Vol XVII Number 4 October, 1998
The annual meeting is at the Wyndhame Anatole Hotel (for reservation information: (214) 761-7500), Dallas Texas, November 21-23, 1998. A current program, including paper abstracts and abstracts of the Psychonomic Society's JDM sessions, is on pages 5-17 of this newsletter. If you have not registered yet for the meeting, please do so now using the form on p. 18 of the newsletter.
From the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Dissertation Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 From the President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Meeting Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1998 J/DM Meeting: Program Information. . . . . . . 5 1998 J/DM Meeting Registration and 1999 Dues. . . . 18 Position Announcements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 New Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Upcoming Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Elke Weber, President, <weber.211@osu.edu>
Irwin P. Levin, President-Elect, <irwin-levin@uiowa.edu>
Hal R. Arkes, Past President, <arkes@oak.cats.ohiou.edu>
Jonathan Baron, 1997-1998, <baron@psych.upenn.edu>
George Loewenstein, 1997-1999, <gl20+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Gretchen Chapman, 1998-2000, <gbc@rci.rutgers.edu>
Colleen Moore, Secretary/Treasurer, <cfmoore@facstaff.wisc.edu>
Shawn P. Curley
Department of Info. & Decision Sciences
University of Minnesota
321 19th Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 624-6546
Fax: (612) 626-1316
Colleen F. Moore/JDM
Psychology Department
University of Wisconsin
1202 W. Johnson St.
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 263-4868
The J/DM Newsletter welcomes submissions from individuals and groups. However, we do not publish substantive papers. Book reviews will be published. If you are interested in reviewing books and related materials, please write to the editor.
There are few ground rules for submissions. The best way to send your contribution is via EMAIL or a 3.5" diskette. Send an IBM-compatible text file or word-processed document up to versions WordPerfect 8 or Word 97. If you must send hard-copy (e.g., if you are using special graphics or do not have computer access), please submit camera-ready copy. This means that the copy should be typed single-spaced on white 8 1/2 by 11 paper. If possible, use a carbon or film ribbon. Please mail flat do not fold.
Subscriptions: Subscriptions are available on a calendar year basis only. Requests for information concerning membership in the Society for Judgment and Decision Making should be sent to Colleen Moore.
Advertising Rates: Advertising can be submitted to the editor. Inclusion of the ad and the space given to the ad is at the editor's discretion. The current charge is $100 per page to cover production and mailing costs. Contact Shawn Curley for details. Alternatively, you can use--
Mailing Labels: Some readers may wish to send reprint lists or other material to people listed in the directory. The current charge is $125 for a set of labels. Contact Colleen Moore for details. A diskette of the database is available for one-time use. The charge is $50 for commercial use, $25 for nonprofit use
Address corrections: Please check your mailing label carefully. Because the J/DM Newsletter is usually sent by bulk mail, copies with incorrect addresses or which are otherwise undeliverable are neither forwarded nor returned. Therefore, we have no way of knowing if copies are delivered. Address changes or corrections should be sent to Colleen Moore.
More JDM Dissertations, 1994-1998
More titles of doctoral dissertations in the JDM area from the last five years are shown below to add to the list begun in the last issue. Please send information for dissertations in which you have been involved, either as writer or as faculty advisor, since 1994. My contact information is on p. 2 of the newsletter. A listing of all titles that have been sent is also available on the society's web page if you missed the last issue. Congratulations to all those involved!
Shawn Curley, Editor
Austin, Laurel C. (June, 1996). Consumer insurance decisions: An empirical analysis of four real-world decisions. Carnegie Mellon University. Contact advisor (Baruch Fischhoff, <baruch@cmu.edu>) for current information.
Austin, Robert D. (December, 1994). Theories of measurement and dysfunction in organizations. Carnegie Mellon University. Contact advisor (Patrick D. Larkey, <pl15+@andrew.cmu.edu>) for current information.
Byram, Stephanie J. (April, 1998). Breast cancer and mammogram screening: Mental models and quantitative assessments of beliefs. Carnegie Mellon University. Contact advisor (Baruch Fischhoff, <baruch@cmu.edu>) for current information.
Gold, Eric. (January, 1997). The gambler's fallacy. Carnegie Mellon University. Contact advisor (Robyn M. Dawes, <rd1b@andrew.cmu.edu>) for current information.
