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AMA Summer Educators’ Conference

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Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the AMA Academic Council (the leadership group of the AMA Academic Division), I want to take this opportunity to welcome you to the home page for the 2004 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, which is taking place August 6-9 at the Boston Marriott Copley Place.

Conference co-chairs Ken Bernhardt, Jim Boles, and Pam Ellen, all of Georgia State University, along with an outstanding group of track chairs, have assembled a program that can only be described as truly superb. The theme of the conference is “Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing,” and this theme is well-supported by the sessions within the program.

In particular, a number of special sessions feature multiple perspectives from practitioners, academicians, and policy makers, focusing on issues that are the subject of contemporary debate and research in marketing. For example, in an opening session one firm, VIA, will discuss how they practice integrated brand building. Another session features a panel of industry experts examining the topic of marketing metrics to reinforce what we are finding from our own research and teaching—marketing performance does indeed matter and the use of such performance metrics is becoming increasingly important.

On the customer side, several sessions will address the issues of customer loyalty and customer relationship management (CRM). Another session focuses on the important subject of privacy from three different perspectives: industry, academia, and public policy making.

Overall, the conference offers programming that is of strong interest to marketers across a wide spectrum of specializations. As you peruse the program, you will immediately notice the richness of topics and impressive array of scholars representing both the paper and panel sessions. A variety of SIG-sponsored sessions add great value to the program by promoting opportunities for networking with colleagues who share similar interests.

After reviewing the program that Ken, Jim, Pam, and the track chairs have assembled, I’m sure you will agree that the 2004 Summer Educators’ Conference is a high value-adding event for marketing academicians. I hope you will join us in Boston.

Best Wishes,
Greg W. Marshall, President
AMA Academic Division

For more information see http://ecommerce.ama.org/summered/

Conference Co-Chairs
Kenneth L. Bernhardt, Georgia State University
James S. Boles, Georgia State University
Pam Scholder Ellen, Georgia State University


Consumer Behavior
Peter A. Dacin, Queens University

Global and Cross-Cultural Marketing
Jerome Williams, University of Texas at Austin

Societal, Public Policy and Ethical Issues
Debra J. Ringold, Willamette University

Marketing Communications as Integrated Brand Building
Chris T. Allen, University of Cincinnati

E-Commerce and Technology
V. Kumar, University of Connecticut
Rajkumar Venkatesan, University of Connecticut

Product Management/New Product Development/Entrepreneurship
Anthony Di Benedetto, Temple University

Channels of Distribution/Retailing/Supply Chain Management
David Gilliland, Colorado State University
Stephen Kim, Oregon State University

Business-to-Business Marketing and Organizational Buying Behavior
Michael D. Hutt, Arizona State University
Beth Walker, Arizona State University

Marketing Research/Marketing Intelligence
Charlotte Mason, University of North Carolina

Marketing Strategy/Marketing Management
Rohit Deshpande, Harvard Business School

Sales and Sales Management
John (Jeff) F. Tanner Jr., Baylor University

Service Marketing
Scott Kelley, University of Kentucky

Marketing Education/Teaching Innovation
William D. Perreault, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

SIG Session Coordinators
Gloria Barczak, Northeastern University
Fareena Sultan, Northeastern University


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