The membership of the society has voted to maintain our support of the lobbying efforts by the Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences. The vote was 38 in favor of staying with the Federation and 27 against. Thank you to all who voted in this referendum. Please look to Hal Arkes's comments on page 3, and consider how we can support the efforts of the Federation in supporting us.
It is already time to begin thinking of the next annual meeting to be held in Philadelphia PA, November 22-24, 1997. Please consider sending a submission following the instructions on page 5.
We will be updating the JDM directory soon. Please check the accuracy of your address and other information from last year's directory. You can use the form on page 11 to make any changes to your entry. If you have not done so and while you are at it, send in your dues for 1997.
From the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 President's Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Treasurer's Report - 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1997 J/DM Meeting: Call for Submissions . . . . . . . . . 5 On-Line Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Upcoming Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Dues and Journal Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Hal R. Arkes, President, <>
Barbara Mellers, Past President, <>
Elke Weber, President-Elect, <>
Lola Lopes, 1995-1997, <>
Jonathan Baron, 1997-1998, <>
George Loewenstein, 1997-1999, <>
Colleen Moore, Secretary/Treasurer, <>
Shawn P. Curley
Department of Info. & Decision Sciences
University of Minnesota
271 19th Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 624-6546
FAX: (612) 626-1316
Dues, Addresses & Corrections:
Colleen F. Moore
Psychology Department
University of Wisconsin
1202 W. Johnson St.
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 263-4868
The J/DM Newsletter welcomes submissions from individuals and groups. However, we do not publish substantive papers. Book reviews will be published. If you are interested in reviewing books and related materials, please write to the editor.
There are few ground rules for submissions. The best way to send your contribution is via EMAIL or in an ASCII file on a 3.5" or 5.25" diskette. If you must send hard-copy (e.g., if you are using special graphics or do not have computer access), please submit camera-ready copy. This means that the copy should be typed single-spaced on white 8 1/2 by 11 paper. If possible, use a carbon or film ribbon. Please mail flat -- do not fold.
Advertising Rates: Advertising can be submitted to the editor. Inclusion of the ad and the space given to the ad is at the editor's discretion. The current charge is $75 per page to cover production and mailing costs. Contact Shawn Curley for details. Alternatively, you can use--
Mailing Labels: Some readers may wish to send reprint lists or other material to people listed in the directory. The current charge is $100 for a set of labels. Contact Colleen Moore for details.
Address corrections: Please check your mailing label carefully. Because the J/DM Newsletter is usually sent by bulk mail, copies with incorrect addresses or which are otherwise undeliverable are neither forwarded nor returned. Therefore, we have no way of knowing if copies are delivered. Address changes or corrections should be sent to Colleen Moore.
Subscriptions: Subscriptions are available on a calendar year basis only. Requests for information concerning membership in the Society for Judgment and Decision Making should be sent to Colleen Moore.
Foreign Air Mail: Newsletters to non-US addresses are normally sent as printed matter air mail. For an additional $10 per year, non-US subscribers can have the newsletters sent letter class air mail. To obtain this service, contact Colleen Moore or include $10 and a note with your next dues payment.
In this column I'd like to take care of some practical "business." First, now that the membership has chosen the Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences as its lobbying representative, I think it behooves us to communicate to Federation Executive Director David Johnson any viewpoints we would like to have advanced by his organization. We don't need to remind him of the macro-issues, such as our interest in support for J/DM research. I am more interested in alerting him to various micro-issues which might be known only to subsets of our membership. Such topics might include changes in the National Science Foundation's review process or the fate of the Human Capital Initiative. It's our responsibility to inform David about the issues of interest to the J/DM membership so that his organization can represent us effectively. Please communicate these issues to me so that I can share them with the Board before passing your ideas on to David.
The second business item pertains to the Decision, Risk, and Management Science (DRMS) Program at the National Science Foundation, which is a major source of funding for many J/DM members. The number of submissions has been quite low during the last two rounds. There are two good reasons for you to submit a grant proposal to DRMS now. (1) Your probability of receiving funding is obviously greater when there are fewer competing proposals. (2) In this era of government downsizing, we don't want to give anyone the idea that DRMS can be eliminated without anyone noticing. Any questions about the DRMS program can be directed to its program director, Jon Leland ( The next DRMS deadline is August 15.
Each year the Decision Analysis Section of INFORMS solicits student papers on decision analysis, typically based upon a Ph.D. dissertation or M.S. thesis. These papers are evaluated and one is selected as the winner at the fall INFORMS meeting. If you are a student and interested in submitting a paper for the 1997 competition, please send it to:
Prof. Dennis Buede Department of Systems Engineering, M/S 5A6 George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 USA
by June 30, 1997. The work must be predominately that of the student; faculty members or other mentors can be co-authors if appropriate. The paper should be 25 pages or less, double-spaced in standard Management Science or Operations Research format. Please contact Dennis Buede at (703) 993-1727 or <> if you have any questions.
