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Advances in Decision Analysis Conference, June 16-18, 2014, Washington, DC

Filed in Conferences



What: Advances in Decision Analysis Conference
Where: Georgetown, University McDonough School of Business, Washington DC
When: 16-18 June, 2014
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 5, 2014

We are pleased to announce that registration are now open for Advances in Decision Analysis, the first stand-alone conference organized by the Decision Analysis Society. The conference will be held June 16-18, 2014, hosted by the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. This research-focused conference will strengthen and broaden the decision analysis community. The conference aims to promote the development of a body of work fit for the Decision Analysis Journal and the Decision Analysis areas in Management Science and Operations Research. The conference will provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussions, including researchers in statistics, economics, psychology, and other decision- making related disciplines with a prescriptive focus.

We are pleased to announce that Professor Bob Winkler of the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University will offer the opening plenary.

Details on additional speakers, extended abstract submission and registration will be available soon on the conference website: https://www.informs.org/Community/DAS/DAS-Conference

We hope you will join the first Advances in Decision Analysis conference to enjoy a stimulating research conference and the sights of Washington DC!

General Chair: Jason Merrick (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Local Chairs: Robin Dillon-Merrill (Georgetown University), Casey Lichtendahl (University of Virginia)
Steering Committee: Robin Keller (University of California, Irvine), Jim Smith (Duke University), Rakesh Sarin and Kevin McCardle (University of California, LA) Organizing Committee: Yael Grushka-Cockayne (University of Virginia), Victor Jose (Georgetown University), Philippe Delquié (George Washington University)

Conference Hotel
We encourage everyone to stay at the Georgetown University Hotel and Conference Center, 2800 Reservoir Road NW, Washington DC 20052 (adjoining the McDonough School of Business). For reservations and further details: http://www.acc-guhotelandconferencecenter.com/. Mention that you are with the DAS conference and the rate is $189.00 per night.

Submitting Conference Abstracts
We are now accepting abstracts focusing on statistics, economics, psychology, and other decision-making related disciplines with a prescriptive focus. Submissions will undergo a peer-review process. Those not selected for presentation may be invited to present a poster. Submission URL: https://informs.emeetingsonline.com/emeetings/ctbpaperlogin.asp?mmnno=254

General Information
*Submission deadline: Wednesday, March 5, 2014
*Notification of acceptance: March 17, 2014
*Abstract length must not exceed 200 characters (including spaces), and a one page extended abstract in PDF format must also be uploaded. If you choose, you can upload a full paper in PDF form instead of the one-page abstract, but this is not required.
*You are permitted only ONE abstract as a presenting author (speaker). You can be a co-author on other abstracts.
*As the presenting author, you are expected to present the work at the conference.
*All attendees must register and pay the registration fee.
*Early registration deadline is 5/23.

Conference Registration


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