TIMELY, LIVELY, AND CREATIVE Decision Science News just received the new copy of Marketing Science in the mail and must confess, it is great. Where to start: Timely: It kicks off with an editorial that connects the science of marketing to the financial crisis, addressing a topic that is on the mind of many readers. […]
HOW WE THINK ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL DECISIONS Decision Science researchers Elke Weber and Dave Krantz of Columbia University feature prominently in the recent New York Times article Why Isn’t The Brain Green?. Excerpt: Over the past few decades a great deal of research has addressed how we make decisions in financial settings or when confronted with […]
EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE AMA INTERVIEWS (2009 edition) PhD students in Marketing, Psychology, and Economics are now gearing up to get their “packets” ready to mail out by the fourth of July in the hopes of lining up interviews at the annual AMA Summer Educator’s Conference. Each year DSN reprints this […]
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WHAT DECISION SCIENCE NEWS HAS LEARNED ABOUT JET LAG Since Decision Science News moved to London in 2005, its numerous staff have many trips between the US and Europe. In all of this going back and forth, the DSN staff has figured out how to completely beat transatlantic jet lag. The secret is realizing that […]