Kray, Laura J. (1997). Weighting of attributes hypothesis: How
perspective relates to preference
shifts. University of Washington. (UMI #: 9816371). Now at
Northwestern University, <lkray@nwu.edu>.
Zellermayer, Ofer. (December, 1996). The pain of paying. Carnegie Mellon University. Contact advisor (George Loewenstein, <g120@andrew.cmu.edu>) for current information.
A couple of J/DM business items require your attention and consideration before our annual meeting. With Gretchen Chapman rotating off the Program Committee after this year's meeting, the Board will need to appoint a new member to the committee. If you would like to be considered for this assignment (the term is three years), please send me a brief e-mail <weber.211@osu.edu> before our November meeting. For your information, the other current members of the committee are Bill Goldstein (this year's chair), David Budescu (next year's chair), and Maurice Schweitzer.
Secondly, the Board recommends that we amend our society's by- laws in the way described below. Following proper procedure for such amendments, you are being notified of the proposed amendments at least thirty days before the society's meeting. At our membership meeting in Dallas, I will ask you to vote on the proposals. Amendments require the approval of two-thirds of the members present and voting in person at that meeting.
Proposed Amendment #1:
Given the Society's expertise in optimal voting procedures, the Board would like to have the latitude to use a voting procedure different from the currently mandated single-vote per member procedure for our annual elections of President and Executive Board members. Other procedures (e.g., a rank-ordering of preference for all candidates) would less likely lead to (currently not infrequent) ties between candidates. Thus, the Board proposes to change the last sentence of both By-Law Article VI.B (election procedure for Executive Board members) and Article VI.C (election procedure for President) from "Each member may vote for one person named on the ballot." to "Each member may cast one ballot."
Hoping to see you all in Dallas.
Elke Weber
Addition to first poster session, Sunday 3:00-4:30 pm:
P1-40 NSF Funding Opportunities Hal Arkes, Jeryl Mumpower (National Science Foundation) The program officers for the Decision, Risk, and Management Science Program at the National Science Foundation will be present to provide information and answer questions about funding opportunities.
Attention Graduate Students....Attention Graduate Students... Are you attending the J/DM Conference in Dallas? If you are, ditch your advisor on Saturday night and come to the graduate student social.
When: Saturday, November 21 at 9 PM Where: The sports bar in the Wyndham Anatole Hotel Why: Meet fellow grad students and eat FREE APPETIZERS!
Brought to you by the J/DM Graduate Student Social Committee
Society for Judgment and Decision Making
Annual Meeting Schedule
November 21-23, 1998
Wyndham Anatole Hotel
Dallas, Texas
Psychonomics Sessions, J/DM board dinner & board meeting, Graduate Student Social Event
8:30-9:00 Registration & Continental Breakfast 9:00-10:40 Two Symposia in Parallel 10:40-11:10 Break 11:10-12:25 Two Paper Sessions in Parallel 12:25-1:30 Lunch 1:30-2:00 Einhorn Award Address 2:00-3:00 Invited Address by Robert Winkler 3:00-4:30 Poster Session I 4:30-5:45 Two Paper Sessions in Parallel 5:45-7:15 Poster Session II and Reception
8:00-9:00 Business Meeting & Continental Breakfast 9:00-10:40 Two Paper Sessions in Parallel 10:40-11:10 Break 11:10-12:10 Invited Address by Alvin E. Roth 12:15-1:45 Luncheon Student Poster Award Winner announced Presidential Address by Elke U. Weber 1:45-3:25 Two Symposia in Parallel 3:25 AdjournYou can also visit http://www.sjdm.org/programs/98program.html for the complete program with abstracts of talks, and http://www.sjdm.org/programs/98posters.html for poster abstracts.
This form allows you to: (1) register for the 1998 annual meeting, (2) pay your 1999 dues, and (3) order two decision making journals for 1999 at a member discount rate. You may use the form for any one of these; but, doing all at once saves paperwork and should be more convenient for you.
