HOW MANY GAMES WAS THAT? AlphaZero is a reinforcement learning (RL) progam that can take a game like chess and given only the rules, can play games against itself and learn how to win. According to several articles, it learned from scratch and surpassed human knowledge of chess in four hours. Specifically, it beat the […]
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AT DUKE UNIVERSITY, APPLICATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 19, 2018 From the evening of Sunday, June 17 to the morning of Saturday, June 30, 2018, the Russell Sage Foundation will sponsor the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science, to be held at Duke University. The purpose of the Summer Institute is to bring together graduate students, postdoctoral […]
A COMPETITION FOR THE BEST IDEAS TO IMPROVE FINANCIAL SECURITY Behavioral economists and financial services firms may be interested in The Financial Inclusion Challenge new competition. Financial security is beyond the reach of millions of Americans. Nearly one-fourth of adults can’t pay their monthly bills, and roughly the same number have little or no access […]
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DEADLINE SOON, BUT ONLY A SHORT ABSTRACT NEEDED The 56th Edwards Bayesian Research Conference will be held March 1-3, 2018, on the campus of California State University, Fullerton. Presentations at this conference may come from any area related to judgment and decision making and are NOT limited to Bayes theorem or Bayesian statistics. Submissions are […]
WINNERS GET TO BE CO-AUTHORS ON THE PAPER Ori Plonsky, Reut Apel, Ido Erev, Eyal Ert, and Moshe Tennenholtz announce You are invited to participate in the 2018 choice prediction competition (CPC18) for human decision making. The main goal of this competition is to improve our understanding of the ways by which behavioral decision research […]