In Tilburg, they (still) know how to live
Recall what DSN recently said about Tilburg:
Decision Science News recently visited the Marcel Zeelenberg, Diederik Stapel, Gideon Keren and the gang (which is a very impressive gang indeed) at Tilburg in the Netherlands. It left with the impression that its other visitors (another very impressive gang) had–that this is a first rate place to work in psychology and behavioral economics, as well as one in which the people there really know how to live. Savoir faire, joie de vivre, they have it all. Why stay where you are with happiness level X when you could apply to Tilburg and, if you make it, achieve happiness level 2X? Interested? Read on:
It’s “good news for you” time because now at the Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, they are looking for:
Two Assistant/Associate professors in Organizational-, Economic- or Social Psychology, Tenure Track (full time), UVT-INT-2010-0280
The job
Members of the Department of Social Psychology supervise students and teach a variety of modules at both Bachelors and Masters level and participate in the two-year Research Master, covering a variety of significant topics from Social Psychology, Economic Psychology and Work & Organisational Psychology. The overarching research program of the Department of Social Psychology is Social Decision Making. The Department of Social Psychology participates in the interdisciplinary research institute TIBER, the Tilburg Institute for Behavioral Economics Research, devoted to studying the psychological processes underlying individual choice and economic decision making from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The professors will work in the area of organizational psychology, economic psychology or social psychology. The tasks are:
– Conducting empirical research fitting the research program of the Department
– Writing articles in high quality scientific journals
– Teaching courses (in Dutch or English) in Organizational Psychology or Economic Psychology or other courses offered by the department, on the BSc and MSc level
– Supervising individual student projects at BSc
– and MSc -level.
Your profile
The candidate has the following qualifications:
– PhD in Psychology or related areas
– Passionate researcher/teacher
– High quality publications in scientific journals
– Experience and affinity with teaching in the area of Psychology
– Profound knowledge of English
– For non-Dutch candidates: readiness to learn Dutch
Employment terms and conditions
For the tenure track there is a four-year contract, with the possibility of tenure thereafter. The salary for the position of an Assistant Professor on a full-time basis ranges between € 3195 and € 4970,- gross per month (various allowances are not included). For the Associate Professor position the salary on a full-time basis ranges between € 4428,- and € 5920,- gross per month (various allowances are not included).
The Department of Social Psychology is an intellectually exciting and productive group, advancing fundamental understanding in the areas of social, economic and work & organisational psychology, whilst also contributing to effective practice in organizations and society. The basic and applied research of the department is highly recognized both nationally and internationally.
Information and Application
Additional information about Tilburg University and the Department of Social Psychology can be retrieved from:
Specific information about the vacancy can be obtained from Marcel Zeelenberg, professor of Economic Psychology, Tilburg University, P.O.Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands, telephone +31134668276, e-mail
Applications, including a curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation, and two recent (forthcoming) publications) should be send, before December 1, 2010 to Hans Dieteren, Managing Director Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences. This is only possible by using the link below.