Balance on January 1, 1996 $ 15,807
Dues $11,700 Conference registration $15,685 Royalties $ 4,525 Mailing labels $ 820 Newsletter ads $ 190 Interest $ 320 TOTAL INCOME $ 33,240
Newsletters (printing and mailing) $ 2,930 1995 dues for Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences $ 4,500 Hourly help $ 480 Office expenses $ 220 Awards and plaques $ 225 1996 conference: Hotel $11,430 Audio-visual services $ 3,413 Speaker expenses $ 614 Executive Board dinner $ 518 Programs & miscellaneous $ 537 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 24,867
Balance on December 31, 1996 $ 24,180
Anticipated Payments (approx.)
1996 Federation dues $ 5,000 1996 Directory $ 3,300 Poster expenses (our share, with Psychonomic Society) $ 1,200
Respectfully submitted,
Irwin Levin
1 March, 1997
NOTE: As of January, 1997, Colleen Moore (University of Wisconsin) takes over the duties of Secretary/Treasurer.
Submission Deadline: July 1, 1997
The J/DM program committee invites proposals for symposia (including teaching forums), individual papers, or posters on any theoretical, empirical, or applied topic related to judgment and decision making. Anyone interested in participating in the program of the 1997 JDM meeting in Philadelphia, November 23-24, should submit materials described below to the appropriate address.
Symposia and papers: Posters: Gretchen Chapman Bill Goldstein Department of Psychology Department of Psychology Busch Campus University of Chicago Rutgers University 5848 S. University Ave. New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Chicago, IL 60637
fax: (908) 445-2263 (attn: Gretchen Chapman)
PLEASE NOTE: E-mail submissions are encouraged.
At the top of each submission, please indicate:
Symposia are usually allotted about 90 minutes each and include 3
or 4 speakers and perhaps a discussant. Submit a 100-200 word
description of the intended theme and format of the session.
Attach a list of intended participants, including for each their
address, phone, and e-mail and a brief description of the topic of
their talk. Please confirm the speaker's willingness to
participate prior to submitting their names. Any topic related to
decision making is welcome, as are proposals for a teaching forum.
Submit a one-page abstract of the paper. You may also include a
copy of a completed paper, but need not. Indicate whether you
would be willing to present your paper as a poster if an
individual paper slot is not available. If so, include a short
100-word version of your abstract.
Submit a short abstract of no more than 100 words (word limit
will be strictly enforced). At least one poster author must be a
J/DM member. You may be the first author on a maximum of 1
poster submission. (If you also submit a paper which is later
"bumped" to a poster, you may present only 1 of the resulting 2
We welcome suggestions and comments about new features.
Alan Cooke <> Alan Schwartz <>
To subscribe, send a message of the form:
subscribe mailing-list YOUR FULL NAME
to the following address:
where mailing-list is
jdm-society for members of the society in general jdm-grads for graduate students (Note: This is a sublist of the entire mailing list. Graduate students receive messages to both lists.)
To send a message to all subscribers (including graduate
send the message to:
To send a message only to graduate students, send the message to:
To cancel your subscription, send a message to the same address
for subscriptions of the form:
unsubscribe mailing-list
The system allows users to store and retrieve book and chapter
references related to the fields of judgment and decision making.
The archive is located at:
For more information send the message "help" to this address.
The J/DM Society now has a set of pages on the World-Wide Web,
providing information about the Society and Society Membership,
upcoming events, all our electronic services (including course
syllabi, easy-to-use forms for subscribing to SJDM mailing lists,
and help with the reference archive), links to related Web sites
that may be of interest to members, copies of the JDM Newsletter
(for society members), and the SJDM directory with links to
members' home pages. The URL (uniform resource locator) for the
Web page is:
This service allows researchers to fill out each other's
questionnaires and surveys, for pilot studies or real data.
Contact Jon Baron, the moderator of the effort
The SJDM newsletters are available on-line and through
email. If you would like to receive text-only versions of the
newsletter via e-mail, subscribe to the "jdm-newsletter" mailing
list. Send mail to:
The message should say:
subscribe jdm-newsletter YOUR FULL NAME
You must be a member of the society in good standing to subscribe to this mailing list.