FAX: ( ) EMAIL: ___ Address on label is correct ___ This is a new address Member Student* Non-Member Meeting registration fee $ 90.00 $45.00 $100.00 ___ Check here if you wish to have a vegetarian meal for presidential banquet on Monday at noon. Late registration (After November 1) $115.00 $57.00 $125.00 1999 Dues (including Newsletter) $ 25.00 $ 5.00 Past dues (please check label for the last year for which you paid) ________ ________ TOTAL ________ ________ ________
Note: Registration includes coffee breaks, continental breakfasts (Sunday, Monday), and the Monday lunch. Dues are separate from registration fees. If you want to subscribe to either of the following journals for 1998, just check the appropriate space(s). Do NOT send your journal fees, you will be billed for the amount by the publishers. Please DO send your Society membership dues and meeting registration money.
I wish to subscribe to the following for 1999: [The journal will bill you later for the price of subscription at the special Society rate. The rates for 1998 are shown to give an indication of the approximate amounts.]
______ Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (6 issues, 1998 prices: $215 US & Canada, $250 elsewhere) ______ Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (4 issues, 1998 price: $85)
*Students must have the endorsement of a faculty member:
Faculty signature: Date: Printed name: Institution:
___Check/Money Order (Please, no cash); Please make checks
payable to: Society for Judgment and Decision Making.
___ MasterCard ____VISA ____American Express
Account Number: Signature: Expiration Date (month/year): If paying by credit card, please provide: Name on credit card: Home Address:
Mail this form to: Colleen F. Moore/JDM; Department of Psychology; University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI 53706.
DEPARTMENT CHAIR: The Department of Psychology at Iowa
State University invites applications from outstanding scholars for the
position of Department Chair and Professor of Psychology. The
department has a budgeted FTE of approximately 30 faculty and has
Ph.D. programs in human experimental psychology, social
psychology, and counseling psychology (APA accredited). The
department is in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and has 575
majors and 65 graduate students. Because of impending retirements
and a highly favorable atmosphere for continued growth, the
incoming chair will have an opportunity to build on the department's
strengths. The successful candidate will have demonstrated academic
leadership and have a strong scholarly record. The chair is expected
to maintain a strong research program while administering the
department. Preference may be given to applicants whose scholarship
complements existing graduate programs. A proposed starting date
of July 1, 1999, is negotiable. Salary is highly competitive and
commensurate with experience. Review of applications will begin
January 1, 1999, and continue until the position is filled. Send cover
letter of application, CV, and names and addresses of four references
to Gary L. Wells, Psychology Department, Iowa State University,
Ames, IA 50011-3180.
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: The Psychology Department at Iowa State University invites applications for a tenure-track (tenured) position in Cognitive Psychology to begin August 1999. While the position is designated at the rank of Assistant Professor, more senior level individuals may also be considered. The successful candidate will have a record of publications in refereed psychology journals and evidence of teaching potential commensurate with experience. Applicants in all areas of cognitive psychology will be considered with some preference for candidates who have a background in cognitive development or human judgment-decision making. A research-friendly teaching load involving graduate and undergraduate instruction creates a favorable situation for a productive career. Review of applications will begin November 20, 1998, and continue until the position is filled. Send a cover letter describing research and teaching interests, vita, relevant (p)reprints and three letters of reference to: Michael W. O'Boyle, Chair of the Cognitive Search Committee, Department of Psychology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3180.
Iowa State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to apply. <http://psych-server.iastate.edu>
Bowling Green State University is seeking applicants for a
tenure-track assistant professor position in cognitive science
beginning August 1999. Qualifications include (a) Ph.D. in psychology
or related area, (b) specialization in adaptive cognition
(preferred); candidates with an interest in decision making or
scientific thinking are strongly encouraged to apply, (c) potential for
research, publication, and external research/contract funding within
the field, and (d) a strong interest in both undergraduate and graduate
teaching. Responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate
teaching, research and publication, external grantsmanship,
supervision of master's and doctoral level students, and active
participation in departmental programs and service activities. Our 32
member department offers numerous opportunities for
cross-specialization collaboration and has excellent teaching and
research facilities. BGSU is an AA/EEO employer and encourages
applications from women, minorities, veterans, and persons with
disabilities. Send vita, three current letters of reference, statements
of research interests and teaching philosophy, and a transcript
showing highest degree by November 15, 1998 to: Faculty Search
Committee, Cognitive Science, Department of Psychology, Bowling
Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. Additional
information on the department, faculty, and facilities can be found by
visiting our World Wide Web site at
Johnson Graduate School of Management
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor of Organizational Studies. Responsible for teaching basic and advanced courses in management and organizational behavior at the Master's level; research in area(s) of expertise and interests; supervision of doctoral candidates; and interdisciplinary contribution to the research and teaching of other faculty members. Direct inquiries to: Professor L. Joseph Thomas, S. C. Johnson Graduate School of Management, 348 Sage Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-6201. Applications should include a vita, together with copies of research papers, course syllabi, and teaching evaluations. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
The Management and Policy Department at the University of Arizona
is recruiting for a tenure-track opening, starting fall 1999. Several
current members of the Department (Lisa Ordonez, Lehman Benson,
Lee Beach, Amnon Rappoport, Terry Connolly) have strong JDM
interests, and candidates with primary interest in JDM are strongly
encouraged to apply. The position announcement, along with lots of
other background on the Department and the University, is posted on
our Web site <www.arizona.edu/~mapol> or, of course, contact us
directly either by email or at the JDM Meeting in Dallas. We start
applicant review November 1.
Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Better Decisions
To make the concepts underlying decision analysis accessible to a non-technical broad audience, John S. Hammond, Ralph L. Keeney, and Howard Raiffa have just published a new book titled Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Better Decisions (Harvard Business School Press). They wrote Smart Choices to spread the knowledge that decision analysts and decision researchers have obtained over the past fifty years to anyone interested in improving his or her decision-making and to greatly increase the application of these ideas.
The book presents a clear process and a set of user-friendly techniques for making smart choices. The process is consistent with decision analysis, in that it addresses the same elements: problem, objectives, alternatives, consequences, tradeoffs, uncertainty, risk tolerance, and linked decisions. However, most decisions worthy of systematic thought do not require a formal or complete decision analysis, rather careful thinking about one or two of these elements. Smart Choices guides this thinking.
To people interested in decision-making, Smart Choices offers
(1) a relatively simple way to introduce and motivate the concepts of
prescriptive decision-making for their students, family members, and
clients; (2) easy-to-understand and easy-to-use techniques for
implementing these ideas on personal
or professional decisions; and (3) a book that has the basic foundation
for any course on decision-making. Instructors can build on it by
going into depth on specific topics of their choosing.
Hammond is a decision-making consultant and former professor at the Harvard Business School. Keeney is a professor at University of Southern California and the decision-making consultant. Raiffa is a pioneer in developing decision and negotiating analysis and professor emeritus at the Harvard Business School.
A one day symposium to be held at University College London on
Friday 13th November, 1998
This is part of the ESRC funded Seminar Series on Risk,
Reasoning and Decision Making (grant held at City University,
London, U.K.).
Cost 12 pounds (to cover lunch, coffee etc.). Cheques made
payable to "University College London"
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Scott Armstrong (University of
Pennsylvania, USA) "Principles for Making Judgmental Inputs to
Forecasting;" Michael Lawrence (University of New South Wales,
Australia) "Judgemental time series forecasting with domain
ALSO PRESENTING: Paul Goodwin (University of the West of
England, UK) "Improving the Voluntary Integration of Statistical
Forecasts and Judgment;" George Wright (Strathclyde Graduate
Business School, UK) "Scenario thinking versus subjective
probability forecasting;" Gulnur Muradoglu (Bilkent University,
TR) "Portfolio Managers' Forecasts of Risk and Return: Are there
predictable errors?" Mary Wilkie-Thomson (Glasgow Caledonian
University, UK) "The Influence of Trend Strength on Directional
Probabilistic Currency Predictions;" Andrew Pollock (Glasgow
Caledonian University, UK) "Deriving Short Term Estimated
Probabilities from Daily Exchange Rate Movements;" Fergus
Bolger (Erasmus University, Rotterdam, NL) "The effects of
feedback on judgmental probability forecasts from time series;"
Bart Kamp (Tilburg University, NL) "The impact of financial ratio
adjustments to bond rating modeling;" Nigel Harvey and Clare
Harries (University College London, UK) "Forecasters' Use and
Assessment of Advice;" Ekkehard Stephan, (Erasmus University,
Rotterdam, NL) "Anchoring and Adjustment in Economic
For more information, and to register for the symposium, contact
Dr. Clare Harries, Department of Psychology, University College
London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT;
<clare.harries@ucl.ac.uk>, fax: 44 (0) 171 436 4276 (Marked FAO
Clare Harries), <http://www.psychol.ucl.ac.uk/clare/web.html>.
