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Stop overeating with a turn of the wrist

Filed in Gossip ,Ideas ,Tools


Decision Science News was having dinner with Shlomo Benartzi recently, not far from his beloved Four Seasons Hotel in New York. At the end of the meal, a chocolate souffle was ordered. Halfway through the souffle, Benartzi asked “would you like any more of this?” Decision Science News declined and watched as Benartzi took the peppermill in hand and peppered the souffle. The website was thinking that this might be interesting to taste, but then salt was added to the mix.

“There,” grinned Shlomo, “now we won’t eat too much. A little trick I learned.”

DSN appreciates learning of a new commitment device, but does find it strange that somewhere inside the present self, the future self can still obtain and operate condiment dispensers.


  1. Fitness plan charges you more for working out less | Decision Science News says:

    […] OTHER DSN POSTS ON COMMITMENT DEVICES Stop overeating with a turn of the wrist […]

    February 14, 2011 @ 1:11 am

  2. Piers Steel says:

    Neat idea, though a little long in the tooth. There are already lenghty posts that explores the idea of “Food Destruction.”


    February 14, 2011 @ 1:19 pm

  3. dan says:

    Piers, I’m not going to push back because you used the word tooth in a comment about eating. Bravo!

    February 14, 2011 @ 3:05 pm

  4. How To Do What You Want: Akrasia and Self-Binding | Beeminder Blog says:

    […] Dumping salt and pepper on the rest of your dessert. […]

    February 15, 2011 @ 3:09 pm

  5. Innocentive $10k Challenge: Increasing People’s Ability to Start and Stay on Task | Beeminder Blog says:

    […] Dumping salt and pepper on the rest of your dessert […]

    May 3, 2012 @ 4:37 pm

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