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MAX PLANCK POSTDOCS IN DECISION MAKING IN ECONOMICS, LAW, OR PSYCHOLOGY The International Max Planck Research School on Adapting Behavior in a Fundamentally Uncertain World (Uncertainty-School) combines approaches from Economics, Law and Psychology to explain human decisions under uncertainty more effectively and to better design institutional responses. The Uncertainty- School is jointly hosted by the […]
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DEPARTMENT OF OPERATIONS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PROFESSORSHIP Department of Operations and Information Management The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania The Operations and Information Management Department at the Wharton School is home to faculty with a diverse set of interests in decision-making, information technology, information-based strategy, operations management, and operations research. We are seeking applicants for a […]
DIFFERENT PEOPLE USE DIFFERENT HEURISTICS: START IDENTIFYING STRATEGIES Decision Science News does not like arguments that ‘people’, on average, do (or do not) use a certain decision making strategy. If half the people use the strategy, and half do not, on average it looks like everyone does a little bit, even when the average is […]
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LAND OF MYSTERIOUS REPETITION Decision Science News used to think of Bulgaria as a haven for cheap skiing, but has recently learned that it is the land of magical coincidences. On September 6th, the winning lBulgarian ottery numbers were 4, 15, 23, 24, 35 and 42 Amazing? Hardly. But on the very next play of […]