FUR IX - 9th International Conference on the Foundations
& Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theory
Theory and Decision announces that the 9th conference on the foundations and applications of utility, risk and decision theory will be held in Marrakesh (Morocco) on June 1-4, 1999, under the joint auspices of the Universit, Cadi Ayyad (Marrakesh, Morocco) and the Ecole Normale Sup,rieure de Cachan (Cachan, France). The meeting will bring together experts in the Decision Sciences from Economics, Management Science, Finance, Mathematics, Psychology and Philosophy. Topics of particular interest will be:
-Risk and uncertainty modeling -Experiments in game theory and the decision sciences -Preference modeling, Bounded rationality, Multicriteria decision making -Game theory, negotiation and group decision -General and environmental risk management -Cognitive processes and interactive decision making -Methodology and philosophy of the social sciences
as well as their main implications in industry, finance, insurance, marketing, corporate behavior, natural ressources management, medical decisions, social security, negotiation management, etc...
Those wishing to contribute a paper at the meeting should submit a
two page abstract with indication of the author's e-mail address
and/or fax number, before January 15, 1999 to : Pr. B. Munier,
Program Committee, F.U.R. IX, G.R.I.D., Ecole
Normale Superieure De Cachan, 94235 CACHAN
Cedex, France; <fur9@grid.ens-cachan.fr>.
Further details can be found at
in cooperation with Sonderforschungsbereich 504
University of Mannheim, Germany, August 9 11, 1999
Organizing Committee
Jos, Kerstholt (TNO Human Factors Research Institute, The
Joop van der Pligt (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
George Wu (University of Chicago, USA)
Martin Weber (University of Mannheim, Germany)
Call for Papers
The bi-annual SPUDM Conference sponsored by the European
Association of Decision Making will take place in Mannheim, Germany,
from August 9 11, 1999. Papers are invited in any area of decision
making or a related field, and may be presented within a symposium or
by submitting an individual paper.
To submit a Symposium
Symposia are sessions to present and extensively discuss papers on
closely related topics. Symposia are allotted 120 minutes each and must
include 4 speakers and 2 discussants. Submit a title, a 100-200 word
description of the intended theme of the symposium. Attach a list of
intended participants including participants' phone number, address and
email address and a brief description (100 words) of the topic of his or
her talk. Please confirm the speakers' willingness to participate prior to
submitting their names. For questions, contact Joop van der Pligt:
To submit an Individual Paper
Submit: (1) a one-page abstract of the paper of 200 words (word limit
will be strictly enforced). (2) Indicate whether you would be willing to
present your paper as a poster if an individual paper slot is not available.
To submit a Poster
Submit a short abstract of no more than 100 words (word limit will be
strictly enforced). You can be the first author on at most one individual
paper and on one poster.
All submissions should be done via our webpage
<http://www.spudm99.uni-mannheim.de>. In case the web is not available
to you, contact us for paper forms via Mrs. Jutta Bender, University of
Mannheim, Sonderforschungsbereich 504, 68131 Mannheim, Germany;
Time Table
Symposia: January 11 Talks: February 15 Acceptance Symposia: around Febr. 5 Talks: around April 1
Early registration before June 15, 1999.
Registration Fees: SPUDM members Non members Faculty DM 240 DM 300 Students DM 120 DM 180
A reduction for participants from Eastern Europe is possible.
Additional late fee after June 15, 1999 for all: DM 75.
The registration fee includes the welcome reception on the evening of
Sunday, August 8th, all lunches, refreshments during the coffee breaks,
and a conference trip to Heidelberg.
Please register only via our web-page <http://www.spudm99.uni-mannheim.de>.
Selected proceedings will be published as a special issue of Acta
Psychologica. Publication date: August 2000. Further information
about the submission procedure will be provided at a later stage
SFB 504
The University of Mannheim is the home of a large program
project (Sonderforschungsbereich) sponsored by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (German National Science Foundation).
Established in 1997, the Sonder-forschungsbereich 504 (SFB 504)
forms a research network that links the Departments of Business
Administration, Economics, and Social Sciences. The research
within the SFB 504 concentrates on concepts of rationality,
decision making, and economic modelling.
