The 1998 Directory is being mailed with this newsletter. Please
check your entry and report any errors to Colleen Moore. You can
use the form on page 7 to report corrections. Also note that there is
now a geographical index beginning on p. 47 of the directory. We
hope you find this new feature useful.
As a regular feature, I would like to publish the titles of doctoral
dissertations in the JDM area in this newsletter. I think this would
be a good way to publicize the research of the new members of our
profession and to celebrate our educational efforts. To get this
started, please send me information for dissertations in which you
have been involved, either as the writer or as faculty advisor, over
the last 5 years. Once begun, I will ask you to send titles annually.
I leave it to your discretion to decide whether the dissertation is in
the field of judgment and decision making. For each dissertation
Author, Title, University, Date, (Dissertation Abstracts abstract identification number if available)
My contact information is on page 2 of the newsletter. Please send me this information now while it is on your mind. Let's publicize these important contributions to our field!
Shawn Curley, Editor
From the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Board Nominations Ballot. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 On-Line Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 New Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Upcoming Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Dues and Journal Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Presidents of the JDM Society . . . . . . . . . . 8
Elke Weber, President, <>
Irwin P. Levin, President-Elect, <>
Hal R. Arkes, Past President, <>
Jonathan Baron, 1997-1998, <>
George Loewenstein, 1997-1999, <>
Gretchen Chapman, 1998-2000, <>
Colleen Moore, Secretary/Treasurer, <>
Shawn P. Curley
Department of Info. & Decision Sciences
University of Minnesota
321 19th Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 624-6546
Fax: (612) 626-1316
Colleen F. Moore/JDM
Psychology Department
University of Wisconsin
1202 W. Johnson St.
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 263-4868
The J/DM Newsletter welcomes submissions from individuals and groups. However, we do not publish substantive papers. Book reviews will be published. If you are interested in reviewing books and related materials, please write to the editor.
There are few ground rules for submissions. The best way to send your contribution is via EMAIL or a 3.5" diskette. Send an IBM-compatible text file or word-processed document up to versions WordPerfect 8 or Word 7.0 for Windows 95. If you must send hard-copy (e.g., if you are using special graphics or do not have computer access), please submit camera-ready copy. This means that the copy should be typed single-spaced on white 8 1/2 by 11 paper. If possible, use a carbon or film ribbon. Please mail flat -- do not fold.
Subscriptions: Subscriptions are available on a calendar year basis only. Requests for information concerning membership in the Society for Judgment and Decision Making should be sent to Colleen Moore.
Advertising Rates: Advertising can be submitted to the editor. Inclusion of the ad and the space given to the ad is at the editor's discretion. The current charge is $100 per page to cover production and mailing costs. Contact Shawn Curley for details. Alternatively, you can use--
Mailing Labels: Some readers may wish to send reprint lists or other material to people listed in the directory. The current charge is $125 for a set of labels. Contact Colleen Moore for details. A diskette of the database is available for one-time use. The charge is $50 for commercial use, $25 for nonprofit use
Address corrections: Please check your mailing label carefully. Because the J/DM Newsletter is usually sent by bulk mail, copies with incorrect addresses or which are otherwise undeliverable are neither forwarded nor returned. Therefore, we have no way of knowing if copies are delivered. Address changes or corrections should be sent to Colleen Moore.
Nominations for J/DM Executive Board Members
Please take a few minutes to think about suitable candidates for these positions and send in your nominations. Your participation in this process is very important. Either send in this form or send your nominations to Colleen Moore at the address below.
The Society bylaws provide for election of two officers each year: the President-Elect (who thereafter becomes President, then Past President, and then leaves the Board); and one member of the Executive Board (who serves for three years, and then rotates off). The first step in the process is the nomination of candidates for these posts. This is the task of the membership, i.e., YOU. The election ballot will be mailed in the September issue of the Newsletter.
Please take a moment to think of people that you would like to see leading our Society. You may nominate up to FIVE for the Board, up to TWO for President-Elect. Note that ex-Presidents are not eligible for reelection as President, though they may serve as Board members. (For your information, a list of the society's presidents is on page 8 of this newsletter.) Any Presidential nominations ineligible by this rule will be counted as Board nominations. Please do nominate at least a few candidates--quite modest numbers of nominations have put candidates on the ballot in past years. Also, if you made a nomination for the board in the call for Society volunteers made last December, you do not need to renominate these individuals; their nominations have been recorded.
Nominate up to FIVE people as candidates for the Executive Board:
Nominate up to TWO people as candidates for President-Elect:
Return your nominations to:
J/DM Nominations c/o Colleen Moore Psychology Department University of Wisconsin 1202 W. Johnson St. Madison, WI 53706 USA
or send by e-mail:
We welcome suggestions and comments about new features.
Alan Cooke <> Alan Schwartz <>
To subscribe, send a message of the form:
subscribe mailing-list YOUR FULL NAME
to the following address:
where mailing-list is:
jdm-society for members of the society in general jdm-grads for graduate students (Note: This is a sublist of the entire mailing list. Graduate students receive messages to both lists.)
To send a message to all subscribers (including graduate students), send the message to:
To send a message only to graduate students, send the message to:
To cancel your subscription, send a message to the same address as for subscriptions of the form:
unsubscribe mailing-list YOUR FULL NAME
The system allows users to store and retrieve book and chapter
references related to the fields of judgment and decision making.
The archive is located at:
You can also access the reference archive through the Society's web site (address below). For more information send the message "help" to the e-mail address.