Call for Papers
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
This is a call for contributions to a special issue of the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making provisionally entitled 'Time and Decision,' to be edited by Daniel Read (University of Leeds) and George Loewenstein (Carnegie Mellon University). The projected publication date is January, 1998. The issue will survey leading-edge research involving the role of time in decision making. We encourage contributions from all researchers investigating the role of time in decision making, including (but not limited to), temporal discounting, choice sequencing and applied issues such as impulsivity, savings and addiction. If you are interested in contributing, please send a brief description of your projected article to Daniel Read at the following address:
Daniel Read Leeds University Business School University of Leeds Leeds, LS2 9JT , UK fax: +44 113 233 2640 email:
Cognition and Emotion
Cognition and Emotion invites contributions to a special issue on Emotion, Cognition, and Decision Making, guest-edited by Norbert Schwarz. Papers may address any issue pertaining to the role of emotions in decision making. The following questions illustrate some relevant themes:
Ad for American Psychological Association
25% off APA dues
For information:
See the hard copy of the newsletter for details.
Membership application for American Psychological Association
See the hard copy of the newsletter for details.
Society for Consumer Psychology: will be at the Hyatt at Capitol Square, Columbus OH, May 2-4, 1997. For information contact: Curtis Haugtvedt; Dept of Marketing; Fisher College of Business; Ohio State University; 1775 College Rd; Columbus, OH 43210-1399 USA; (614) 292-6228; fax: (614) 292-0879; <>; <>.
INFORMS: will be at the Town & Country Hotel, San Diego CA, May 4-7, 1997. For information contact: INFORMS San Diego, P.O. Box 6827, Providence, RI 02940 USA; (401) 274-2525; (800) 343-0062; <>; <>.
American Psychological Society: will be at the Washington Hilton & Towers, Washington DC, May 23-26, 1997. For information contact: Program Committee Chair Arie Kruglanski, (301) 405-5918, fax: (301) 314-9566, <>.
International Conference on Thinking: will be at Singapore, June 1-6, 1997. For information contact: <>; <>.
International Conference on the Foundations & Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theory: will be in Mons - Belgium, July 2-5, 1997. For information contact: Diana Raulier, FUR Conference, FUCAM; Chauss,e de Binche, 151; B-7000 MONS BELGIUM; +32 65 32 32 17; (fax) +32 65 31 56 91; <>
Society for Mathematical Psychology: will be at Indiana University, Bloomington IN, July 31-August 3, 1997. The abstract deadline is April 15, 1997. For information contact: Karen Niggle, Indiana University Conference Bureau, Indiana Memorial Union 671, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA; (812) 855-6449; fax: (812) 855-8077, <>, <>.
Cognitive Science Society: will be Stanford University, Stanford CA, August 7-10, 1997. For information contact: <>; <>.
SPUDM-16: will be in Leeds, England, August 18-21, 1997. For information contact: John Maule; School Business/Econ Studies; Univ of Leeds; 11 Blenheim Terrace; Leeds LS2 9JT UNITED KINGDOM; 44-532 332622; (fax) 44-532 332640; <>
European Mathematical Psychology: will be at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, September 2-5, 1997. The abstract deadline is May 16, 1997. For information contact: Eric Maris; NICI, Dept. of Mathematical Psychology; Univ of Nijmegen; PO Box 9104; 6500 HE Nijmegen, Netherlands; (fax) 31 24 361-6066; <>; <>
Australasian Cognitive Science Society: will be at the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, September 26-28, 1997. The abstract deadline is May 16, 1997. For information contact: Richard Heath; <>
The Psychonomic Society: Philadelphia, PA, November 21-23, 1997.
Judgment/Decision Making Society: Philadelphia, PA, November 22- 24, 1997. See the call for papers on page 5 of the newsletter.
You can now pay your membership dues and order the journals
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and the
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making using the single form
If you want to subscribe to either journal for 1997, just check
the appropriate space(s) below. Do NOT send your journal fees,
you will be billed for the amount by the publishers. Please DO
send your Society membership dues.
For your dues status, please check your label. The date next to your name is the last year for which the database shows you as having paid dues.
If your label shows "1997" or later, you are fully paid. THANK YOU! If it is "1996" then you owe dues of $20 for 1997. If it is "1995" or earlier then you owe back dues ($20 per year) and $20 for 1997. Please act soon, or you will be dropped from the mailing list.
Members residing outside the United States who incur expenses in
getting checks written in U.S. funds have the privilege of paying
in advance for multiple years. The label date should indicate if
you have done this.
Members residing in countries where getting checks written in
U.S. funds is impractical or illegal may apply to the Society for
a free membership. Such members will find a "*" next to their
names on the label.
Please make checks payable to the JUDGMENT/DECISION MAKING
Checks must be in US dollars and payable through a US bank. Mail
the form and check to:
Colleen F. Moore Psychology Department University of Wisconsin 1202 W. Johnson St. Madison, WI 53706
*Students must have endorsement of a faculty member:
Faculty Signature:
Printed Name:
I wish to subscribe to the following for 1997: [The journal will bill you later for the price of subscription at the special Society rates shown]
_____ Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (12 issues, $162 US & Canada, $188 elsewhere) _____ Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (4 issues, $75)
Department of Information & Decision Sciences
Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota
271 19th Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455