A central facility within the SFB 504 is the experimental laboratory
which hosts up to 20 participants and which is connected to the
internet. If you plan to demonstrate experiments or experimental
software during the conference within the lab of the SFB please contact
Oliver Kirchkamp <http://www.sfb504.uni-mannheim.de/~kirchkamp>.
Travel Award
The Sonderforschungsbereich provides up to 10 travel grants for
Ph.D. students from outside Germany. Each grant contributes up to
DM 1000 to the travel expenses. If you would like to apply, please
submit a (preliminary) paper (not only an abstract), a vita and a
short letter from your advisor. Please send your material to:
University of Mannheim, Sonderforschungsbereich 504, 68131
Mannheim, Germany, and make sure that the material arrives by February 15th,
1999. In addition you have to submit the paper via the web.
Hotel Accommodation
Our travel agent Hapag Lloyd has reserved a number of rooms to
accommodate conference participants at rates considerably lower
than standard rates. You can reserve a room when you register.
If you have questions concerning your hotel reservation, please contact our travel agent: HAPAG LLOYD, Seckenheimer Landstrasse 170, D-68163 Mannheim; (++49) 621 4188 260; Fax (++49) 621 4188 265; <mhggt1@compuserve.com>.
Optional Program
Sunday, August 8th, 1999, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: trip to the
Ungeheuer See (Monster Lake), Palatinate. The monster lake is a
drying up lake with an interesting protected flora. Its name has
nothing do to with the legendary Loch Ness" - the biggest
monsters in our Monster Lake are frogs. Directly situated on the
lake is a romantic cabin where hearty food and good wines are
being served. Expect a beautiful two hour hike through the
Palatinate Forest FANTASTIC DON`T MISS. (DM 10)
Wednesday, August 11th , 1999, 7:00 p.m.: Conference Dinner, location to be announced (DM 75)
Thursday, August 12th, 1999: Day trip by boat on the river Rhine, including the bus transfer and brunch on the boat. You will pass by the famous Loreley Rock (watch closely the water nymph sitting there and combing her long blond hair to confuse the boatmen and you) and numerous castles. In St. Goarshausen you can spend some free time in the afternoon. For this trip a minimum participation of 30 persons is required. (DM 130), or
Thursday, August 12th, 1999, 9:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m.: Tour of BASF Ludwigshafen with free lunch. With sales in excess of DM 55 billion, BASF is one of the leading companies in the chemical industry. Their products range from natural gas, oil and basic chemical products through innovative intermediates to specialties, high value-added chemicals, crop protection products and pharmaceuticals. With 350 production plants, hundreds of laboratories and 44.400 employees BASF is the largest employer in the area. (DM 6)
Society for Computers in Psychology: Wyndham Anatole Hotel, Dallas, Texas, November 19, 1998. For information see: <http://www.lafayette.edu/allanr/scip.html>.
The Psychonomic Society: Wyndham Anatole Hotel, Dallas, Texas, November 19-22, 1998. For information contact: Roger L. Mellgren, Secretary-Treasurer, <mellgren@uta.edu>
Society for Judgment and Decision Making: Wyndham Anatole Hotel, Dallas, Texas, November 21-23, 1998. See this issue of the newsletter for program and registration information.
American Psychological Society: Adam's Mark Denver Hotel, Denver, CO, June 3-6, 1999. Abstract deadline: April 30, 1999. For information contact: Richard McFall, Indiana University, (812) 855-0349, fax (812) 855-4691, <mcfall@ucs.indiana.edu>, or see <http://www.psychologicalscience.org>.
International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and their Applications: Universiteit Gent, Ghent, Belgium, June 30-July 2, 1999. Submission deadline: January 31, 1999. For information contact: ISIPTA '99 Secretariat, p/a Gert de Cooman, Universiteit Gent, Onderzoeksgroep YteMS, Technologiepark 9, 9052 Zwijnaarde, Belgium; +32 (0) 9-264.56.53; fax +32 (0) 9- 264.58.40; <isipta99@ensmain.rug.ac.be>; or see <http://ensmain.rug.ac.be/~ipp>.
Upcoming JDM Meetings
1999: Los Angeles, November 20-22 2000: New Orleans
Department of Information & Decision Sciences
Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota
321 19th Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455