faculty signature: ____________________________________
Date: ____________________________
Printed name: _______________________________________
Institution: _______________________
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor of Organizational Studies
Responsible for teaching basic and advanced courses in management, organizational behavior, organizational theory, and/or business strategy at the Master's level; research in area(s) of expertise and interests; supervision of doctoral candidates; and interdisciplinary contribution to the research and teaching of other faculty members. Direct inquiries to : Professor Heather A. Haveman, S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management, 507A Malott Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Applicants should have three or more years of academic experience. Applicants should include a vita, together with copies of research papers, course syllabi, and teaching evaluations. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Journal Issue
A special issue of the journal Thinking and Reasoning devoted to
Social Judgment Theory is out as a double issue (Vol. 2 #2/3,
Psychology Press, 27 Church Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3
2FA, UK; (0) 1273-207411; fax: (0) 1273-205612). The table of
by Michael E. Doherty and Jonathan St. B. T. Evans Social Judgement Theory
by Michael E. Doherty and Elke M. Kurz The Methodology of Social Judgement Theory
by Ray W. Cooksey
Social Judgement Theory and Medical Judgement
by Robert S. Wigton
Expert Judgement and Expert Disagreement
by Jeryl L. Mumpower and Thomas R. Stewart Self-insight, Other-insight and Their Relation to Interpersonal Conflict
by Barbara A. Reilly
Man as a Stabiliser of Systems: From Static Snapshots of
Judgement Processes to Dynamic Decision Making
by Berndt Brehmer
Upon Reflection
by Kenneth R. Hammond
"Modern" people have been taught to despise their feelings and put all their faith in their brain when making decisions. On the other hand, uncontrolled emotions can be a major source of irrational behavior. The "optimal" mix of intuition, emotions and rationality may cancel out the worst features of each and enhance the constructive energies of the others, to provide us with a balanced presentation of reality and of ourselves.
This is the motto of a workshop "Intuition, Emotions and Rationality: The Psychology and Art of Decision Making" which will be held at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California on April 27 - May 2, 1997. The workshop is composed of exercises, meditations, discussions and some theory sessions, and will be conducted by Yossi Yassour from the Ruppin Institute in Israel. <>
The Society for Judgment and Decision Making Chicago Hyatt Regency, November 2-4, 1996
Our hospitality suites manager will be
pleased to assist you with all food and
beverage arrangements for your suite.
Please call (312) 616 8840. Meeting and banquet
rooms are also available for larger
The Regency Club provides outstanding
accommodations for vips and those with
discriminating taste. Special elevator keys
allow access to the private Regency Club
floors, literally a hotel within a hotel. The
unique services include a private reception
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morning newspaper, turndown service,
evening hors d'oeuvres, and private honor
Business plan rooms provide 24-hour office
amenities. These amenities include personal
work station, desk phone with computer hook-
up, complimentary 800, local and credit card
calls, and 24-hour access to printer,
photocopier and other business essentials.
Additional complimentary items included
with your room are coffee maker, iron and
ironing board, continental breakfast and
morning newspaper.
Bus transportation to and from O'Hare
international airport and Midway airport is
available via Continental air transport bus
service. Call (312) 454-7800 for current
schedule information.
Group Name: Psychonomic Soc; Judgt/Decn Making Society Meeting 1996
Group Dates: Oct 31-Nov 5, 1996
Conv Code: Jpsy
Guest Name:
Last, First Middle
Arrival Date: Est. Time: Departure Date:
Gold Passport Membership Number & Level:
Sharewith'S Name:
Arrival Date:
Departure Date:
(Please Circle Rate Selection)
Single (1 King Bed) $105 Double (1 King Bed) $105 Double (2 Dbl Beds) $130 Triple (2 Dbl Beds) $155 Suites 1 Bdr State: $950 Regency East $850 Regency West $850 Avenue $565
If Rates Are Not Available, The Next Available Rate Will Be Assigned.
Please Indicate Preference:
_____ Smoking
_____ Non-Smoking
Reservation Guarantee Type:
Hyatt Regency Chicago Reservations: Phone (312) 565-1234 Fax (312) 616-6839 Worldwide Reservations: Phone (800) 233-1234
Society for Medical Decision Making: will be at Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Canada, October 13-16, 1996. For information contact: Elizabeth Paine; Society for Medical Decision Making; The George Washington University; Office of CME; 2300 K Street, NW; Washington, DC 20037 USA; (202) 994-8929.
Society for Computers in Psychology: will be at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, IL, October 31, 1996. For information contact: John H. Krantz, Department of Psychology, Hanover College, P.O. Box 108, Hanover, IN, 47243 USA. (812) 866- 7307, fax: (812) 866-7114, <>
The Psychonomic Society: will be at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, IL, November 1-3, 1996. For information contact: Roger L. Mellgren, Secretary-Treasurer, Dept of Psych, Box 19528, Univ of Texas, Arlington TX 76019-0528 USA, (817) 272-2775, fax: (817) 272-2364, <>
Judgment/Decision Making Society: will be at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, IL, November 2-4, 1996. See inside this issue of the JDM Newsletter for program, registration, and hotel information.
International Conference on the Foundations & Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theory: will be in Mons - Belgium, July 2-5, 1997. The abstract deadline is October 1, 1996. For information contact: Diana Raulier, FUR Conference, FUCAM; Chauss,e de Binche, 151; B-7000 MONS BELGIUM; +32 65 32 32 17; (fax) +32 65 31 56 91; <>
SPUDM-16: will be in Leeds, England, August 18-21, 1997. The abstract deadline is January 31, 1997. For information contact: John Maule; School Business/Econ Studies; Univ of Leeds; 11 Blenheim Terrace; Leeds LS2 9JT UNITED KINGDOM; 44-532 332622; (fax) 44-532 332640; <>
Department of Information & Decision Sciences
Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota
271 19th Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455