The J/DM Society has a set of pages on the World-Wide Web,
providing information about the Society and Society Membership,
upcoming events, all our electronic services (including course
syllabi, easy-to-use forms for subscribing to SJDM mailing lists,
and help with the reference archive), links to related Web sites that
may be of interest to members, copies of the JDM Newsletter (for
society members), and the SJDM directory with links to members'
home pages. The URL (uniform resource locator) for the Web
page is:
The SJDM newsletters are available on-line and through email. If
you would like to receive text-only versions of the newsletter via
e-mail, subscribe to the "jdm-newsletter" mailing list. Send mail
The message should say:
subscribe jdm-newsletter YOUR FULL NAME
You must be a member of the society in good standing to subscribe to this mailing list.
Decision Making: Cognitive Models and Explanations
Edited y Rob Ranyard (Bolton Institute, UK), W. Ray Crozier
(University of Wales, UK), and Ola Svenson (Stockholm
University, Sweden)
For further information contact Julie Lewis Routledge, 11 New
fetter Lane, London, EC4P 4EE, +44 171 842 2054, fax: +44 171
842 2303, <>.
See the hard copy of the newsletter for more information.
JULY 4-7, 1999
The 5th International Decision Sciences Institute Conference will
be held at the Intercontinental Hotel in Athens, Greece. The
conference theme is: "Integrating Technology and Human
Decisions - Global Bridges into the 21st Century". Deadline for
paper/panel/workshop submissions is October 11, 1998. For more
information, contact either the program chairman, Prof. S. Zanakis,
Florida International University, email: <>; or
the conference co-chairman, Prof. G. Doukidis, Athens University
of Economics and Business email: <>. Extensive
pre- & post-conference tour packages are available. Details about
the conference are available at <>.
Context-Sensitive Decision Support Systems: Bled, Slovenia,
July 13-15, 1998. For information contact: George R. Widmeyer,
University of Michigan Business School, 701 Tappan St., Ann
Arbor, MI 48109-1234 USA, +1 313 763 5808, fax: +1 313 764
3146, <>,
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Univ of Wisconsin Business School, July 24-26, 1998. For information contact: <>, <>.
Cognitive Science Society: Univ of Wisconsin - Madison, August 1-4, 1998. For information about conference registration and housing contact: <>. For society information contact: Colleen Seifert, Univ of Michigan, (313) 764- 4253, fax (313) 763-7480 (aatn: Prof. Seifert), <>, <>.
Society for Mathematical Psychology: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee USA, August 6-9, 1998. For information contact: Sylvia Ruppel, Department of Psychology, 301 Wilson Hall, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240 USA, < >, phone: 1-615-322-0070, fax: 1-615-343-8449, <>.
Society for Medical Decision Making: Hyatt Regency, Cambridge, MA, October 25-28, 1998. For information contact: Society for Medical Decision Making, The George Washington University, Office of CEPH, 2300 K Street NW, Washington DC, 20037 USA, (202) 994-8989, fax; (202) 994-1791, <smdm->, <>.
Society for Computers in Psychology: Wyndham Anatole Hotel, Dallas, Texas, November 19, 1998. For information contact: Dr. Curt Burgess, Department of Psychology, 1419 Life Sciences Bldg, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521-0426 USA; (909) 787-2392; fax: (909) 787-3985, <>, <>.
The Psychonomic Society: Wyndham Anatole Hotel, Dallas, Texas, November 19-22, 1998. For information contact: Roger L. Mellgren, Secretary-Treasurer, Dept of Psychology, Box 19528, University of Texas, Arlington TX 76019-0528 USA, (817) 272- 2775, fax: (817) 272-2364, <>
Society for Judgment and Decision Making: Wyndham Anatole Hotel, Dallas, Texas, November 21-23, 1998. See the March issue of the newsletter for information about submissions. The abstract deadline is July 1, 1998. More details about the meeting will appear in the September issue.
Upcoming JDM Meetings
1999: Los Angeles, November 20-22 2000: New Orleans
For your dues status, please check your label. The date next to your name is the last year for which the database shows you as having paid dues.
If your label shows "1998" or later, you are fully paid. THANK YOU! If it is "1997" then you owe dues of $25 for 1998. (Note the increase this year.) If it is "1996" or earlier then you owe back dues ($20 per year) and $25 for 1998.
Members residing outside the United States who incur expenses in getting checks written in U.S. funds have the privilege of paying in advance for multiple years. The label date should indicate if you have done this. Members residing in countries where getting checks written in U.S. funds is impractical or illegal may apply to the Society for a free membership. Such members will find a "*" next to their names on the label.
Email Address:
1988 Dues:
Member $25 Student* $5
*Students must have endorsement of a faculty member:
Faculty Signature:
Printed Name:
I wish to subscribe to the following for 1998: [The journal will bill you later for the price of subscription at the special Society rates shown]
_____ Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (6 issues, $215 US & Canada, $250 elsewhere) _____ Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (4 issues, $85)
Check/Money Order (Please, no cash); Please make checks
payable to: Society for Judgment and Decision Making.
__ MasterCard
__ American Express
Account Number:
Expiration Date:
If paying by credit card--
Name on credit card: Home Address:
Mail this form to: Colleen F. Moore/JDM; Department of Psychology; University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI 53706
James C. Shanteau 1986-1987 Kenneth R. Hammond 1987-1988 Robyn M. Dawes 1988-1989 Lola L. Lopes 1989-1990 Baruch Fischhoff 1990-1991 Robin M. Hogarth 1991-1992 Daniel Kahneman 1992-1993 J. Frank Yates 1993-1994 Terry Connolly 1994-1995 Barbara Mellers 1995-1996 Hal R. Arkes 1996-1997 Elke Weber 1997-1998 Irwin P. Levin 1998-1999
Department of Information & Decision Sciences
Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota
321 19th Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455